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Freedom!  Princess Lorelei had always wondered what it tastes like, how it felt doing what you want, not having anyone do everything for you or Stulka’s who watched her back everyone hour.  The princes had always wondered what it would be like to have a day to herself where she didn’t have to worry about pleasing her parents or worry for what the Merfolks of Ashira would say about her or the elders in the court condemning her behaviour. The princess is sure anyone watching her life would wish they had what she has. Little did they know she doesn’t have it all greatly.  Growing up with the parents she had, they expected her to be perfect in all ways, being the only daughter of the Queen and King. The only royal heir to the throne came with immense responsibilities.  Lorelei remembers what it felt like watching the youngling’s her age running around in groups and pairs, going to the ocean to swim together while they forbid her to leave the Queen’s castle.  On most days Lorelei would throw tantrums before her parents would permit her to go to the ocean, and they did not leave her to go alone. An entourage of Stulkas was always right behind her, watching her every step and movement. It was impossible to make friends, for her mother always ended whatever it was before it even started.  ‘You are royalty. You shouldn’t mix with common blood. They will never respect you. You are not like them. You cannot stain your blood with a touch from the common folks.’ Queen Daryah always sang to Lorelei every time she tried to know anyone beyond just being their future Queen.  Aside from the little to no affection she gets from her parents, princess Lorelei doesn’t know what it feels like for someone else to love or care for her.  No merfolk may touch her, not even her stulka. Her mother always says the body of a royal is sacred, its power and shall not be stained.   Thus princess Lorelei lived most of life in sheltered isolation, with no friends, no one to share her feelings with and for those years she felt like a doll.  A statue that her parents created to uphold their reign as the rulers of Ashira, and they expected her as the princess to uphold that statue blindly.  Over the years, princess Lorelei had comforted herself by looking forward to the ceremonial give away. She believed she would finally find a companion and soulmate. A merman that would spend the rest of his life with her. Someone she can finally be herself with, talk to and also become best friends. This was the only consolation Lorelei gave herself.  So even when her parents gave her the pearl palace and wouldn’t even bother to check on her for weeks, Lorelei never worried. The only time she gets to see her father is when they hold ráðh meetings with the members of the palace court.  Lorelei never liked the meetings, but her responsibility as heir is to attend these meetings, pay attention to discussions, and give inputs when needed.  From a very young age, Lorelei shouldered more than she wanted simply because she is the princess of Ashira, the next queen of the kingdom. Yet after all her years of sheltered isolation and living in the shell of herself, the princess learns she is being married off to a tyrant. One who would suck away whatever peace or bit of freedom the princess had left. Lorelei couldn’t believe her parents were moving her from isolation into what’s worse than a prison.  Lorelei knows if she ever gets caught, most merfolk would hate her and call a spoilt brat if only they knew she isn’t spoilt but a deprived mermaid who only seeks to be herself and love.  “Your ID.” The bouncer at the entrance of the club demands snapping Lorelei out of her bubbles as she giggled to stories the girls were narrating to her.  The group of girls with Lorelei pulled out their IDs from their purse and Lorelei watched as they passed the weird-looking card to the man by the door who gestured for them to go in but the girls filed after the other to the front door waiting for Lorelei who follows them only for the bouncer to block her path.  “You cannot go in without your ID.” The man says, and Lorelei tilts her head to side. “What’s that, and why do I need it to go in.” The bouncer looked the princess up and down, wondering if she was a dummy for not knowing what an ID is. “It’s a means of identification and I need to see it make sure you’re not underage.” The bouncer explains irritated that he had to explain doing his job to such a beautiful girl. “I don’t have one and I am not underage.” Lorelei answers, taking her step to go in, and the bouncer invades her path, shaking his head.  “I’m sorry, ma’m, but I can’t let you in. Please leave or provide your ID.” The bouncer says and Lorelei blinks; she did not know entering places in the human world would be so difficult first they restrict her from doing so many things back in her world and now this unusually big looking man is restricting her from entering a place meant for fun. Lorelei didn’t like any of it. “But I want to go in though.” Lorelei says, and the bouncer shakes his head in disagreement and the princess grinned. Guess its time to show him a bit of why they call her Lorelei.  “I can’t let you through.” The bouncer says frowning at the stubborn of the weird young lady as he perceived.  “Oh, my my. But you will.” Lorelei smiles, moving close to the bouncer as she whispers the words in his, and he shook his head. “I can’t.....” Lorelei’s smile didn’t falter as she played with the aquamarine gem pendant of her pearl necklace whilst keeping eye contact with the bouncer. “You will let me in because I say so.” Lorelei whispers as her pearl sapphire eyes glowed brightly, capturing the bouncer’s attention whose eyes dilated the more he looks into the swirl of colours in Lorelei’s eyes.  Her smiled broadened as the bouncer’s eyes go ghost blank for a second and the man blinks, nodding as he steps out of the way robotically. “Please go in and enjoy the night.” The bouncer says automated and Lorelei nods, walking up to the girls who were trying to make sense of what was going on between Lorelei and the bouncer. “How did he let you in?” Karla asks as soon as Lorelei gets to them. “I simply gave him a sob story, and he believed.” Lorelei lies, and the girls laughed, pulling the door opens and they pulled Lorelei into the crowd of bodies getting pressed together and a deafening noise.  “What is the noise, why is it so loud.” Lorelei asks Neisha, who was already bopping her head to the music.  “It’s music. Clubs play music all the time. Today is Friday that’s why it’s packed.” Neisha shouts above the music and although Lorelei heard her, the princess just couldn’t make any sense of it.  She stood in place astonished at the massive bodies getting squashed together, the blinding lights dancing round the room caught her attention and what fascinated her more was how the humans moved like something possessed them. She has seen no one move like that. What are they doing and why is everyone holding onto someone? Lorelei wondered as her eyes travelled round the room, ‘do Merfolks also do this?’ Lorelei asked to no one in particular because even if they did she wouldn’t know as she could never the tour the kingdom. “Come, we need to take one shot each before we dance.” Karla says, grabbing Lorelei’s hand as she drags the mermaid to the bar. “The usual.” Merinda tells the bartender, also one girl in the group. “Is she with you?” The young bartender asks, eyes never leaving the princess, and the girls nods. The bartender was ready to leave everything he was doing just to touch the princess. Something about her presence made him want to kiss her feet. “She is too pretty to be human.” The bartender comments pouring the shots and the girls giggled as they watch him foolishly over fill their glasses.  “Your spilling the drink, man. What’s your issue?” Someone yells slapping the bartender’s nape and that snapped him from the hypnotising gaze of the princess who smirked, seeing as she still had control of her powers even on land.  “That’s yours.” Neisha informs pushing a glass filled with TeQuila to the princess and she stared at it, before moving her eyes to the girls watching as they gulped the contents of their glass in one go.  Lorelei picks up the weird-looking object with liquid, sniffing it, and she almost blanched at the smell. Not only was she surprised that people drink from a mirror shaped like a drinking vessel, it surprised her that could even swallow the content with how foul it smelled to her.  “What’s this?” The princess asks pointing to her glass, and the girls gave each other questioning looks.  “That’s, Tequila.” Neisha responds. “What’s Tequila?” The princess asked again and this time the girls had the look on their faces that screamed what the actual fvck.  “Tequila is an alcoholic drink that people consume to make them loosen up and feel good.” Merinda replies, suppressing the urge to ask Lorelei if she hit her head on something. The princess nods, looking at the liquid before dipping her index finger into the glass of alcohol and she licked it. The taste made her scrunch up her nose as she looked to the three girls who were waiting for her to drink the content. The princess sighed as she contemplated drinking the substance. She might have come down here to have fun doesn’t mean she wants to be reckless and consume things that might be harmful to her.  She knows little of the human world, and princess Lorelei definitely isn’t foolish enough to eat or drink everything given to her.  Without saying a word she dips two of her fingers in to the glass, swirling it in the liquid, It is obvious the liquid contains water substance so the princess used that to her advantage control the little percentage of water in the alcohol to make it neutral and unharmful to her body.  