3 | The First Morning

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Ronnie woke up first. She stretched her body, hands clasped above her head pointing her toes. She rocked from side to side. Man this couch was super comfy. Really deep. The right balance of firm and soft. She sat up and looked around. Neither men were up. She wasn't surprised. After striking out with Brand, she'd taken the next best thing, drawing the men into a mental tryst. She'd been surprised Brock had been there, she had pulsed out at him but had thought the time he spent with her to be too short to bring his desire to the required level. She felt amazing. She hadn't fed so well in… she shook her thoughts away, leaping up from the couch. Actually really leaped. A giggle burst from her mouth. She felt giddy. She didn't usually get much of a feed from a dream visit, but with the two of them it would seem tipped the scale. Grabbing her bag, she fished around for her “day outfit”- cut off denim shorts - scandalously short - and a white tank. She stared down at the items and sighed. Only one more night and she gets the keys for her new apartment. She could build her wardrobe back up after a couple of shifts at the club. Her third and only other outfit was another bodycon dress, this one a soft gray jersey. She was sure she had more clothes at the club, but she wasn't going there for a couple more days. Her red bodycon dress from the previous night could do with a clean. She had a good look around the room. She hadn't taken it all in the previous night. The lounge area had a large window on one end and the entry door on the other. There were two doors that led to the bedrooms. The other side of the lounge area was a wet bar and what looked like a small European laundry. She emitted a low whistle, what kinda fancy place was this? She threw the dress in with all her underwear. She was going to be wearing shorts anyway and the tank was a thick cotton. She thought about what she might feel from them when they saw her. She needed to be on her best game. She'd rather not have to venture out tonight. She had started to make coffee when they emerged. She noticed they exited separate rooms only moments after the other. Each room must have had its own ensuite as they both came into the kitchenette showered and dressed. Both wore very nicely tailored suits. Woof. She thought. They were gorgeous. "Good morning!" She sang to them. "How do you have your coffee?" ~*~ Brand walked forward, needing to be near her. She looked a little startled by the speed in which he came towards her. His eyes raked up and down her body. As he had laid in bed, not proud to admit, with the room spinning, he had thought back through their encounter. She used some kind of magic on him, he was sure, but no amount of magic could mimic the familiar sensation he felt when he had breathed in her scent for the first time. He had fallen asleep quickly, not sure if he could, knowing she was just on the other side of the door. Brock's entry had really put a damper on his libido. It wasn't like they had sworn a vow of chastity. Though this was not a leisure trip, so his annoyance at Brand bringing someone up was fair. He wanted to see if the feeling was there in the light of a sober day and to gauge Brock's own reaction. Brand could have sworn Brock had sensed her too. The memory of the dream he had was also playing on his mind. He had gotten up that morning, after the most intense s*x dream he had ever had, and jumped straight into the shower. As he stood under the running water he reached down to stroke himself. He could still feel her mouth. Brocks mouth. He hadn't kissed Brock in two years. The last time was when they had been drinking at some event. It was absolutely dreary, so they had absconded with a bottle of the strongest liquor they could find and wandered around Brock's family's grounds. In the most cliche moment the skies opened up and it started to bucket down. Luckily, they came upon a small shelter near the lake. Brand had made Brock laugh. He couldn't remember what he'd said. But the sounds of Brock's laughter and the joy on his face had made Brand swell with happiness. Not thinking he had reached out, cupping the back of Brock's head and pulling him forward for a kiss. Brock hadn't resisted, he even lent into it. That small indication of consent bolstered Brand's confidence and he had deepened the kiss. Brock responded, wrapping his arms around Brand pulling their hips together. I almost lost it. My heart beat faster, one hand sliding between the two of us to stroke Brock. He groaned into my mouth. I didn't want this to end. I needed him. I pulled away looking into his eyes. I needed to know he needed me too. I could see the desire in his eyes. I kissed him fast and hard, pulling back and preparing to go down to my knees. He grabbed my shoulders and shook his head. My shoulders sagged and he pulled me into a hug, kissing my temple. It had been one of the most tender moments of our time together. We didn't say a word. How sad. He had quickly finished up and got ready for his day. Taking a breath to steal himself, hoping she was still here. She took his breath away when he saw her. She was wearing obscenely short denim shorts that fit her like a second skin. Her white tank just met its waistband, exposing a sliver of flesh as she moved. He felt his arousal stir, feeling a similar response from Brock behind him. Brock quickly came into the space as well. "We'll help." Brand could see the other man's eye linger on the shape of Ronnie n*****s pushing through the fabric of her tank top. Seeing Brock's desire for her, Brand felt something stir in him. ~*~ The three of them worked together to make the coffees. Ronnie thought it was silly and cute. Both men used every excuse to touch her. She could plainly see the lust in their eyes- she didn’t need to be an empath to know they wanted her. As one would go behind her to reach for something, their fingers would brush her exposed skin between her shorts and