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Victoria's POV As I walked into the pack house, I could feel tension in the air as they all stared at me. They all had an unreadable expression on their faces, which made it hard for me to detect their mood. I held gaze with Alpha Golden, and he also had that unreadable expression on his face. Taking a deep breath, I walked to my seat, which was beside Beta Tony. I took the seat and made Aidan sit on my lap. I looked down at him and could see he was frightened by the faces of the Alphas, but I placed a kiss on his forehead and wrapped my arms around him, giving him the assurance of protection and letting him know that I was with him and no one would harm him. I met gaze with Bernard, who was seated with the other ten Alphas. He also had that blank look that scared the hell out of me. I was scared, wondering if he would play me for a fool and decide to pay me back for refusing him years ago. “Take a deep breath, Victoria,” Beatrice comforted, and I did as she had instructed. The hall was silent for a moment until Alpha Silva stood to his feet and cleared his throat. “I believe we all know why we are gathered here.” “No, please tell us,” Bernard interrupted, and Alpha Silva fell silent before he continued. “We are here to decide who should be the caretaker of the Moon Pack until Aidan Derick comes of age.” He said while looking at Bernard. “So now I believe we all know why we are here.” He added, and everyone remained silent. “But before we cast our votes, I would like to ask Beta Tony and Luna Victoria to tell us why we should choose them to be the caretaker,” Alpha Silva said and took his seat. Beta Tony stared at me for a moment before he stood up. “I greet you all,” he greeted. “It's a sad thing that my Alpha is dead, but as his Beta, I think it is right that I be the caretaker of the throne until his son, Aidan, is of age.” He said, and I scoffed. “I'm the one who has been with Alpha Derick; I know the affairs of the pack, and it would be disastrous to give the throne to Luna Victoria just because she's the late Alpha's wife and mother of Prince Aidan.” He said, and a frown appeared on my face. “She is just a woman who knows nothing about the pack. Yes, she has incredible abilities, but can she handle the affairs of the pack? No, she has no idea how anything is being run.” He looked at me with a victorious grin before he continued. “We all know Luna Victoria for her bad temper and wrong decisions, and you, Alpha Golden, can testify to it.” He said, and I clenched my fist but remained calm; now wasn't the time to explode. “I have no plans to take the throne for my own benefit, but all I'm doing is for the betterment of the pack, just as Alpha Derick would have wanted. So, I hope you all make the right decision by choosing me.” With those words, he took back his seat, and everyone shifted their attention to me. I felt anger bubbling up inside me. How dare he belittle my capabilities and dismiss my knowledge of the pack? I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, before I stood up to address the room. “I appreciate your concern, Beta Tony,” I said, my voice steady but filled with determination. “But let me remind you that being the Alpha's wife doesn't solely define my qualifications. I have been by Alpha Derick's side for years, supporting him in his decisions and understanding the intricacies of our pack. I held an official title as the Luna, and I have actively participated in pack matters.” I glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of the other Alphas, seeking some sign of support or understanding, but they all had blank looks. “I have witnessed the challenges our pack has faced, and I have seen firsthand the sacrifices our members have made. I have developed relationships and gained the trust of our pack members. I have proven myself capable of leading and making difficult decisions when necessary.” I paused, allowing my words to sink in. Aidan tightened his grip around me, sensing the tension in the room. I gave him a reassuring smile before continuing. “I understand that there are concerns about my ability to handle the affairs of the pack, but I assure you that I am committed to learning and growing into this role. I am not asking for blind trust; I am asking for an opportunity to prove myself. Together, we can work towards the betterment of the pack and provide a stable environment for Aidan's future.” I looked directly at Beta Tony and frowned. “Beta Tony wants the throne for his selfish reasons; he will never give the throne to Aidan, and I'm certain about that.” “Be careful of your accusations,” Beta Tony spat, but I ignored him and continued. “I might be a woman, but you all can't deny that I will be a great leader. I proved it in the war, which you all were present for,” I said as I glanced at them all. “I do hope you make the right decision and don't cast your vote due to personal revenge,” I said, directly staring at Alpha Golden, who held my gaze with a blank look. With a deep breath, I took my seat and placed a kiss on Aidan's forehead. The room fell silent as everyone contemplated the weight of their decision. I held Aidan tightly, silently praying that they would see my worth or Lord Bernard had done something like we had agreed, and he wasn't playing me for a fool. “Well, I think it's time to cast the votes,” Bernard said, breaking the