Here I was late at night just enjoying the little bit of time that was child free. Now yes I know that might offend some people. I can just hear all of the negative comments about it now. However, just because I am a mother, and yes before anyone says to me about oh you should love to spend time with your children. Or anything else like or similar to children is a blessing from god himself so you should want to be with them all the time, and you should be grateful all women can even have kids to begin with and they would die for an opportunity to have children. I honestly don't want to hear it, or anything else that might be similar and negative in any form or way. Yes, I love to spend time with my girls and also yes I cherish them. However, at the same time I still need to myself so I can get my own thoughts together.
Anyway, here I was just watching a new C-Drama that I have yet to watch when I suddenly heard a very masculine and husky voice whisper in my ear, also feeling warm breath on the back of neck and ear as well. I freak out turning around to see that it was just Steven. That a*sshole just loves to scare the d*mn crap out of me any single chance that he can get to do so. I have never realized just how sensual his voice was before. Now that could also be due to him having never whispered in my ear before in the past since I had gotten to know him. Must I say d*mn did I find his voice extremely attractive as well?
Hey began to ask me what my drama was about then proceeded to leave the room just as I had started to explain what the drama was about. How rude by the way. He then happens to just come back from the kitchen with an extra spoon to eat some of my snacks with me. I honestly can not really tell if he is attempting to flirt with me as he jokes about just sharing my spoon to eat ice cream.