21| Making up

1828 Words
“Do you want me now?” Brock asked softly. Ronnie blinked slowly and thought about the morning at her apartment with him, her arousal coming strongly. His eyes darkened to his dragon. She relished in its attention. He rose, picking her up as he did, taking her to her bed. He swiftly lay her on the bed and pulled his clothes off as she watched him. She let him take the robe off her, his gaze affixing to her naked form, taking the sight of her in. She climbed on her knees, pulling him to her mouth, their tongues clashing immediately. He tasted like bourbon, same as her. His large hands worked their way into her hair. It felt amazing, small moans working their way up her throat. He pulled back pulling her down sharply, tracing his mouth down her neck and to her breasts, while his hand caressed her folds gently. She moaned louder at his touch. The sound ignited him and his mouth traveled swiftly down her body. His mouth tasted her, ravaging her soft flesh. She gripped the bed, looking up into the canopy of the bed, the fabric flowing. She pushed a foot up against Brock's chest, pushing back away from him. She wasn't ready to c*m - she needed him inside her first. He knelt on the bed, her foot still sitting on his left pec, waiting to see what she wanted from him. She pulled her foot back, rising up and pushing him down onto the bed, straddling him- he pulled her to him to kiss her- her kissing him back while guiding him inside her. “Ronnie,’ he growled as she started to rock on him, “I-” “Shhh…” She touched his lips, speeding up. His thrusts rose to meet her with each stroke, the peaks and waves of his end racing hers. She felt herself fall to bits, laying forward onto Brock's chest as he grasped at her, reaching his own climax moments later. “Ronnie,” he said after a few minutes passed. She covered his mouth, but he spoke around her fingers. “Are we okay?” Ronnie sighed out, “Yeah.” ~*~ She let him sleep for a few minutes before waking him up. "Take me to Brand." He shook himself awake. The sun was pushing its way well above the horizon now. He pulled his clothes on while Ronnie grabbed a random dress that she could just pull on. They held hands as he walked her to Brand's room. There were a few staff moving about the place, but it was still pretty quiet this early in the morning. She knocked on the door once Brock nodded in confirmation this was his room. When there wasn't a response, Brock opened the door explaining Brand slept heavily. Ronnie stepped into the room. She could see his bed past his sitting room, so she walked towards it, seeing him sit up with their entrance. The early morning sun streamed through the undrawn curtains, casting a glow on him. She licked her lips at the sight of him sitting up in his bed, his blanket gathered in his lap- this chest bare- all sleepy and sexy. "Everything okay?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "Yes," Ronnie responded as she climbed up on his bed. "Brock and I made up." She pulled the blanket off him, thankful that he didn't wear anything to bed. She hiked the skirt of her dress up as she climbed on him. Brand watched her keenly. He could smell their s*x. The scent and the pull of his mates coursed through him. He could also tell the two of them were not sober. "And you want us to make up?" He asked. She nodded, her face serious, her eyes heavy with lust as Brock came up on the bed behind her and pulled her dress off over her head. Brand caught a n****e with his mouth as the fabric flowed over her face. He could feel her chest vibrate with a moan of pleasure. She swiftly enclosed around him, taking him by surprise in her swiftness and how ready she was for him, Brock having warmed her up. He pulled her to him, thrusting wildly, catching her mouth as she cried out. Brock watched them feeling his excitement start to grow - Ronnie and Brand both simultaneously coaxed him to them, so they could both suck and stroke him as he stood by the side of the bed. There was only a moment of hesitation from Brock. He wanted nothing more than his two mates. Each of them took turns and shared, their tongues meeting as their mouths took one side of his shaft each. Brock became lost in the feel of their mouths. The three of them together, each working towards pleasing each other felt so perfect to him. He felt Ronnie relinquish his c**k to Brand, while Brand still pounded up into her. She twisted so that she could suck on his balls, her thumb rubbing his back passage. Ronnie pulled back, watching her men. Brand was laying back on the bed, taking Brock's hands and guiding them to his head, so Brock could better control his thrusts into his mouth. The sight spiked her arousal, her rocking on Brand picking up speed. Ronnie felt the build both physically and psychically, within and outside of her. She flicked out just a portion of what she was