15| Their First Date

1919 Words
Ronnie was finishing up her shift when Jon stood up and Ronnie guessed correctly that meant the men had arrived. A moment later they stepped into the club. Sophie made a little noise and rushed forwards to greet them. Ronnie watched in amusement as Michelle rushed over to them as well. They exchanged a few words, and she saw the disappointed look on the women's faces as they glanced back her way- the looks slowly making way to knowing amusement- accurately guessing these were the two men Ronnie had told them about. The two men untangled themselves from the two women and headed towards her. Bobby was behind the bar with her. Ronnie noticed the looks the three gave each other. She felt a sliver of distrust from Bobby. She had a strange look on her face when she took Brand in. "Evening," Brand greeted them. She smiled at them. But it felt brittle to her. She felt uncharacteristically nervous now that the two men were back with her. She busied herself with putting some glasses into the dishwasher. "I'm almost done." She saw Brock talking in a low voice to Jon, presumably getting a debrief. Brand came around to the side of the bar, and she went to meet him. Brand pulled her into a one armed hug. "Did you have a good day today?" She asked. His smile was very warm as he nodded. "We hope you don't mind, we bought you something." He handed her a bag. "We want to take you out tonight… if it's not too presumptuous…" She grabbed the bag off of him in her excitement. "Where?" His smile stretched into a grin at her excitement, all nervousness evaporated. "Go get dressed." When she came back out, the two men were chatting to Bobby at the end of the bar, closest to the dressing room door. The men's eyes looked her up and down appreciatively. The dress was steely blue silk that made the blue of her eyes pop, with spaghetti straps and a cowl neckline and a bare back. Its hem sat just above her knees. She had found some silver heels out the back that weren't too much to wear with it. There hadn't been a bra in the bag, and she didn't have anything that worked, so she just went without. She had trouble settling on a hair colour. The blonde looked so good. But she still felt uneasy being around town in it. She settled on a glossy raven black, in gentle waves - the side part pinned just above her ear. She had her bag in her hand. It didn't go with the outfit. Brock took a step towards her and took her bag like he either also thought it didn't go or more likely, so she wouldn't be hindered in any way. It made her feel like she was being wooed by a gentleman- something she'd never experienced before. "You look amazing." She smiled at him. "It fits perfectly." She said farewell to Bobby, who looked at her a little wistfully. She wondered what the older woman had been talking about with her two suitors. The two men directed her outside and to a very expensive looking car. It was black, and the windows were heavily tinted. Jon entered the front passenger seat. Brock held the door for her while Brand walked around and got in from the other side. She slid in relaxing against Brand's shoulder, holding his hands in both of hers. Brock settled in on her other side. He rested a hand on her knee, his thumb brushing against her skin. The moment she had seen them, her decision had been made. If they wanted her, they could have her. ~*~ The three enjoyed a private dinner together at a very fancy restaurant. She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face all night. She drank a lot of the red wine that Brock had procured from his Kingdom, it was the most amazing wine she had ever had, while she listened to them tell her bits of their afternoon together. Loving the little details of their day, an artwork they either individually or collectively really loved. They shared stories of growing up. Ronnie marveled at how different each of their upbringings had been. Ronnies was standard for human, public schooling, where she was an average student, though she excelled in the arts, particularly dancing. She left school at sixteen, not seeing the point in academics. She had done dance throughout her life, the main thing her grandmother had made sure she had the money for which she took over paying when she started working but stopped going when her grandmother died. Brand had grown up the son of a Thane and while that had a level of pomp and ceremony, he had grown up relatively carefree, really only settling into battle training into his teens. He traveled to other kingdoms as part of his studies - sounding like foreign exchange programs - living in multiple places in the human realm and the Wolf kingdom. Brock’s life was wild to her. He had had private tutoring throughout his life and started training with his elemental magic as a child. His battle training started at ten years old with it increasing in intensity once he started to shift at fourteen, when he joined the adults in their training - shifting four years earlier than typical. He spoke of formal balls and events, hinted at battles but didn't dive deep and Ronnie didn't prod. They spoke a bit about places they had been together, both here on earth and in the outer. They had been to a lot of major