24| Aching bliss

2081 Words
She did end up putting on a nightgown- a gorgeous red brocade-like number she found in her wardrobe. Brand slipped his pants and shirt back on, considering he didn’t have any loungewear clothes in her room. Less than ten minutes after he placed the order, the food was wheeled into her sitting room - the staff member doing her best not to look at any of them, or the different state of undress her and Brand were in. The seating arrangement was lopsided as Ronnie still had one of the sofas on the balcony, with Brock taking an armchair and Ronnie and Brand grabbing the other sofa. She inhaled her food, her appetite peaked because of her high. It was some kind of pie-like thing - a crumbly pastry with a gravy meat filling. Her and Brand joked and giggled easily, both at the same level. Brock tried to relax into their company. Every so often, he would stare off into space. It was sense, sense he was feeling left out, but she wasn't sure how to make him feel better, except for the obvious, so she kept him topped up with bourbon, which he kept drinking, so she kept refilling him. Realising in her altered state she kept forgetting, she finally put some music on, keeping the volume low. Whatever mood Brock had been in was drifting away, and he was starting to relax. She could feel the shift in him, whatever internal conversation he had been having for the last hour was doing something to ease him out of his funk - though she thought that could have been the bourbon. "I can't believe this is only my second night here." She mused. Brand had cleared their plates and they were comfortably lounging. "When can I be shown around? And I guess where can I go by myself?" Brock seemed guarded. "I'll take you around in a few days. Better if you stay here unless one of us is with you." "Oh," she was kinda disappointed, a few more days would be alright… "Okay then." She saw his drink was almost empty, so jumped up to refill it. He caught her wrist, stopping her from pouring him another. She felt a thrill at the touch. Damn, how is he so sexy? She wanted to punish him for being such a dullard, but she was feeling amorous again. Plus she wasn’t completely heartless- she might have been pissed off too if the two of them had gone off to have fun without her. She c****d her head at him. "You're done drinking?" He nodded, letting her set the decanter down before setting his own glass down and pulling her to his lap. She could see Brand set his drink down as he watched them. Alright, she thought, I guess we're back on again. "What do you want?" She asked pointedly. She wasn't much for playing hard to get. Never had the patience. Plus, she wasn't usually the one doing the pursuing. "You." He breathed her scent in. She didn't understand the compulsion from the men, but she figured it had to do with their heightened senses and their inner beasts. "Hmmm, that's so?" She glanced at Brand. "Just me?" Brock shook his head. She slipped off his lap and sat by his feet. Brand came down beside her without her bidding, both of them working together to strip Brock of his clothing, Brand taking a moment to rid himself of his. Ronnie kissed Brock's chest, down to his adonis belt as Brand took his c**k into his mouth. She shrugged the robe off. Brock's mouth found a n****e, and he drew his hand down to cup the back of Brand's neck. She watched as Brand worked, moaning at the fervor of his movements. He met her gaze and smiled at her around his mouthful. She couldn't believe how natural it felt to be intimate with both men together. She had had group s*x before, but not like this. It was more than feeling their enjoyment, like she could experience anytime. She loved seeing the two men together. Her body responded to theirs instinctively. She untangled herself from Brock, so she could get in next to Brand, Brock pushing his knees further apart so she could fit in too. She kissed Brand over Brock's tip, their tongues meeting together. "God damn, you're sexy." She pulled back to watch them again. She didn't know who she was addressing. Both of them. All three of them. When she thought Brock was close, she slowed Brand down - who had decidedly lost himself again. She had him stand as she straddled Brock with her back to him. She set him, so he lay a long her, rubbing back and forth against her clit. She pulled Brand forward and first slid him into her mouth, pulling back and jerking him as she looked up, she took Brock's hand and gently guided him to stroke Brand. She could feel Brand's pleasant surprise. She reached down to push Brock firmer against her, holding him there as she slid along him. Brand stepped closer, eager for more. She twisted her top half, so she wasn't in between Brock and Brand. The two men kissed, while Brock still held and stroked Brand. Ronnie took Brand's tip in her mouth, leaving the length for Brock. She wanted more from him, but was he ready? She removed her mouth, taking over stroking Brand. She looked at Brock from the side of her eye. He hesitated but leant forward, pulling Brand with his now free hand, so he stood more snug against their seated height. She bit her lip as Brock started licking Brands head, the precum there disappearing. Brand moaned, looking down at the two of them. His sound of satisfaction bolstered Brock, and he took over completely from her. Satisfied now, Ronnie shifted herself up and guided Brock into her. She loved the sound he made as she folded him into her. His body tried to rock, not finding the smoothest rhythm. "Focus on him," she told him gently. He stilled under her. She hooked her feet and set her knees back and, thanks to