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Zelda   My hands are still shaking as I got to the rest room with Charlotte behind me. What the hell just happened? I just spilled drinks on one of the DiCaprio brothers and I was sure going to be punished for it but that was not even the reason why my hands were shaking so badly, it was because of him. The demigod that is my mate. How could it even be possible? My elder sister Avery never found her mate but Phoebe did, I really do not know what happened between them but he left as soon as they found out and I never even knew about it until when he was gone and Phoebe broke down. I do not want a mate and I never even believed in the mate thing. Nineteen years of my life and suddenly I have a mate? And it had to be a DiCaprio? Not just any DiCaprio but the heir to the throne. I was a mess already, I still can’t think straight. “Princess, are you okay?” Charlotte said with concern in her voice. I shook my head, because I wasn’t okay. I was a total wreck inside. I finally got a chance to meet the DiCaprio’s and I turned into a jelly at the sight of the prince. In that instant that our eyes locked, I totally lost it. It was like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I hate to admit it but Leroy DiCaprio was one hell of a hot ass. The whole episode lasted less than a minute but it was enough for me to take in his full appearance. He was tall, and arrogant no doubt. His baby blue eyes were the most mesmerizing ones I’ve ever seen and all that pride and power he emitted could not be overlooked. He owned the place and that much was clear. I am a damn princess for crying out loud but I felt so little in his presence. What surprised me was how I felt seeing another woman in his arms. Heart wrenching pain. In my present state, I was definitely no match for Princess Kimberly. No man would want me over her. She is pretty unlike me in shabby maid uniform.  “What is it? I knew you wouldn’t be able to face the DiCaprio’s. Princess Avery was right, we should never have come here,” Charlotte complained. I poured water from the running tap on my face, completely washing the little make up I had on. I just needed to cool my head. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m ugly, I mean look at the stupid uniform I'm wearing. I sighed when my breathing had calmed down a bit. Why the hell should I care about how he sees me? He is a bloody murderer. Every single DiCaprio is a murderer and I would be the one to hang him myself if I ever had the chance. “Charlotte you should go back to serving. Madame Abigail dismissed me, not you,” I told her but she didn’t budge. “Whatever punishment they are going to give you, we may just have to go through it together,” She told me. Charlotte was very loyal to me and she deserved a whole lot. I would ensure she gets heavily rewarded when we get back to Atlantis. Before I could respond, the door to the rest room burst open and Madame Abigail comes boiling with anger. She tries to drag me by my hair but I easily ducked. “You must apologize to Prince Leroy and Prince Lorde at once. They would decide your punishment and whatever it is, you must Know Prince Leroy will not let you off easy. You got yourself into one big mess young lady,” she inhaled sharply. From the look of it, she was more affected by the accident than Prince Lorde himself. What a woman! “I knew letting you both in here was a mistake. How can you embarrass the prince in public? How can you? You never do anything right…” she goes on blabbing but my mind tunes out. I am not a shy person, never have and never will be but I had gone weak in the knees at the sight of the Prince. He bore so much resemblance to his immediate younger brother Lorde but he had to be taller, and he commanded so much respect. When he walked closer to us, I could barely find my breath and thank goodness Madam Abigail had been in between us before he whisked his brother away and I had to make my way here to calm myself down while Charlotte cleared the mess. I was no good at these things and with the way the Prince made me feel, I was not sure I wanted to work in this castle. “Are you deaf or something?” Madame Abigail’s words snapped me out of my thoughts. “I’m not deaf,” I snapped back “and you will not speak to me in that manner,” I ordered. She froze for a second but I didn’t regret using that tone on her. She could go about talking anyway she liked with the other maids but I wasn’t going to take it from her. Not now, not ever.  She stayed quiet for a while “You will go apologize to Prince Lorde in his office right now,” She says after a while, glaring at me. I know there is no way she was going to raise her hands on me and if she did, I was going to challenge her to a fight and I m not even joking. I came here to avenge my father’s death and not to get insulted. If my plan wasn’t working out, then I was ready to take another approach. “I’m sure you will regret coming to Auradon by the time those two are done punishing you,” Madame Abigail was indeed a bitter woman “And you are suspended henceforth,” she pointed at me and stormed away. I felt remorseful at first but I’m not sure I feel that way anymore. Either way, I knew I had to apologize to the prince. I looked at Charlotte who had pity in her eyes for me but I just shook my head and marched out. I have no idea where Prince Lorde’s office is but I asked Alonso as soon as I sighted him at the entrance of the large hall and he gave me directions. I was to take an elevator to the top floor. I’m not really good with elevators but I didn’t have much choice.  