top. She reciprocated, enjoying the closeness. She wasn't feeding but being absorbed in attention felt amazing. "So, Brock and Brandon- Brand," she winked at Brand. "What are you guys up to today?" She always found that if she acted like she belonged somewhere, others would usually follow suit - especially when it came to people that were attracted to her. This was next level to be sure. She was actually a bit surprised. Usually, after a dream visit, men were usually a little depleted, even with two. They should feel a little hung over at least but they were both fresh as a really broad, tall sexy daisy. Even Brand. Who had actually been drunk the night before. In some men, their life force was dimmed, just a little. Just a little dip in endorphins that typically took a day or so to replenish. Ronnie could feel their want for her, almost a constant pushing force pressing into her. Not dimmed at all. Brock handed her her coffee, his fingertips featherlight, drifting over hers. "We have a few meetings to attend. But we have the night free." She got the not too subtle hint. She kept the surprise from her face. The man had barely said a word or paid her a glance last night. Could a little subconscious visit stoke this kind of flame? It hadn’t before, though she hadn’t done it with someone she had spent only seconds with before either. She sipped her coffee, using it as an excuse to gauge the situation. In the few minutes in his presence, she was able to assess Brock more. He was definitely more of a serious person than Brand. He held himself like a very important person. His size excited her. She'd never been with such a built man before. She liked the idea of his large form pushing down on her. From what she could tell these two were a thing. Of some description. There were strong emotions between the two men. She had felt it enough the night before. It was a buzzing tension. Their equal and unchallenging want for each other was palpable. Interesting. And hot. "How long are you guys staying for?" "We leave tomorrow," Brock replied. She overplayed her sadness "Oh. That's a pity. Well there are plenty of things to do in just one night." An electric ding sounded and she smiled and danced around to the laundry area, moving her clothes from the washing machine to the dryer. She very deliberately let her underwear be seen. So, she had tonight's accommodation covered. She was all set to get her life back to the way it had been, so she could have some fun before then. She came back to finish her coffee, still swaying - she felt like dancing. She was getting that feedback loop again. That new sensation. She had felt it at the bar. It increased here in the room with these two men. Being wanted was the most amazing feeling at the best of times, but the amplification she was experiencing was superb. They equally wanted her. And she could safely say she equally wanted them. These two men wanted each other, yet they slept in separate rooms. She wondered what it'd be like to have them in the same room. The thought came unbidden and she felt a warmth in between her legs. Hot coffee on her tongue. She rolled it in her mouth, memories of her dream last night coming forth. Both men straightened and made eye contact. She felt an uncommon hitched wave of self-consciousness crash over her. Did they know she was aroused? She almost choked on her coffee. The men had definitely reacted to that. She felt suddenly embarrassed - not something that happened often. But it felt like someone had read her diary. But really this is what she did to others all the time. She put her cup down, flicking her hair back behind her shoulders, knowing very well that it would make her breasts sway. She really couldn't help herself. Spending time with them could be fun. She had the time to kill anyway. She could tell Brock was the blocker here. What if she could help with that? ~*~ Brock was taking every opportunity to breathe in her scent. He smelt her arousal the same moment as Brand. His dragon was going wild. It was also responding to Brand. There was no doubt. Brand was still his mate. And this magnificent creature was his mate. It made no sense but he could feel it. He thought about how he'd been the last five years with Brand in his life. They had been aware of each other given their status in their respective Kingdoms growing up- one of many that skirt the realm of the human world. Their families interacted when needed but they didn't meet until they were eighteen and felt their matebond. It wasn't uncommon for people to find mates from another race. Finding mates of the same gender wasn't uncommon either but Brock had never found men attractive before. Ever. His need to be with Brand was unbearable to resist but Brock couldn't get past the fear he felt about giving in. Brand was accepting of it. They had talked about it many times. There had been slips on Brock's part. Moment's where it felt so right. But he always shut it down. They couldn't be apart though. They tried that and it was maddening - in that 'I'm going to die from this' way. His family didn't understand why he didn't reject Brand. He just couldn't do it. He asked Brand to do it but Brand refused. Brand's love was so strong he said he'd live his whole life like this if he had to. Brock felt like a selfish bastard most days. He had heard of people with multiple mates but they were usually twins and such. Or where one person had two mates they either chose one or kept both, but he could feel they were all each other's mates. He thought about his resistance to Brand all this time… Ronnie laced her left hand with Brock's right hand loosely. Lifting their arms. "You're pretty fit. What do you boys do?" She looked from Brock to Brand, reaching out her right hand. Without any thought or hesitation, Brand reached out with his left and took it. Ronnie held both their hands loosely. Starting to move her arms as she swayed her hips. Dancing slowly to a song that wasn't playing. ~*~
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