With one last swirl, the princess taps her hand thrice on the rim of the cup before gulping down its contents.  “Okay, she is weird. Extremely weird.” Karla whispers to Neisha who simply responds with a giggle. “I think she is different but fun and she is gorgeous that’s a pass.” Neisha responds, finding herself slowly getting lost in the pearl-sapphire coloured eyes of the princess. “I see the hoe in you talking.” Karla tells Neisha, shaking her head. “Don’t blame me. Blame her for looking so enchanting.” Neisha responds, and Karla scoffs, dragging her friend up. “Come on, girls, time to own the stage.” She screams and they pulled the fascinated princess with them to the stage. Not knowing what to do, the princess takes a minute to study the body movement of the girls, mastering it as she watched and soon started moving alike.  Princess Lorelei doesn’t understand the need for humans to dance to this noise, but she joined anyway. It looked fun, and they looked happy. A few minutes passed, and Lorelei and the girls dominated the stage. More eyes were on Lorelei. A few others had stopped dancing, entranced by the way the princess moved as they undressed her with their eyes.  Oh waters, did she love the attention, yes Lorelei did. She revelled in it so much that she added a few of her water move to the dance entrapping the men’s heart.  The other people still dancing soon crowded around Lorelei and the girls, engaging them in dancing. The DJ soon changed the song from the upbeat ones to a slow sensual feeling, and everyone grabbed any willing partner.  Lorelei knew she wouldn’t dance alone, and she smiled in triumph when she felt a hand sneak up on her waist.  She looked at the girls dancing with some men, and Lorelei copied their moves, throwing her head back like they did.  She pushed her ass into the crotch of the guy standing behind her, imitating the way Karla moved and she slowly grind into him. “Permit me to say you’re tempting.” The guy whispered in her ears, and Lorelei smiled whispering back her response. “I know.” She says, grinning as Neisha moved closer to them.  “Can I join?” Neisha asks, and Lorelei nods. “You don’t mind, right?” She asks the fine young man, feeling her up and the guy nods. “The more the merrier.” The guy replies, places little kisses along the mermaid shoulder and Lorelei shuddered from the intense feeling. The princess could swear she has felt nothing this good in her entire life. Neisha smiles at the invite, pressing herself against Lorelei’s front as she felt her up, fingers roaming around the mermaid’s covered breast. Bliss was all Lorelei felt as the two human sandwiched her between them, giving her the best touches she’s ever had. Their fingers invading places she didn’t know could feel so good.  While they were at it, the princess feels something wood like press against her ass and she pushes into it. “What is that?” Princess Lorelei asks as she moves her hand between them to touch the hard object. “That’s a special part of me that wants to make you feel good.” The guy whom princess Lorelei had no care for, his name says.  Now that he answered, the princess realised she knows what that is. Although she’s never seen one in her life, she didn’t expect it to be that wood-like and she was ready to explore with it. “I’m up for feeling good.” Princess Lorelei says, almost stumbling on her words, as she feels Neisha fingers creep up her nether regions and her knees trembled.  “I have a VIP reserved room here. We can take this upstairs.” Neisha suggests and the other two parties, one mermaid and one human man, nods in their lust filled trance. Following behind Neisha as she leads them to her reserved VIP room. What she didn’t tell them was how her adopted father owns the place.  Through the early hours of the night, both humans made Princess Lorelei feel pleasure she’s never felt before.  She made them give her a display while they went at it before she joined and the princess sworn she’s never felt so much in one day. The only problem princess Lorelei encountered was not knowing where to touch or what to do, and she blamed the Queen for that. The princess knows nothing about how copulation works. One time she asked her mother about it, and the queen told Lorelei not to worry her head. The only information the queen gave the princess was, her chosen would cherish and show her enormous love and give her babies on the night of the ceremonial passing. The princess didn’t know this was how it worked but thanks to the two humans, who sensed the princess’ naivety and guided her through everything they did. Gentle yet pleasurable.  Princess Lorelei let them pleasure her in every way possible, knowing by morning both humans would forget her face and everything that’s happening between them. 
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