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Feminine Governance by Chris Bellows Prologue The internet is such a wonderful tool. One can surf for hours on the most bizarre and taboo topics and no interloper can ever know what has been explored and learned. Just reading of the female anatomy, my own feminine wiring and plumbing, was enlightening when months ago I began the long matinee visits to cyber space. For example, I now know more about female orgasms then most male doctors, and certainly almost all husbands. Yes, thanks to various informative sites I have understanding over that which mystifies most frustrated women and over that to which men are completely oblivious. Yes, quite enlightening. But then when there comes a purpose, well... research can be most furtive and most thorough... with the added attraction that the accumulation of knowledge is never to be tracked. Informative and advantageously discreet. After all, knowledge is empowering... particularly when adversaries are not cognizant that you have it! And then, when there came an appropriate occasion, my newly acquired internet skills could also be used to find people. In a world of billions, each individual has a past... a story... and as my plot developed, I realized it was important to find the right people... and I did... on the internet. Cast a large net. Have patience, but also be exacting in sorting through the catch. You’ll find what you seek, in time.
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