Interview One

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Interview One“Many years in training. Many years in nursing. What are you doing now?” “Interviewing,” a most condescending tone used to reply to my aphoristic question. Yet I am not phased by the woman’s disregard for offering annoyance. It’s attitude, yes. But it is attitude which I seek. The net used in her case has been a classified ad posted three times on a website I knew Nurse Margaret Heinrik would eventually visit. I had to delete hundreds of replies before she finally responded. But I now have my ‘fish’. Fortyish, actually 43 since her date of birth is on her resume, Nurse Margaret is really no longer a nurse, having lost her license. I’m not going to return the ‘attitude’ by informing her that I know that... not yet. As stated information can empower, and in confabulating with this imposing woman, one needs to be empowered. Five foot eight, an acceptably pleasing 140 pounds, Nurse Margaret... ‘call me Peggy’, as she stated in beginning her condescension... is not physically imposing. Though handsome, there is lack of concern for appearance with no interest in attempting to allure the male gender. Overall, it’s her stern demeanor and lack of social grace that makes an impression. My posted ad ostensibly seeks a person with skills needed for home care, the long term care of an aging relative. A position known to be grueling, the daily drudgery requiring the patience of Job. The needed skill level is well below that attained by Nurse Peggy. But I know from my internet research Nurse Margaret Heinrik, ex-Nurse Heinrik, is financially desperate... lawyers extracting much cash... and is basically unemployable... license suspended. “You left your last job rather abruptly. Eleven years in psychiatric nursing...” Grammatically not a question, but I do seek to have the woman do more talking, and referencing her dismissal will put her on the defensive. People talk when defending. “A misunderstanding. A misinterpretation of events.” An unfortunately succinct rejoinder, I lean back arms akimbo. I smile, perhaps a bit of a smirk. I know all about the ‘misunderstanding’. The newspapers glossed over the specifics. But internet blogs posted the most sordid details on the medium where I have learned to do my research. “You can’t be the first woman to have her ass pinched, Ms. Heinrik. At your age you are certainly aware of the crassness of the male libido and your experience should offer reasonable methods for dealing with it.” Yes, I’m certain of that, but I want to not only confirm the details of her nursing demise but also ascertain the level of remorse... assess the ‘emotional quotient’ as one pundit coined the term for social skills. So far the woman’s deportment has been just as I have sought. Calloused. “More than a pinch, Ms. Bouvier. And there was more than one occasion. I used my experience to handle the situation within reason.” Now I divulge what I know. In dropping a five hundred pounder onto the field of battle, my words exploding with fervor, this verbal skirmish will become in earnest. “You catheterized, intubated, plugged his rectum and placed the man in four point restraint... for days... feeding gastrically and anally. Within reason?” Nurse Margaret Heinrik, ex Nurse Margaret Heinrik, smiles. It is not a guilty smile. Her face radiates with glee in recalling the events which brought the end of her nursing career. “He was not harmed... physically. And mentally he was mostly gone... and possibly injurious to himself and others. His hands were gruff... and... shall we say unmannered. Incessant m**********n when not groping the flesh of other nurses.” I sit back. Yes, she is succinct. And unrepentant. The woman believes she is interviewing for a position of home care and has brazenly divulged her boldness, her brusque temperament and her willingness to take unfettered unilateral action. All she needed was the concurrence of one doctor or supervisor and the deranged man, allegedly deranged, who so brashly thrust his hand up her skirt and copped a feel of her mons would probably be well restrained... though possibly more moderately. Instead ex Nurse Margaret Heinrik extracted revenge, actually shifting her ‘patient’ to a very secluded private room where her vengeance would escape the notice of her superiors. Some how, the patient’s records became misplaced. She immersed her charge into the abyss of bureaucratic medical care, his existence facilely coming under her total control. Water, sustenance, I suppose even oxygen, were hers to mete... at her whim. She took total control... and her smile suggests the motivation was beyond concern about his hands. Well, she forfeited her license, but she did extract three days of revenge. Thinking that she has blown away the interview and any offer, my applicant becomes relaxed. I can read her thoughts, ‘no job to be had here... my cover is blown’. But the woman has perspicacity, her temperament notwithstanding. “If you knew of the events and you find such to be bothersome, why is it you selected me to be interviewed, Ms. Bouvier? A woman with your resources can afford the best of care.” “So you are aware of my financial circumstances?” “You’re the woman who ran to ground the world’s most eligible bachelor... Reginald Augustus Bouvier, heir to billions. And if I recall my reading, you have a few shekels yourself.” I nod. It is now my cover that is blown. “‘Running to ground’ may not be the most accurately descriptive term, Ms. Heinrik. My fox is constantly getting loose.” I linger, preparing for the next five hundred pounder. “Do you like men?” The discernible pause answers my question... and in the manner I desire. You see, the ‘deranged’ man she so boldly imprisoned was not so deranged. Mildly schizophrenic, when returned to his medications after discovery of his circumstances, normal mental acuity returned. After his faux incarceration was discovered, lawsuits followed. What did Nurse Heinrik do during those three days of having a male beast completely at her disposal? When I read of her case, I fantasized, the events bringing strange consolation to a marriage of aggravation. I sought her out, subtly casting my net and eventually obtaining her resume. Ex nurse Margaret Heinrik has a new job. We discuss details.
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