13| Come here

1171 Words
"Come here," Ronnie ordered Brock, and he obeyed without hesitation. She stood as he came towards her. She directed him to sit in the armchair she'd just vacated. She quickly rolled her underwear off and pulled her shirt over her head as she straddled him. He kissed her desperately, startled by her speed and willingness. She kissed him back, relishing in the madness of it. Brock was consumed by his want. He looked over towards the bathroom and saw Brand's eyes on him. It spurred him on, adding a layer to his arousal. Ronnie pushed him clear of his boxes and pushed herself down onto him harshly. He moaned, thrusting up. He was so large. She gasped as she felt him enter her completely, her quick slickness opening her up for him. She came within minutes, so overcome by the feeling of him inside her. They clung to each other as he pounded up into her, their mouths finding each other. She felt her pleasure start to build again. She threw her head back, rocking against him. She could feel when he was close. His breath hitched, and his moans became growls, his c**k became harder inside her. Brock bit Ronnie's shoulder, trying to hold on. She hissed and clenched around him, this climax harder than the first. He came soon after, the beat of his ejaculation pulsing where she could feel him at her entrance. He pumped into her, shuddering his last drops. They stayed like that for a few moments, her curled up on him. He pushed her back, so he could look at her face, searching for something. He had a bewildered look on his face like he couldn't quite grasp what he had found with her. "You're-." She couldn't find the words. Everything had moved so quickly, yet had also stretched and felt like forever in that moment. She gripped his wide jaw, and brushed her thumb across his bottom lip. "I enjoyed that a lot." "You're so beautiful. I-" Brock breathed out. "Get in the shower." She slowly climbed off him, looking down at him from where she stood. He stood up and headed to the bathroom. Brand came out, his eyes were flashing. Brock appreciated his wet, glistening body, and Brand's impressive erection. They embraced and kissed passionately. Ronnie saw the steam rise off Brand as Brock evaporated the water from the shower off of him. His hair was still damp. "Brand," she called. The two men broke away and Brand continued to Ronnie as Brock went to the shower. He did it quickly as he too wanted to watch. Brand grabbed her face and kissed her deeply. She ran her fingertips down his chest, pushing firmly- angling to scrape her nails against his flesh, all the way down his wonderfully crafted torso before grasping his s*x. The s****l energy between the two of them infused the air around them. He snarled and turned her around- the movement quick and controlled. She bent over the arm of the chair as he took her. She yelled out, loving how direct he was. Brand's body moved on pure instinct, taking her as straightforward as she had done with Brock. She brought a knee up to the arm of the chair, so Brand could pound deeper into her. Their moans became deep and guttural. Brock watched them, thinking he might be hard again soon… Brand pulled Ronnie upright, so he could kiss her mouth, pulling her so she twisted to meet him. His arm snaked up around her to grasp her throat, holding her firmly against him, the other rubbing her clit. Brand's thrusts became frantic and Ronnie's cries lifted to a crescendo. Brand let her fold back over after she came - his hard deep thrusts being met by her pushing back against him. He came, folding over her back. Brock could hear their whispers. "Your p***y feels so good," Brand whispered. "Hmmmm. You can have it anytime you want." Brand growled low. "I think it's time I went in the shower next," she said. Brand stood up, helping her up too. She switched places with Brock in the shower, giving him a wet kiss. Steam evaporated as he walked into the living room. She watched as Brand waited for Brock to come to him. Their kiss was slow. Brock sat in the chair, with Brand's guidance, his new erection ready. Brand knelt in front of him. "I want you so much," he told Brand. "I know," Brand replied with a cocksure smirk. He bent down, taking Brock into his mouth slowly to start and then increased speed as Brock's pleasure built. Brock saw Ronnie touch herself as she watched Brand pleasure him. Brock was gasping, his knuckles white holding the arms of the chair. He came quickly, the sensation and vision of Brand's mouth wrapped around him and Ronnie's hands played across her body as she watched them, peaked his pleasure beyond anything he'd experienced before. Ronnie came for the final time quickly too, watching them. She couldn't remember a time she'd come so many times in such a short period of time. The two men were curled up on the couch when she came out, soaking wet. "You two are adorable," she gushed, then opened her arms, "Now, dry me." She laughed. She was actually pretty eager to find out what it felt like. Brock gave an easy grin. "Come here." He didn't need to touch her to do this, but he wanted to. She padded over, soaking wet. Brand grabbed her arm and yanked her down on them. She laughed, letting them drape her over them. A feeling of intense heat washed over her. It was an odd feeling, like being burned without the pain. She felt her hair- her real hair- poof with the sudden heat. It pushed out of her glamour, making her yelp. The men laughed at her response, not realising she was worried she had dropped her glamour. She patted her hair down, firming the glamour up. "You don't have to glamour anything in front of us," Brand said suddenly. She shook her head. "It's cheaper than going to a hair salon or buying wigs. Those things are expensive," she replied dismissively. "I'm gonna have to go and get dressed now," she added. The men went to get their clothes from the other room. Brock's shirt was trashed. He held it up in thought. Ronnie held up her sleeping shirt and he eyed it. It'd be tight, but it was the only thing that'd come close to fitting him. Brands own shirt would be too narrow. Shrugging, he slipped it on. It fit him firmly but not tight. Every plane of his built body was perfectly defined. He put his arms out to the side. "Not bad." "Not at all," Brand and Ronnie said in unison. They laughed and quickly hugged each other. Brand in particular liked how in sync they already were. "We'll walk you to the club." ~*~
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