cities for work but had not really explored anywhere. Ronnie had traveled a little bit but not overseas and never to any other planes. Happiness swelled in them at her participation. And she felt unbelievably happy spending time with them. What would it actually matter if she wasn't their mate? She knew love was a strong bond. Bobby's husband and Alpha had been the love of her life. Even her mother… she had loved… maybe … Couldn't her normal love be enough for them? They were leaving the restaurant when Ronnie saw that the main area had a dance floor, where there were a few people dancing. She started towards it, recalling that first morning when she had danced with each of them. She was steady on her feet, but felt the alcohol effect her more now that she had stood up and walked a bit. Ronnie was delighted to see there was a live band. Fly Me to the Moon started playing. She made a little squeak noise pulling the men with her towards the dance floor. Brand eagerly followed. Brock held back and settled, standing against a tall table, to the side of the dance floor. ~*~ Brand happily let Ronnie lead him onto the dance floor. He listened to the music to get the tempo. While it sounded familiar, he didn't know the song. As they started to dance, he heard her hum softly to the music. "You like this song," he stated. Her eyes glassed at bittersweet memories and smiled sadly. "Yes. It was one of my grandmother's favorites." He kissed her quickly, not wanting such a sad look on her face. She smiled but he thought it was in a slightly fuzzy way. He suspected she was a little more drunk than he and Brock. They danced beautifully together. Gracefully moving in perfect sync. She matched and pushed his leading abilities, spurring him to move about the floor more. He watched her closely, lost in her scent. She flicked her hair as they spun. Brand was sure that those on the dance floor were dancing more… provocatively. In fact, there were more couples up here now. He glanced around, not having realised how lost in Ronnie he had been. The band's level of angst on playing the song had pitched. The song ended on a great crescendo, people cheering for the band. Everyone seemed a little overcome, flushed from sudden heat. Ronnie was panting lightly. She bit her lip when she saw the look on Brand's face. "Sorry. I can get a little carried away when I dance." They made their way over to Brock, whose eyes were slowly cooling from dark. Brand couldn't explain the feeling of being in her arms while she influenced everyone around them - he had felt a swelling of absolute joy and love. Passion that was built and supported by the song and its lyrics. Brock had got them a drink each and they both greedily drank it. "So was it as good as it looked from here?" Brock asked with a smirk. They laughed, Brand leaning forward to give Brock a quick kiss. The kiss became deeper - Ronnie realised she hadn't quite disconnected yet from the revery of the dance. She pulled it back and the two men pulled apart. "Whoa," Brock exhaled. Ronnie winced. "Sorry. I think I maybe drank a little too much." Brock bundled her up against him, and they walked out to the car. "Do you want to go back to your home?" Brand asked. She had her eyes closed with her head on Brock's chest, his arm around her. Brand holding her hand. She shook her head. Brock made a satisfied sound and called to the driver to go to the hotel. ~*~ Ronnie had fallen asleep in the car, although it was a short drive to the hotel. She woke up bundled in Brock's arms as he carried her. "Whoops," she mumbled. She felt the rumble of his chuckle in his chest. "We'll need to remember your metabolism for Therien alcohol is a bit lower than ours." She looked up at his face. She could feel Brand walking behind them, so she tilted her head to see him. He had a very amused look on his face. "They know what metabolism is in Therein? I thought it was medieval or something." They both laughed. "Our worlds aren't that different. And, science is science." Brand's voice still held his laugh. "Hmmmm," was her response. She must have fallen asleep on the elevator ride as she woke again as they settled her on a bed. Brock tried to hand her her sleeping top, the one he'd worn out of her place that morning. She wiggled so she was kneeling on the bed and lifted her arms expectantly. Brand chuckled and climbed on the bed to pull her dress over her head from behind. She twisted to kiss him as it came past her face. He returned but swiftly broke the kiss. Brock opened the shirt for her to slip on. She grabbed him for a kiss as it passed her head, but he kept it short too. She humpfed as it seemed that they were just getting ready for sleep. They stripped to the same level as the night before and settled under the covers - she was snuggled into Brand's side with her head on his chest, Brock spooned in behind her. The two were talking softly about Brock's departure the next day and how Brand was going to stay behind. She heard the reluctance in Brand's voice, but he obviously didn't want to leave Ronnie either. She wanted to tell them not to worry, but her mouth felt useless, and she drifted off to sleep deeply. ~*~
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