feeling at the two men- reacting on instinct to take them to their highest heights, their pleasure reaching the pinnacle and then crashing down around them. They slowly collapsed into the bed, their bodies overlapping where they fell. "Well. That was something," Ronnie mused. Brand looked at Brock. The prince looked content, but he'd obviously had a rough night before the two of them had connected. He wondered how long that was, not jealous, perse. He had not had a great sleep but had managed to fall asleep after a few hours of turmoil. He kept thinking of what would happen if Ronnie rejected them, but more specifically, what if she rejected Brock? What would Brand do? He couldn't imagine a world without Brock. But one without Ronnie? He wondered if he could take her to his people and keep her there away from the Queen just until the three of them were properly bonded. He was glad some kind of peace had been struck between his two mates, so he asked what happened. Ronnie just shrugged and said she'd gotten over it. She wiggled around, so her upper body was on Brock's torso, her chin was on his chest. "I'm not going to be your Queen, though." He nodded. "That's okay. I don't care as long as you're here with me." He then summarised what he said to his mother. Brand turned to look at Brock when he said he'd be declaring Brand as his mate. He raised an eyebrow. "You want me to be your Queen?" Brock pulled Brand to him, kissing him deeply. "I want you to be my everything." Brand's cat purred with contentment as he snuggled into Brock's side, Ronnie entangled and half on top of them. She let the two men's conversation wash over her as she thought how nice it was for Brock to have tried in the end, and felt super chuffed that Brand was coming out on top on all this. Gazing up into the canopy of the bed, do all the beds here have these, Ronnie giggled to herself. She twisted, so she lay face down on Brock's large hairy chest with a sigh and closed her eyes. She had a small smile on her face - relishing in the love she felt from the men. Any and all spikes of guilt she felt, she pushed all the way down. Brushing her cheek against his chest, she reached out to touch Brand. None of that matters right now. Brand touched Ronnie's face."What did you take?" She opened her eyes at his touch. "Psilocybin." He humpfed. Brock didn't understand what they were talking about- he had decidedly sobered up as his morning had progressed. While he had tasted the alcohol on Ronnie's lips, he’d not thought much of it. He’d been drinking last night too. "You're not going to regret this?" Brand asked carefully. She shook her head. "No. I'm where I should be for now." Neither man liked the "for now" part of her sentence but said nothing further. They slowly slipped away into a peaceful slumber, just as the rest of the palace started to wake up. ~*~ After only minutes asleep, they were awakened by a loud trilling. The three of them emitted a sound of annoyance at the sound. Ronnie's groan turned into a noise of deep dissatisfaction as she felt Brock move out from under her. She reached out for Brand to find he too, had gotten out of bed. She heard low voices from the sitting room, punctuated by Brock's curses. She kept her eyes closed, not ready to get up. She was laying as he had placed her, chest down, her face buried in a pillow. She felt Brock lean on the bed next to her, her face pointed the other way. She reached a hand out trying to grab him to pull him back into bed when her hand landed on his leg, fabric separating their skin. She turned her head and cracked an eye at him. He was wearing his trousers. And a remorseful expression. "I have to go. I probably won't see you until this evening. Is that okay?" She flipped herself on her back and looked up at him better. He looked better than when she'd seen him just at dawn. His eyes were no longer bloodshot- apart from a heavy stubble and tousled hair, he looked fresh. She saw his eyes travel down her body. "It's okay." Brand climbed up on the bed and gave her a kiss. "I just have to see to one thing, then I'll take you for lunch." Brock had gone very still. She could feel his want for her starting to pick up steam. "Do you have to go right now?" He nodded but didn't look away from her. She pulled the blanket up to cover herself, realising that nothing was going to happen, and she was just torturing him. He exhaled and exited the bed with effort. She pulled her dress on, padding after Brock as he went to the door to leave. Brock pointed across the hall and to the right as she stood in the doorway. "My rooms are just there." Ronnie took note of it and gave Brock a quick peck just as Brand came up behind her and put an arm around her waist. "I'll take you to your room." With reluctance, Brock headed towards his room to get dressed. ~*~
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