Charlotte went about her business while I made my way to the Prince’s office. I wasn’t afraid to confront Prince Lorde. I was afraid of his elder brother. The castle is quite large but using the description Alonso gave me, I located Lorde’s chambers at the left hand side. The area was clearly labelled “Prince Lorde,” and I made my way to the office. I sucked in my breath before tapping lightly on the door. The good thing was that Prince Leroy was not in there. If he was, I would have perceived him. “Come in,” came Prince Lorde’s voice. From the way his voice sounded, it was obvious he was already waiting for me.  I wanted this for so long, to be closer to the DiCaprio’s and gather as much information I could to bring them down. Why was I so scared now? I was in Prince Lorde’s chambers, If I took note of how this place was and I am careful enough, I could sneak in at some other time to gather documents. I was already forming ideas in my head, maybe this could work. I opened the door gently and stepped in. Lorde had already changed into another shirt. He had a glass of wine in his hands and his back was turned towards me while he stared out the window. His office was magnificent. It was quite spacious with two windows running from the ceiling to the ground opposite each other. The drapes were off white and close to the window where the prince was standing, there were two large sofa’s One was a single-seater and the other a double-seater.  A large shelf of books stood behind his personal desk and chair. The wood of his desk was gigantic. A computer was in the middle as well as a small landline by the side and many other small items and paper works. The table was a little untidy but still looked magnificent. He turned to me and I was reminded of how much he looked like Prince Leroy. Thank goodness he was not in this room right now.  “I’m so sorry Prince Lorde. It wasn’t my intention to spill that drink on you and I’m willing to take any punishment you deem fit,” I said, my eyes not leaving his. I was not afraid of Prince Lorde, not like I was of his elder brother. I hate to admit it but I was a little scared back there. Lorde was quiet for a while and then he dropped his glass of wine on his large desk and took three steps in my direction. I didn’t feel the urge to back away. A small smile curved his lips and then he placed both hands on his waist. “You don’t look like you are sorry, angel” he said a little sarcastically but he made sure to stress the ‘angel’ “I am,” I quickly added and then bowed my head like I just realized I wasn’t supposed to be bold enough to look him in his face. He took more steps closer to me and then he was standing so close to me. I just stared at the floor between us. “You know why I asked Abigail to send you here to apologize?” He asked and I shook my head and gently brought my eyes to meet his. “Why is that?” I asked. He chuckled softly “Well, I like you,” he said flatly. I couldn’t hide the shock that registered on my face. “W-what?” I stammered for the first time. He laughed loudly this time “You are beautiful, and bold, and I like that. Plus, I would like to see you please me with so much fire in you,” he reached out and twisted a portion of my hair around his index fingers. My face went white and I wasn’t even aware my fists were clenched so tight till he looked down at them and smiled again. “Woah, easy there,” He chuckled. I heard about how many of the maidens would do anything to grace the bed of the DiCaprio brothers but did he really think I was one of them? I was going to punch this man in his face any minute if he continues flirting with me. He released my hair from his finger and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I think my brother likes you too but I don’t mind sharing,” he picked his drink and sipped again “I wouldn’t punish you for today because I just know you are different, so you can go back to doing your job and I’ll secure a place for you in the main castle. I believe you are still pretty new here,” “Madame Abigail already suspended me,” I informed him. Few minutes ago, I didn’t like the news but right now, I wanted to be suspended. “Don’t worry about her,” he waved his hands “I’ll be seeing you around,” I turned to leave immediately. “I know Leroy does not like sharing his women and he seemed pretty upset about how I spoke to you but bear in mind that he is already taken, I’m still free,” I heard the smile in his voice but I didn’t turn back, I just walked out of the office. What insolence. I am a princess, not some s*x slave. What the hell is wrong with these people? Being a servant is so damn hard. Aarghh…
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