Chapter 11 - Cassey

1668 Words
Rhiannon When I started coming to, I could tell right away that I was still in the field thanks to the sound of the wind blowing the grass around me. "How long was I out for?" I groggily asked, only to receive silence as an answer. Did he really leave me alone in the fu.cking field?!? I rubbed my forehead, as there was a dull throbbing pain above both of my eyes that I just wanted gone. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was, in fact, alone. Not only that, but it was dark outside. "I still want to know how long I was out for!" I quietly grumbled at the night around me, as if it'd take pity on my lack of knowledge and give me an answer. I looked up at the sky to see a very familiar full moon that illuminated nothing at all. That's when the scent of smoke hit my nostrils, making my eyes damn near bulge out of their sockets. I sat up quickly, realizing exactly what was going on. " ...... we're doing this again?!" I sighed, knowing that I was pulled back into the dream state I had just recently escaped. I stood up off of the ground and looked around at the poorly illuminated field, wondering where it just might be that I was supposed to go this time. I closed my eyes and just listened for something, anything. I inhaled that horrible smell of the smoke that now made me want to vomit after knowing what transpired the last time I was encouraged to follow it. I heard a snap in the woods and my eyes shot open, looking in the direction the sound came from. After a few more moments of hearing more sticks snapping and what sounded like running feet getting closer, the woman I saw running out of the town with the baby emerged from the woods, breathing heavily, her face laced with sadness and fear. Her black hair was flowing behind her, her ivory skin standing out in the darkness, and the baby was cradled in her arms. It was sleeping soundly as if it was tucked safely in it's cradle instead of in the arms of a fear-struck woman who looked to be running for her life. She ran to the middle of the field, maybe only about 10 yards in front of me, and then she stopped. "It's getting closer." I heard a familiar regal female voice say from behind me. I spun around to see the white and black wolf from my last dream. When she spoke, her voice seemed to be not only directly from her but in my head as well, despite her mouth never moving. She walked towards me with so much confidence, her eyes glowing green. It was just a dream, wasn't it? I mean, the field obviously existed. But did the events really happen? "What's getting closer?" I asked her as she continued to slowly make her way towards me. If a wolf can talk, I might as well carry on with the conversation, right? I mean, wouldn't it be rude not to? I might even get some answers. "Time." she replied simply, nodding her head in the direction of the woman. Or maybe I won't get answers. I sighed in frustration. I turned back around as I watched the woman set the baby on the ground, and the wolf came over and stood by my left side. I wanted to pet her in the worst way, my fingers antsy to run through her hair. But I behaved and controlled myself. "Who is she?" I had so many questions and I swear that every answer this wolf gave me only led to even more questions. "Cassey. The Beta female." See! That's exactly what I mean! What the is a Beta?! Frustration sunk in and I loudly snorted in irritation, even though I honestly didn't mean to. After Cassey had the baby swaddled and double checked that it seemed to still be sleeping contently, she stood back up and pulled a pouch and very small bottle of liquid from the pocket of her dress slacks. The moonlight seemed to get brighter all of a sudden and I could finally see things more clearly. She then opened the bottle, bent over the baby, and poured the small amount of liquid on it's forehead while it continued to sleep soundly. Afterwards, she dumped the contents of the pouch into the palm of her own hand and she blew what looked like dust out of it. I don't know if it was actual dust or not. Who would carry a pouch of that? But it was of a similar consistency. The wind immediately carried it away. But it looked like there was still something left in her hand after the dust was blown away. Then I realized it was a ring. It was a familiar ring. It was my ring. Cassey's eyes glowed blue briefly, then I heard a voice that I recognized all too well. "You called for me?" ...... It was Gram. "What's she doing here?" I asked out loud, not receiving an answer. Gram looked down and saw the baby on the ground and her eyes went wide as she looked back at Cassey. " You blocked Lupa, didn't you? Oh, Cassey ...." She barely whispered, and her voice trailed off. Cassey put her hands into fists as if the entire conversation would be difficult to have. "I had to Julia. It's bad, it's really bad. Peter was sent back. He has the belt and he has taken over the pack. They all believe that he's their true Alpha and that all of us ranked members have been deceiving them this entire time." Cassey closed her eyes, released a long breath of air, and bowed her head in defeat. "I'm so sorry, my dear child." Gram's shoulders slumped in dejection. "I wish I could see the future as a whole, but I'm only meant to see pieces to be prepared for any outcome. I'm not meant to be able to actually change what is meant to be. Doing so would go against my moral code." Cassey cupped Gram's hands in her own, placing the ring in them before closing them. "Julia, please don't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault, you did what you could." She paused while she seemed to collect her words. "We decided that our greatest sacrifice would be in the best interest of our kind. All of our kinds. You know we can't risk him finding her. It'll be the end of everything." Cassey's voice hitched while she talked. It was obvious she was doing everything in her power to be strong when all she really wanted to do was breakdown and cry. "I'll have to find a couple to raise her. I can't do it myself. Too many questions will be asked, which will only draw unnecessary attention to her." Gram bent over to pick the baby up off of the ground, being careful not to wake her. Cassey's eyes glowed blue again for a few seconds, then she started crying. "Julia, please. Take care of her, somehow stay in her life to watch over her. But keep her hidden until she can protect herself. Peter will pick up her energy and come for her, and he has all of Hell on his side." Gram nodded as tears started to flow down her own cheeks. I've never seen Gram cry in all of these years. She's the strongest person that I know. She walked over to Cassey, and while holding the baby, the three of them embraced in a brief hug. No sooner did they separate, Cassey screamed like I'd never heard anyone scream before, and fell to the ground sobbing. The only time I've heard anything remotely similar was in my previous dream when Mr. Stumpf killed the man, John, and that woman Giselle broke down for a split second. Cassey didn't stay down long. As soon as she stood up, she and Gram shared a brief look between each other before Gram nodded her head. Cassey turned back to the direction she came from, started running, and mid stride she turned into a majestic cream-colored wolf. Then she was gone. "She turned into a wolf." I quietly stated as I exhaled. I looked at the wolf who was still standing to my left. Her gold eyes glowed up at me. "She turned into a wolf!" I repeated, this time in an astonished tone. "Almost." I heard the female wolf's voice, this time only in my head, as my heart rate increased. "Matt knows what it's like to be adopted. Hopefully he'll be understanding and will take care of you alongside with Catherine." Gram's voice and words immediately got my full attention and I whipped my head in the direction she was just standing only to see ..... nothing. She wasn't there. She just vanished. "How......" was all I could seem to muster. I turned to the direction the cream wolf ran, only to see flames reaching into the sky. I knew what was happening and I tried to erase the memory from my mind. "I think I'm going to be sick." I whispered to myself as I dropped to my knees. Then the sharp pain started back up inside me. I had almost completely forgotten about ever having it, but it decided to remind me of it's existence. I went into the fetal position, my heart was beating a hundred miles per hour, and my breathing turned into ragged breaths. I squinted my eyes open, searching for the wolf who was still standing in the same spot. When our eyes locked, I asked the first thing that came to my mind ...... "Am I the baby?" I didn't say the words out loud, but as soon as I thought them, the wolf's eyes glowed blue.
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