2232 Words

Zelda   I started to feel a sharp pain in my stomach. It started slowly but now it’s almost uncontrollable. One minute it feels like my body is on fire and the next minute, it stops totally, then it starts again, and then it stops.  Anna was watching me with worry in her eyes and it wasn’t long before she figured out what it was “he’s cheating on you, ” she said. Thankfully, the pain had subsided now “What do you mean?” I feigned ignorance. “Your mate. He’s cheating on you, ” she repeated and I didn’t try to deny it. Anna didn’t have a lot of friends. In fact, she doesn’t have any friends. She doesn’t go about gossiping with other servant girls and it took her a lot to open up to me so I wasn’t going to deny she was right. I sat up and clutched my stomach as I felt it again and then I

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