Chapter Seventeen

997 Words

As soon as we got into my room, I closed the door firmly. The tension downstairs was too thick. I was almost worried it would follow us up the stairs. I was just as worried as my parents that Cassie had overheard the vampire talk. If she had, she was showing no signs at all. She didn't seem remotely concerned about her surroundings. I watched as she inspected my room, looking through the bookcases and flicking through my CDs. "Some of those books are like mega old." "I know. I have quite a few first editions. It's a hobby of mine." I resisted the urge to tell her that most of them I had acquired when the authors had written them. She selected a CD and put it on. Upbeat dance music filled the air. It wasn't my usual go to music. I preferred 80's rock. I had spent so many nights wishing I

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