Chapter 9

1150 Words
Ella ran as fast as she could away from the clearing. She looked behind her to see if Andy was still chasing her and ran right into something solid and warm. Arms wrapped around her and held her tight. Her feet were picked up off the ground mid run. “Ella! Oh Ella! We thought the worst when Jake said you went under and didn’t come up. “. It was Ella’s father. She melted into his embrace, wrapping her arms around him too. “No Daddy. I’m OK. Once I got untangled from the tree, I was able to come up for air and find a way to get to the bank. Only when I got out I was on the wrong side of the river. I had to back track for miles to find a way across. Jake must not have seen me come up”. It was then, when she spoke of getting untangled from the tree that she realized that she was not wearing a shirt. She quickly looked around over her father’s shoulder. She spotted one of the outdoor boxes the pack kept stocked with clothes for the warriors that were on guard duty. Ella quickly ended the hug and slipped around her father to the box. She fished out some clothes that were closer to her size. Most were made for larger built men. She threw the shirt on and zipped the sweatshirt over it. She was still chilled from the cold river water. She came to stand next to her father again as the Alpha walked up to them. “Ella we are all glad you’re OK. What happened?” The three of them turned to here footsteps coming from the direction that Ella had just come from. Andy and Jake walked out of the trees. Andy spotted the Alpha at once and walked over to the little group. “Glad you’re OK Ella.” He said with a smile that did not reach his eyes. Jake stood back a few steps away from the group staring at Ella. She looked away. “Hey Andy. You guys must have just missed Ella. She came from that direction too. She was just about to tell me what happened.” The Alpha said. All eyes turned to Ella. She hesitated and looked down, and her father put his arm around her protectively. “I was out by the river enjoying the sunshine on the old log.” She began and looked up at the Alpha. Ella noticed Andy who was glaring at her, daring her to tell the Alpha it was him. Her father was looking at her silently urging her to continue her story. “I am not sure how it happened, but I think maybe I moved and jarred it loose, but the log rolled off the banks and fell in the river with me on it. A branch on the log got tangled up with my shirt and pulled me under.” Her father hugged her and began to rub her shoulder opposite him. He gave her a kiss on her temple. “How did you get out and end up further upstream from where you went in?” The Alpha sounded more annoyed now. Ella did not feel nervous at the Alpha's annoyance. On the contrary, she actually felt annoyed with the Alpha at her actions being questioned. This was an odd feeling for her. She usually did not question the Alpha's authority, and was very submissive. She stood straighter and faced the Alpha right in the eye. "I was able to get out because I took my shirt off that was tangled in the branches of the log. After I floated down the river for a while, I was able to get purchase on a rock, near a small eddy, and I got out there. The only problem was that it was on the other side of the river. Rather than risk going back across, and getting swept back down towards the falls, I walked up the river and found the other log that was further up to be able to cross there. That was how I ended up so far up the river after I went in." She said, putting her hands on her hips as if she was done with the questioning. The Alpha stared at her as if he was assessing her. He father looked at her in surprise, and Andy just seethed. Jake was not looking at her at all. After a minute, the Alpha seemed to have finished his assessment of her. "Ella, I am going to say this once. I am here to protect ALL of my pack. I am sure that your story is true, but I also feel that there is more to your story that you have not said." The Alpha took a quick glance at both Andy and Jake. "When you are ready to talk let me know. In the meantime, I am happy you are back and safe." The Alpha dropped his hands to his side as if he was ready to leave. "I think you better head home. I believe your mother was busy canceling your party." He said with a huff and then walked away. Ella's father wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and began to lead her back to their house. Andy and Jake had followed the Alpha back toward the packhouse. "Dad, is Mom really canceling the party for tomorrow?" Ella asked him. Her father sighed. "Your mother was very angry when you did not show up again. She thought that you were not taking this seriously, and decided that if it was not that important to you, then she was not going to do it at all." Her father peaked at her out of the corner of his eye. "Are you upset?" He asked. Ella ducked her head in thought. "Honestly Dad, I am more relieved than anything. This was more for Mom than it was for me. You know me, I am not the glitz and ballgown type." She laughed. Her Dad hugged her and chuckled too. "Yeah I can see your Mom getting carried away. She has always wanted to plan a big gala for your coming of age, and your mating ceremony." He stopped and turned Ella toward him. Putting his hands on the tops of each of her arms and looking her in the face, "Maybe it's time you and Mom have a heart to heart. She needs to hear all this from you." Ella nodded. "You're right. I will talk to her when we get home. Thanks Dad." She leaned in and gave him a hug. "Lets get home. I'm starving, and need a shower after being in the river." Her father laughed and putting his arm back around her shoulders, walked with her back to the house.
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