Book 3 Chapter 35-1

1663 Words

3 months Later Andrei POV Sage lurches forward as I grip her fist like I expected as she tries to punch me; she turns underneath my arm, her smile not slipping as she tries to get out of my grip. Her eyes were sparkling, and I saw her intentions a moment too late as her foot connected with the back of my knee, making me jerk forward onto one knee. She jumps on my back, her arms locking around my neck in a chokehold, holding my hand on her wrist as she effectively chokes me with my arm. I let go of her wrist, but her legs wrapped around my waist, and she crossed her ankles, her arms locked tightly, restricting my airways. Zane laughs as he watches, telling her to hold on. I grip her thighs, knowing she is ticklish, and she falters. Her laugh is like music to my ears. “That’s cheating,” s

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