Chapter 10 - Hello Samuel!

1372 Words
Julia I was outside tending to one of my gardens, while Amar was running around doing his usual perimeter check. I smiled as I watched him, thinking about everything we have been through together over the years. He's been the best guardian and, in all honesty, friend as well. I had just collected a bunch of herbs to dry, when Amar started barking towards the pasture while Dub ran full speed towards the fence, whinnying like crazy. " This isn't good." No sooner did the words leave my mouth I saw Dub clear the fence with ease and take off through the fields into the woods. Amar came running up to me, barking, whining, spinning in circles, and bopping me with his nose. "Yeah, yeah. I'm going!" I quickly said to the sleek, grey dog that was making sure I understood the seriousness of the matter as he hurried me into the house. I got a very uneasy feeling in my stomach when I heard Seth's deep and desperate voice in my head. "Julia! Get here! NOW!" "What the hell did that pup do now!" I yelled with anger as I grabbed my emergency travel bag of potions and herbs. Amar ran up to me and sat by my feet. I put my hand on his head. "Ready boy?" I asked him as he looked up at me with knowing eyes. I closed my eyes, focused on Seth, and waved my hand in a horizontal semi-circle. Within seconds, we were standing a few feet from Seth, who was holding a hyperventilating yet unconscious Rhi down on the ground by her arms. Dub was already there standing near Rhi's head, every now and then blowing air on her forehead as his nostrils flared. Damn guardian horses move way too fast for my liking. "What the did you do?!?" I yelled at Seth as I ran up to them, kneeling on the ground to get closer to Rhi. Amar took his place by my side. Seth spun his head towards me, his eyes wide with fear. I'm sure my swearing didn't help the matter. "Nothing, I didn't do anything!" He exclaimed in self-defense. I let out a deep breath to control my anger. "I need to know what happened." We didn't have time to waste, I needed to help her out of this, but couldn't until I had an idea of what transpired. Seth looked back at Rhi. "We were just walking through the woods, she came to a stop at the edge, said that she recognized this field from a dream, and started having a panic attack. I honestly don't know what triggered it. She extended a claw, cut herself, and I called you." " She's controlling her wolf to hurt herself when she has a panic attack." I quietly said aloud, happy that Seth kept his mouth shut so I could think. I sat up on my knees to be able to take a good look around. "Damnit, this is her field!" I thought as I reached for my bag. I didn't even recognize the field when we first got here. As I was fumbling around in my bag, mixing a few different things together in the palm of my hand, Amar stood and started growling. "Oh, bloody hell, what now?!?" I snipped as I looked up, seeing a golden brown and white wolf, and a smile crossed my face. "Hi Samuel, I see that Amar and Denny are still battling for top dog in my heart?" The wolf snorted and changed into a distinguishingly handsome young man with skin the color of the coffee I love. "He's lucky I'm old and he's mated." I thought to myself as I closed my bag and wiped the mixture that was in my hand onto Rhi's forehead. Amar sat back down at my side, now that he had calmed down. Rhi immediately stopped hyperventilating and relaxed, going into a deep sleep. She's going to be so irritated that she's spending so much time sleeping. Seth released his hold on her and his own breathing calmed. He looked at Rhi's arm. "It's healed, how did she heal so fast? I thought that the ring was supposed to keep her wolf hidden?" He looked back at me for whatever answers I had. "She's unknowingly pulling her wolf forward. The ring was made for your average werewolf. It wasn't meant to be used on wolves like you and Rhi. It will only do so much to prevent her wolf from coming forward. Especially when she's the one pulling her wolf out." I looked over at Samuel and waved him over. "Sam, be a dear and help an old woman up, will you?" Sam hurried over, reaching down so I could take his hands. "We can't have you breaking anything trying to stand back up now, can we?" He said with cheeky grin and winked as he helped me to my feet. "Careful pup, I think you'd make a beautiful Pomeranian."He chuckled as I dusted myself off. "How is she, anyway?" Sam asked, looking between Seth and I, then back down at Rhi. "She's going to be sleeping for a while. Longer than last time, unfortunately. Her and her wolf need to communicate with each other, but I can't risk taking off the ring and everything hitting her at once. She'll be ok. It'll all be ok." It had to be. There's no other option. I hesitated a second before looking at Sam. "And why is the Beta here, anyway?" Sam rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I was out killing two birds with one stone. I decided to let Den out and do a perimeter sweep. I came across these two. Luckily, Seth caught me before I shifted back and gave me a quick fill in. I continued on until I heard him yell for you. I guess I just wanted to make sure I wasn't the reason she freaked out." "No, she handled seeing Denny quite well. She freaked out when she got to the field. She said that she had seen the field before in a dream. Care to fill me in, Julia?" Seth asked me, with a tinge of attitude in his voice. "Not while my Granddaughter is lying on the ground. Mount up on Dub and get her back home." I instructed the young pup, knowing what his answer would be. "I'm not getting on that thing!" Seth exclaimed, pointing at Dub. Dub snorted while shaking his head and Sam started laughing. "As much as I'd love to stick around and watch how this pans out, I'm going to get back to the pack." Sam shook his head and shifted into Denny, taking off into the woods. I took a second to curse myself out for offering to tattoo their pack members who wanted to be able to keep their clothes whenever they shifted. There are enough good-looking pack members to appease this old lady. I could have had an eye full of a nice piece of Samuel this entire time. The only thing that comes close to making up for it is the fact that I used Amar's ground nail clippings in the ink. I'm still waiting to drop that fact on them. I put a hand on my hip and walked over to Seth, poking him in the chest with the index finger on my free hand. "That THING is your future Luna's guardian and can get you back to my cabin far faster than you can! Now drop your balls and mount up!" When I mentioned his balls, I pointed down to his testicles, just to help get under his fur a little more. Seth scowled and growled at me, but picked Rhi up and walked over to Dub. Dub knelt down to allow Seth to mount easily with Rhi, stood back up, and before I could blink they were gone. I looked at my old grey companion. "Ready to go home, Amar?" He ran up next to me while wagging his tail. Once he was back by my side, I put my hand on his head and I waved my hand again, taking us back home.
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