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Zelda   I didn’t bother going back to the party venue to help. I passed by the hall and heard the King introducing the future king and his bride. I was angry, I can’t remember when last I was in such a bad mood.  I didn’t know the castle much, I just wanted to get out. Guests were scattered here and there, loud cheer was coming from the hall and it infuriated me even more. I found my way outside the castle after taking several wrong turns. I noticed people staring at me, one even had the audacity to ask me for a drink but I just passed by him like I didn’t hear it till I got out of the castle. Maybe I should go back to Atlantis. At least I was respected and feared in Atlantis. I should run far from the DiCaprio’s and find another means to get at them. I knew I couldn’t make it back to my small room on foot so I just looked for somewhere to sit till my anger subsides at least. When I left Atlantis, I thought my mum was going to take a ride straight to Auradon to come get me out of here but she didn’t come. I think I get a lot of my stubbornness from Queen Calista. She was full of action and when I spoke to Phoebe last week on phone, she informed me that my mum didn’t even want to hear from me again. She hasn’t picked my call or anything but why did she not understand? I was doing this for all of us and if anything, I should be getting support from my family. I always knew I was different from them. I only attended a few of the balls that was held in Atlantis because I always dreaded having to wear those gowns and smile all night long and laugh at things that were not even funny. I had to deal with other Prince’s flirting with me and acting all mannered up when all I wanted to do was smack them in the face and tell them how ridiculous they looked. Asides coming to Auradon to avenge my father’s death, I was also glad I was free from the shackles of Atlantis, at least I get to see somewhere asides Atlantis and see how others lived their lives. It hasn’t been easy in all truth but right now I am beginning to regret coming here. Prince Lorde apparently did not know I was his brother’s mate. If he did, he probably wouldn’t be making advances towards me and I was right about the fact that the future alpha would not want anything to do with me. He was going on with his stupid party with his bride to be, like he hadn’t seen me or was I the only one that felt the mate bond between us? A whole lot of thoughts was going through my mind right now and for a brief second I wished Phoebe was here. She was the only one that really understood me at times and knowing she had found her own mate too, she may be in a better position to understand how I feel. Phoebe barely spoke about her mate after he left and everyone thought it best not to talk to her about it so that she would heal faster. I don't  know if he rejected her or if she rejected him, but Tyrian had made a joke out of it one time and it had led to a pretty big fight between them. Tyrian is my mother’s son and one of the most annoying human I have ever met. I tried getting along with him because we are family after all, but it never worked out. We were always having fallouts. My mum didn’t like it and many times she would take his side because he is a man. I have gotten into a fight with Tyrian once, a physical fight. A small smile curved my lips as the memories flashed through my mind. My mum had dealt with me that day but I left a mark on Tyrian’s neck. I was just fifteen then and definitely no match for Tyrian but I made sure to give him something to remember.  I was gradually feeling better. I start to give myself small talks not to allow the charming Prince Leroy or his brother get to me. He was one arrogant bastard to still be going on with his future bride when he knows I’m his mate. It’s not like I want anything to do with him, I convince myself. He is just a blood-sucking gold digger and he must think I am some bloody servant girl that he would not want to associate with. I don’t care about him, I just want to bring him and his family down.  “He’s not even cute, just overhyped, ” I muttered to myself. I was doing a good job convincing myself that the prince was no good for me. “What does he think he is?” I got to my feet now and straightened my dress “I am Zelda, last born of the Wilkinson’s and I am pretty, I do not need no Prince charming in my life, especially not the DiCaprio’s and if Prince Lorde tries to flirt with me again, I’m going to let him know I am not just a pretty face, ” I said to myself with conviction. I reminded myself the main reason I was here. My father’s body laid six feet below crying for vengeance and I was not going to let his killers get away scot free. Maybe it is even a good thing that Prince Lorde likes me. I feel more comfortable around him than I felt in the few seconds that my eyes had locked with his elder brother’s. I could use him to get as much information as I wanted. I haven’t come this far to back out now. “Hey you, what are you doing there?” I heard Madame Elizabeth’s voice and I turned around to see her coming towards me. Madame Elizabeth was way nicer than Abigail. Maybe because she was married and had daughters as well.  “Madame Abigail suspended me, ” I informed her. “Oh that’s nonsense, ” She waved her hands at me and chuckled “its weird but you actually made an impression on the DiCaprio brothers, ”  “What do you mean?” I swallowed hard. “The Prince wants you working in his chambers with effect from tomorrow, ” she supplied. My heart stopped. This was what I wanted wasn’t it? To work in the DiCaprio castle. I forced a fake smile “really?” “Yes, and it’s weird because he has never specifically asked for a particular servant, ” she supplied. Prince Lorde said he likes me and would find a place for me in the royal castle so this shouldn’t really be a surprise and just a few minutes ago I was convincing myself that I could use him to achieve my main aim here but why was I so freaking scared now? What happened to all my bravery? He was a handsome young man and he could have any other maiden he wanted. What was so different about me? What if he finds out that I am not who I claim to be? How good am I at this cleaning thing? How much could I really do without Charlotte by my side? “I’m delighted to hear that, ” I told Madame Elizabeth. She walks closer to me “You should be, anybody would be. Those working in the castle gets more money and favors than those outside, ” she pursed her lips “but you must try not to get on the Prince’s nerves. He has a pretty bad temper. You just have to do everything right, ” she told me. Prince Lorde did not strike me like someone who has a bad temper. I was with him less than an hour ago and he told me point blank that he likes me.  “I will do my best Madame, ” I told her “I’m willing to put in extra efforts but can I ask a favor?” it’s easier to ask Madame Elizabeth for favors than it is to ask Madame Abigail. “What is it?” She asked. “Can Charlotte get a place in the royal castle too?” I gave her a pitiful look. She was clearly going to say no but I pressed on “You know I’m not from here. Not many people like me and I find it difficult making friends here. Charlotte is the only one close to me and I want to be able to talk to someone. If she is far away from me, I’d be too lonely. I know I’m here to work but everybody needs a friend, ” I finished “Please?” Madame Elizabeth sighed “I don’t know girl but I will see what I can do. The Prince specifically requested for you and not Charlotte but I can get her a spot in the lower chambers. I’m not sure but I will try, just because you have been a good girl, ” She didn’t sound too pleased. I hugged her excitedly then. My acting skills were so damn good “Thank you so much Madame,” I held her tightly before releasing her “I promise to do my best at the castle and not cause any troubles,” She hugged me back and laughed. See, I told you it was easier to handle Elizabeth than Abigail.  “You can help serve the guests downstairs and clean up. I don’t think you would want to go up there anytime soon. Tomorrow you would be packing your stuff and moving to the servants quarters in the castle, ” she informed me. “Okay ma’am. I can do that, ”  “I know you can. What I do hope is that you do not cause any trouble with the future king. He’s not someone you want to mess with and he must really like you to have specifically asked that you work directly under him. Just don’t ruin this Zelda, ” She says and casually walks away. Wait. Did she just say future king? Prince Leroy? f**k. I thought I was to be reporting to Prince Lorde. What the heck. What mess have I gotten myself into? I was still looking at her as she walked away. Is it too late to tell her I couldn’t do it? Did I even have a choice in it?  My heart started to beat fast again and my fingers grew cold. Why did he want me working in his chambers? I had to find Charlotte. I straightened my dress and walked inside. Luckily for me, Charlotte was already coming down. She handed me a tray to help out. “There’s a lot of work in there. What are you doing out here? Have you apologized to Prince Lorde?” she asked hurriedly. Two other maids hurriedly passed by us into the kitchen area and we had to pause for a while. “Yea I did, ”  “Did he punish you? Are you suspended?” she was speaking really fast. She wanted to be filled in on all the details but I’m not sure how much I can say right now. “He didn’t punish me. Instead I got a spot in the castle, ” I informed her dryly. “Oh my, that’s great news. You don’t sound so happy about that, ” she commented. She looked worried now. Some guests were arriving and we knew we had to leave here and get to work. “I’ll tell you about it later, after the party, ” I promised and she nodded. We parted ways and I carried the tray she handed me away. I was walking into the kitchen when I felt something hit my stomach. I stood on a spot for a brief moment as I tried to figure out what the pain was. It was gone in an instant and loud cheer came from the crowd above. I instantly knew what it was. I have read about this thing before. My mate just kissed his Princess. I shut my eyes tight, son of a b***h!        
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