27| Getting to know you

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The palace gardens were sprawling- the paths snaked through thick hedges, pavilions, crops of fruit trees, a lake and a grotto. Brock led Ronnie through to where he had organised for dinner to be served, on the patio by the greenhouse. Great gardens and groves made way to a secluded path. They walked side by side. She had that itch - she hadn’t felt like this since the first time she wanted to hold a boy's hand. Where you wanted to, and you agonised over whether they did too. And then that moment when you knew they did - well that was what it was like for her as she could feel it the moment before they would act, and if they didn’t act she knew when they wanted to. It meant that she often made the first move. She couldn’t feel it from Brock yet. He was swinging rapidly from absolute desire for her to anxiety. She tried to make small talk, asking him about his day, but his answers were monosyllabic. She could feel a snippy edge coming into her voice with every barely answered question. She stopped him, “Do you just want to call it a night?” Brock looked at her in shock, “No.” “Well, do you want to maybe tell me what's bothering you?” Brock sighed “I can’t explain it. I just feel like I can’t be myself with you.” He looked everywhere but at her. “I-” he grumbled, not continuing. Ronnie looked around - there was no one around. The sun was starting to set and lamps were lit along the path. Ronnie could see a pretty weeping willow tree a good distance from the path, its branches sweeping all the way to the ground, creating a dome of leaves. She knew how to relax a person. She walked towards it. “What are you doing?” Brock called. "We need to break this tension," Ronnie said, trying not to let her frustration come through, "maybe then we can chill into this, uh, date." “What?” He asked again, following her under the canopy of the tree. She touched the tree trunk, looking up into the branches. The last of the late afternoon dappled light danced across her face as she looked at him. Brock regarded her. "We should go to dinner." "Mmmm," she hummed as she reached a hand up and stroked the branch above her. She rested her back against the trunk. "Or you could f**k me?" She saw that look come over him. He was such a serious guy, but when she did or said something even slightly risque a look of pleasant surprise would come across his face. A thrill. He came towards her. The movement created a warmth in her that quickly spread. She let his feelings flow over her and pushed her desire for him at him. He gasped, "You don't have to do that …" his breath out bubbling with a growl. The sound heightened her need. She tried to kiss him, but he held her face. "I just wanted you to know how much I want you, considering I can feel you." "You're my mate. I can feel you, smell you." His voice turned husky. He gripped her just below her jaw. He marveled how perfectly her neck fit into his hand. He thought about watching Brand f**k her at her apartment. Brand had gripped her like this. Ronnie pushed her mound up against him. She licked her lips and reached up to the branch above her. She liked where this was going. "I think this is what Brand was talking about," his voice rumbled. “We should be getting to know each other, not just having sex.” "Brand isn't here. Take me how you want me and then we can get on with our night- getting to know each other more.” Tilting her face by applying pressure on her neck, he touched her lips with his other hand. Her lips parted for him, her eyes never leaving his. Brand was right, they needed to actually get to know each other. Brock resolved to get the night back on track. He loosened his grip, aiming to stop. Despite his insatiable need, he would be steadfast. He was not going to just take her- they would go to dinner, and he would be charming and- As soon as he gave her any freedom of movement, she slid her mouth forward, taking his fingers into her mouth. She pushed deep and the promise had Brock hardening madly. He pulled her body towards him, scooping her up and pushing her back up against the tree, taking a firmer hold of her neck. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling the skirt off her dress out of his way. He pushed his face into her neck, breathing deeply- tilting her head back as he went to undo his pants, all thought leaving him. His knuckles rubbed her in the process. "Oh God yes," Ronnie moaned. He stopped getting himself out, turning his hand so he could rub her. "So wet." She pushed against his hand. “You do that to me.” He felt her slide her fingers either side of his waistband, coming to the center and popping the top button. She pushed his pants down enough to hold him. He pushed her hands away, giving a pulse of a squeeze on her neck. Her eyes widened and her moaning got louder. She gripped his arm, loving the strength she felt, his skin smooth with wrought muscles underneath. "Shh." He pushed her underwear to the side. He teased her opening with his tip, watching as she held her moans, the effort to do so driving her even crazier with lust. He held her body back, so she couldn't rush him. They kept direct eye contact as he rested just at her opening, his thumb moving against her clit. She gasped. Her pants quickened as he worked her. He felt her strain, tightening her legs, trying to get him to enter her. "Not yet," he spoke softly. She kept straining against him. He removed his hand just before she