Chapter 27 - Shopping Event

2909 Words

Rieka Spring. Not my favorite season. That would be Autumn. But it's when everything is full of color after the winter slumber. Beautiful flowers were everywhere, and I was happy to not have to deal with frozen water for the horses and livestock. Lupa and I spent a lot of time testing our natural abilities. We could run through deep snow with ease, cross deep creeks without sinking, and climb trees as the limbs and vines helped us. We also started shifting into what Izzy and Mia called our third form, a mixture of human and wolf. But the weird thing? Black feathers were mixed in with Lupa's hair. Ron said it has to do with being a True Born, but I have yet to read anything regarding feathers. My hands seem to absorb the temperature. If it was cold out, it was like they'd suck that free

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