Chapter 10

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Ella and her father returned home to find all the lights off and the house empty. Her father walked up the steps and looked at her confused. He opened the front door and walked in. "Hey Hon. We are home. We found Ella. She is safe and sound." There was no answer. They walked into the kitchen, and there on the counter was a note. Ella's father picked it up and began to read. Ella read the letter over her father's shoulder. Ray, I decided that I needed a girls' weekend and wanted to give myself a little pampering after all the work that I did for the party that is now canceled. I will be home in three days. Love, Marilyn He crumpled the note. Ella stood there in horror. "Am I really that bad that she needs to get away from me?" She blurted. Her father, who had been staring into space with his own thoughts turned suddenly. "NO!" He said firmly. His anger seeped into his response. He threw the note in the trash can. "Ella, I meant what I said earlier. Your mother had her heart set on showing you off in a glamorous ball gown and making it a huge formal affair." He said stroking the side of Ella's face as the tears began to fall. "She is disappointed, and she also thinks that you skipped out on this purposely. I will call her and set her right." He put his hand under Ella's chin and pulled her face up to look at him. "In the meantime, I think that you have a party to plan." He smiled at her with love. He knew that she would be able to arrange the party that she really wanted in a short amount of time. Out of the two of her parents, Ella's father understood her better. Ella wound her arms around his middle and tucked her head against him like she used to do when she was little. "I love you Daddy." She said as she gave him a squeeze. "OK. Now off with you, and I will give your Mom a call and set her straight so that she will be here for your day." He smiled at her. A little sadness in his eyes. Ella ran up to her room and pulled out her laptop and cell phone. She had no idea who her mother had contacted for flowers or catering, or DJ or anything. She decided to start with the people that she was sure that her mother would use, because she knew them. First, she needed a place to do this, and she knew just the place. She picked up her phone and dialed. After four hours, it was too late at night to call anyone else, but Ella thought that she had just about everything that she needed. She was able to get a venue, a DJ, a caterer, and even convince the florist to change up the flowers that it turned out were non-refundable. Her mother had told him to donate them to the hospital. Ella split the difference and gave half the ornate displays to the hospital, and had the florist cut down the arrangements for her and have fewer roses and more daisies and carnations. She closed her laptop with a sigh. Putting it on the nightstand, she heard a knock on her door. "Come in." She said. Ella's father poked his head in. "How is it going?" He opened the door and stood in the doorway. "Good. I spoke to the Luna, she is going to let us use the tables and chairs. We will have to set them up ourselves, but we can handle that. The rest is set. You will need to pay the caterer I got. The florist and the DJ are the same ones that Mom was going to use so there is no problem there." She looked at her father. There was a deep relief on his face and yet still a sadness. "Did you get a hold of Mom?" She asked. Her father came and sat on the bed next to her, hesitating. "No." Ella's face fell. Seeing the look on Ella's face, he put his hand on hers. "I called a few of her friends, and after having to explain what happened to you, they felt awful and told me that she is on a flight to the Carribean. I will not be able to reach her for at least another hour. I will try to get her a flight back so she is here in time, but it will be a near thing." Ella dropped her head and played with a stray string from her comforter. Ella's father gave her time to digest what she had just said. "Dad, I don't understand why she would just hop on a plane and leave. Even if she is disappointed in me. It is not like her. Why would she do that?" Ella looked up at him. Confusion and hurt were evident on her face. Her father shook his head. "Honestly, I am not sure. It is such a knee jerk reaction for your mother. She is normally not so rash. I know she had put a lot of stock in this party, but for her to react this way to you just being late for dinner? I am still trying to wrap my head around it." Her father shook his head sadly. Ella sat up pulling her hand from her Dad's. "Well, there is no use worrying about it until we can sit down and talk to her." She went to get off the bed and put her laptop on her desk. "I think I am going to head to bed. I need to be up early tomorrow. I have asked the Luna to make a pack wide announcement tomorrow morning that the party will be moved and the time changed to 4pm and not 8pm. I also asked her to announce that it will be a picnic BBQ and not a formal, so people can come dressed for fun." Her father raised his eyebrows. "Are you sure that is what you want? I know you have had to throw things together last minute." Her father looked at her unsure. "Yes Dad. This is exactly what I wanted. It's actually the best gift Mom could have given me without trying." She laughed. Her father chuckled and gave her a hug and kiss good night. Before he left he turned to her. "How many strong backs will we need to set up tomorrow do you think? And what time will we need them?" Ella thought for a moment. "I would say about two or three and lets meet them there at 10am." Ella's father nodded and left the room shutting off the light as Ella was already in bed. She fell asleep with visions of how well everything will turn out tomorrow. She was actually excited for this!
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