tipped, relaxing the pressure on her neck. She took a big lungful of breath. "Oh, god you…" she breathed out with a look of frustration at what he had denied her. "I believe I am the one f*****g you." She laughed softly, settling into a wicked smile. "Too true." He felt her relax. She kept her grip on his arm, but her legs loosened, so she was still up on him, but not trying to take control, giving herself to him. He felt a swelling of want inside of him. She tested everything about him. He wanted to have the same confidence as her, she seemed so sure in every interaction with him. But this, enjoying her body, giving himself to her physically, that was easy. He thought only fleetingly that it was the opposite with what he had done with Brand. He put himself back against her core. He brought his hand up to his face, smelling her as he licked his fingers. His hand went back down, his fingers settling into her folds. Applying pressure to her throat, he pushed her back against the tree, using it to hold her in place as he plunged into her. She cried out involuntarily. Brock tried to stay in control. From the moment they had started this walk he had wanted her. She was right, it was all he could think of, and it meant they couldn't connect any other way. Her warmth enveloped him. He panted as he bucked against her, slamming into her at a frenzied pace, rubbing her clit its whole length and pushing her folds down against his c**k. She whispered her pleasure at him Oh God. You feel…so…. so good…." He hit the right spot with every stroke. They swelled together, Ronnie squeezing his arm, letting him know what she wanted. He pinched her air, frantically trying to keep the pace steady as he fought not to go too early. His dragon wanted to claim her. He opened his mouth to say her name, to ask if he could… Her p***y clenched around him. He relaxed his hand but kept the pressure there, his thrusts not done yet. She fought not to scream, letting out a whimpering moan and her body shuddered around him. His mouth crashed into hers as he released in her, pushing as deep as he could, letting her fading orgasm complete him. She slipped her arms behind his neck, letting him deepen the kiss, abuzz with the sensation of him cumming in her as he invaded her mouth with his tongue. His hands were on her ass as he went to pull out of her, but then pushed himself back in again. She gave a shaky laugh. "I don't want your c**k anywhere but inside me too." He kissed her again. She broke their kiss, pulling back, "except maybe in Brand." He moaned as he started to move in her again. She bit her lip, wondering if what she thought was happening was really happening. Brock often was ready to go again pretty quickly, but she could feel him harden again inside her. He kissed her deeply, his pelvis slowly moving. He tilted himself so he entered her at a slightly different angle. "f**k…" she whispered in awe, "seriously?" He nodded. "I need you." She nodded, caressing his neck and shoulders. This softer, slower pace, meant he could purposely push up into her, his tip rocking directly against her center. His large hands were under her skirt and gripped her ass, controlling the thrusts. She let him show her how he wanted her. After a few seconds, she got his rhythm and joined him. He groaned low in his chest, his grip tightening, his fingers deep in her flesh. "Yes…" she breathed, her breath hitching as she felt the approach of another orgasm. He moaned into her mouth as his speed picked up again. He pulled back, wanting to see her face when she came again for him. He opened his mouth, wanting to tell her how much he needed her. He needed everything with her. Biting the flesh on his collarbone, she tucked into his neck. The feel of her teeth rubbing his flesh drove him wild and coherent thought left him. Her hair became a focus, his face pushed against it as he breathed heavily. Their soft moans came in concert as he pushed them to their end. Again. They clung to each other afterward, a quiet after the storm. Very slowly they pulled back. He kissed her mouth a couple of times, now a little bashful.- almost instantly back to feeling unsure. Immediately, all his thoughts flooded him. How could he go from complete control and assuredness while they were f*****g to this uncertain i***t? ~*~ She helped him with his pants, straightening his clothes. It was a good distraction for all of five seconds, and then she felt him withdraw into himself. She took his face in her hands and looked at him. "What's going on in there?" He shook his head. Taking in her hand, he started to lead them away. "Brock…" she bit her lip, tugging on his arm, so he looked back at her. "I don't understand…" What happened? She thought everything they had done had been amazing and that it had been what he wanted too. "It's nothing," he mumbled. She fixed her stance. "This here is the problem, Brock. You hold yourself back- how am I supposed to get to know you and see if…" His hand clenched around hers. Ronnie was surprised by the way her heart fluttered at the motion. "I'm sorry," he said sadly. "I thought I would be an amazing mate." He shook his head. "It's like I thought when I met my mate I'd be a different, better person. That everything would be perfect, but first I didn't accept Brand as my mate immediately and then when I found you," he hung his head, "you don't feel it. It's like I'm being punished." Ronnie’s heart clenched at his pain. She got it. Brock was someone with his path mapped out