Book 3 Chapter 34

2320 Words

Sage POV Andrei was gone for three days, I hadn’t seen him, and I was starting to worry. However, after the second day, my anger diffused, and I wanted to understand, tried to understand. Every morning Zane let me out of the Packhouse with Casen, who had been training me with Zane. I liked Casen, he was easy to get along with, and Zane was more relaxed around him and not on edge. In fact, Andrei's absence made the entire pack was more relaxed, making me realize how much his behavior was affecting his pack too. Slipping on my running shoes, I glance at the alarm clock to see Casen and Zane would be here soon. I rummaged through the bathroom drawer, looking for a hair tie before tying my hair up in a ponytail. Rushing down the steps, I wait by the door. This was my favorite part of the da

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