Brand, she was able to stabilise by holding him around his hip as she started to bounce on Brock. He gave an appreciative moan, so she kept it up. "f**k, Brock..." Brand gasped as he thrusted his release into Brock's mouth. Ronnie lent to help if needed, but Brock took all of Brand's seed down his throat. Ronnie felt a pulse of her impending orgasm at the sight. She twisted and kissed Brock hard, tasting Brand on his lips. Brock's attention was now solely on her. He pulled her flush against his chest, reclining as far back as the armchair allowed. He hooked her feet behind his knees, pulling her wider as he thrusted up into her, taking complete control. She cried out, "Yes. Right there." She curled her arms around the back of his head. He grasped her n****e, rolling it between his fingers, gripping her hip with his other hand to hold her in place. Every tweak sent a twinge to her core and she was crying out her pleasure. She felt Brand slide his hands over her hips, also holding her still. He placed his mouth at the hood of her clit, moving down to tongue the flesh where Brock entered her. Her words became nonsensical as her climax overcame her. She felt Brock's release pulse where they joined, her p***y overly sensitive under Brand's tongue. "My God I love cuming on your dick." She said it without thinking and while Brand laughed at the omission Brock was hushed. She felt a little spike of surprise and excitement from him. Not the first time. Brand helped her onto her feet and, on slightly shaky legs, she joined him in the shower. Her afternoon with Brand, the drink, drugs and now Brock's contribution had her beat. She very lazily made out with Brand under the water of the shower. She saw that Brock was watching them. She could feel his excitement growing again. She wanted him, but her body was feeling pretty spent. She gave herself a little internal pep talk, reaching her arm out for him to join them. "You want to f**k my mouth?" She felt that spike again. She couldn't quite place the feeling he was experiencing. Brand kissed her neck. "I got this." He set Brock into the large shower and lowered himself to his knees. Ronnie watched as Brand started performing fellatio. Brock pressed his back against the tiled wall, one hand on Brand's shoulder, the other in his own hair. Brand moved the hand from his shoulder to the back of his head, trying to guide Brock, so he could thrust how he wanted to. Ronnie could see Brock's hesitation. She lent against the wall, her breast pressing against Brock's side. She placed a hand on the back of his hand, sitting there lightly at the base of Brand's skull. She slid it up higher and used pressure to hold Brand's head in place. "He can handle it," she whispered to Brock. He looked at her with lust in his clear blue eyes, "What?" She could see he was uncertain and was worried he'd hurt Brand. "He'll let you know if he needs you to ease off." Brock nodded, closing his eyes briefly before gripping Brand's head with both hands. Brand set his hands on Brock's hips, guiding and letting him know how far he could thrust into him. Brand moaned his excitement as Brock pushed him to his limit. Ronnie made glancing caresses across Brock's body, her eyes glued to Brand. She was excited to see how deep Brand could take Brock's impressive c**k. She saw the point when his throat convulsed on Brock, the bigger man groaning and hitching as he came. Fuck. Ronnie thought, these guys are going to be the end of me. ~*~ Brock woke before the sun rose. Both of his mates were still deep in sleep. He thought about the previous night and wasn't sure how to feel about it. He could feel how close Ronnie and Brand had gotten, and he felt frustrated that he wasn't there too. Even knowing Brand for so long, he'd never seen the man this happy or how he would behave with a mate that returned his physical attraction. And Brock knew he had been a complete ass to them. He'd not been able to stop himself, lashing out his hurt with anger like he always did. The night had turned, but that made him feel even more uncertain. He'd enjoyed giving head to Brand, but it was his first time, and he didn't know if it had been any good, but felt too self-conscious to ask. He knew Brand enjoyed it- but was it as good as it could have been? Both of his mates were more sexually experienced and open than him, and he felt it was one of the causes of his exclusion. Had they even wanted him there? He hoped they did, but his concerns about his part in their mate bond was causing him doubts. He thought back to how sure of himself he had felt with the both of them before he brought Ronnie here. That first night back in the palace had thrown him, that initial doubt he had that Ronnie wouldn't want him long term after she met with his mother had grown exponentially. She had said she didn’t care about what the Queen said anymore- she had called him first when she had forgiven him. That had to mean something, right? But it was only her first full day here and Brand was shirking his responsibilities for the first time, leaving Brock all alone… he felt disgusted by his own self pity and frustrated by his doubts. He could feel a deep smoldering from his dragon- it was not happy with how he was handling this. The fears were circling around his head and he knew he wouldn't be able to get any more sleep. He decided to leave and get a few extra hours of training in. That always helped him work through his thoughts. He slid out of the bed with ease as Brand was spooning Ronnie. They looked so beautiful together. Feeling heavy in the heart, he left. ~*~
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