for him. Brand and she were really far from what one would expect for him. And from what she had read, mates usually marked each other immediately after meeting each other. "Lots of people fall in love without the need of a supernatural bond," Ronnie said. Brock looked up to meet her gaze. "But I love you already." She shook her head. "You don't even know me- or know if you like me. And I don't know yet if I like you." She pursed her lips as she felt the pain her words inflicted on him. "I mean, I obviously like you… I don't do the things I've done with you with people I don't like." She stepped forward and touched the side of his face. "You're a beautiful person. We might all come together, and we might not." She gave him a soft kiss. "But we can't dwell on that, or we'll miss experiencing something amazing while we have it." Brock stared off into the middle distance, but he nodded. "Let's go have dinner." ~*~ The rest of their evening was easier. Brock loosened up, he knew that he had to work at this- he needed Ronnie to know him. He couldn't rely on the mate bond, and it made him nervous. He had to work hard not to let fear and doubt take over. Every time they settled into a silence, it would threaten to start. What if she never felt it? What if she couldn't even fall in love with him? What if both Ronnie and Brand left him. Maybe he should let them go… Ronnie was able to get the conversation flowing though. She had a knack for it, good at asking questions to get him to open up and segwaying to another topic when it got stale or petered out. She explained how she used to sneak out of her bedroom as an early teen, she had been a real hell cat for a couple of years when she hit puberty, chilling out when they had found out her grandmother was terminal with cancer- the same thing that took her husband thirty-five years earlier. Brock told her about the time when he first started shifting and he and a Duke's son were drinking and he started a fire with their dragon flame. He winced, "Burnt down a lot of the east training wing. You can still see the scorch marks on the remaining walls." She gave a shocked laugh at the story. "Oh dear. Good thing you're dad's the literal boss." Brock smiled. "Yeah." "Wait," she said, "you have a training facility? Is it near the palace? Does it have a gym I could use?" He shifted, "Yeah." She stared at him pointedly, so he continued, "I- I didn't want everyone to see you yet." She could tell that was not a complete truth, so she just stared at him waiting for more. He let out an exasperated sigh, "The palace guards train there." He struggled for the right words. "They're a bunch of animals." She raised an eyebrow, "Is consent not a thing here?" He shook his head confused, "Of course it is." She laughed at his discomfort. "Well, what's there to be worried about?" He blushed. "I didn't want them to…" "Fantasize about me?" He grumbled at that, feeling like a fool. Why did that keep happening with her? She tilted her head, "How much of your decision making comes from you, how you were brought up and from your dragon?" Brock thought about the question. "It depends on the situation. My dragon fights for dominance more when it comes to you and Brand." "And the part where I do something that both thrills you and gives you pause?" Brock stilled, "You can feel that too?" Ronnie nodded. Brock chose his words, "that is from me and my upbringing- I-" he gave a frustrated sigh, relaxing his shoulders as he decided to be honest. "I never liked crude jokes or overtly s****l- anything." He watched her for her reaction. She seemed to be mull over his words. "Well, I guess this is a lot for you- I'm a lot." He reached for her, hating the tone of her voice. "I don't hate it about you. I'm just always surprised by how much I like it. I've had to readjust a lot of what I thought was the right way to do things." Ronnie nodded, enjoying how his hands encased hers. He was so manly. "And the weird possessiveness?" He chuckled, "While that is a part of me, a lot of the possessiveness is from my dragon. He pushes through the most where you and Brand are concerned. He kinda wants to just lock the two of you away." She laughed too but gave him a side eye. He shook his head, "I'm in charge… but you do get a rise out of him. He- he's very keen." Ronnie felt his power, it was palpable. "When will I get to meet him?" A low rumble settled in Brock's chest. "Not until after we're marked- if we get marked," he quickly corrected himself. Wondering why, Ronnie asked, "How come?" He leant forward, and she felt his inner beast push forward, "Because he couldn't stop me from claiming you." Ronnie felt warmth spread below her belly as she stared at him wide eyed. She hadn't seen him since Brock had been injured. At this moment she wanted to draw him out, let him make her his. Brock pulled back slowly, adjusting himself. "Sorry. Like I said." They sat in a comfortable silence, the first time they had, just the two of them. Ronnie thought about the man she had spent her evening with. He was complicated, but smart, courageous and loyal. "I really enjoyed tonight," she said, suddenly feeling a little flushed. She had a bit of that damn wine. She hoped he wouldn't just put her to bed. She took a sip of her water. "Take me up to my room?" He lent towards her. "I was actually hoping you'd stay in my room." She c****d an eyebrow. "It's that allowed?" "Sure. My dad's the boss, remember." ~*~

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