silence. “We are all going to write who we vote for on a piece of paper and submit it in the box,” he said while pointing at the transparent box. As the Alphas began writing their votes, I could feel the tension escalating in the room. I glanced at Beta Tony, who seemed confident and smug, while Bernard maintained his blank expression. I took a deep breath, hoping that the others would see through their personal biases and make a fair decision based on the best interests of the pack. One by one, the Alphas approached the box and dropped their folded pieces of paper inside. I watched intently, my heart pounding in my chest, as each vote determined the fate of my son's throne. Aidan clung to me, sensing my unease, and I held him close, providing him comfort and reassurance. Finally, the last Alpha cast his vote, and the room fell into a heavy silence. Alpha Silva, the current acting Alpha, stood up and walked towards the box. He picked it up and returned to the center of the room, holding the box in his hands. “The vote has been cast and will be respected,” he said, and I gulped, wondering what will become of me and Aidan if Tony succeeds. “I'll pick up each paper and call out the name written on it, and I'll make sure to show it to everyone,” Alpha Silva said as he opened the box. As Alpha Silva picked out the names on the papers, my heart raced with anticipation. I held Aidan tightly, bracing myself for the outcome. “Vote number one… Luna Victoria,” Alpha Silva announced, and a gasp escaped my lips. I looked around the room, my eyes meeting the blank expressions of the other Alphas. “Vote number two… Luna Victoria.” The shock intensified, and a mix of disbelief and hope flooded through me. I glanced at Bernard, searching for any hint of emotion on his face, but he remained stoic and unreadable. “Vote number three… Luna Victoria.” My breath caught in my throat, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. The weight of the moment was overwhelming, and I struggled to comprehend the unanimous support. “Vote number four… Luna Victoria.” The room remained silent, save for the sound of Alpha Silva's voice echoing through the hall. I glanced at Beta Tony, whose confident expression had faltered, replaced by a mix of surprise and frustration. “Vote number five… Luna Victoria.” The shock on Tony's face deepened, and a glimmer of hope began to blossom within me. The others in the room didn't look surprised by the results. “Vote number six… Luna Victoria.” My tension grew, and I could feel the collective anticipation. Each vote that confirmed my name felt like a small victory. “Vote number seven… Luna Victoria.” The room remained hushed, and I could hear my own heartbeat pounding in my ears. The weight of their decision settled on my shoulders, filling me with a mix of gratitude and determination. “Vote number eight… Luna Victoria.” The shock and disbelief seemed to ripple through the room, and I could see some of the Alphas exchanging glances. “Vote number nine… Luna Victoria.” A surge of emotion washed over me, and I held Aidan tightly. “Vote number ten… Luna Victoria.” The room was engulfed in profound silence, broken only by the sound of my breaths. I looked around, meeting the eyes of each Alpha; they all still didn't look surprised. Alpha Silva paused for a moment, holding the last paper in his hand. He looked at me, his expression filled with disbelief. “And the final vote… Luna Victoria.” The room fell silent while I became stunned and overwhelmed as my eyes locked with Bernard. His expression still unreadable, but a glimmer of satisfaction flickered in his eyes. I held his gaze and wondered what he must have told them to cause every Alpha to vote for me. I turned and noticed Beta Tony, who looked stunned, unable to hide his disappointment. He had seemed so sure of himself earlier, and now he had to face the consequences of his actions and intentions. “Luna Victoria,” Alpha Silva called out again, and I turned my attention back to him. “It seems the choice is clear. All the Alphas have voted for you to be the caretaker of the throne until Aidan comes of age.” Relief washed over me, but I tried to maintain my composure. “Thank you all for putting your trust in me,” I said, my voice shaking with emotion. “I promise to do everything in my power to serve my pack with dedication and fairness.” I said with a relieved smile, and they all stood on their feet. I held gaze with Alpha Golden and could see he wasn't happy; it was so evident in his eyes, which made me wonder what Bernard must have told them all. As the meeting concluded, Alpha Silva stepped forward to offer his support. “Congratulations, Luna Victoria,” he said with a genuine smile. “I know you will do an excellent job in guiding your pack. If you ever need advice or assistance, I'll be here for you.” “Thank you, Alpha Silva,” I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for his encouragement. “Your guidance will be invaluable to me.” With that, two more Alphas also approached me, offering their congratulations and promising their cooperation during my time as caretaker. It was a relief to know that I had their support. As the Alphas dispersed, I approached Bernard, who hadn't left his seat. “Thank you,” I said, sincerity in my voice. “I didn't expect this outcome, and I can't help but wonder what you must have said to them.” Bernard finally cracked a small smile, and his eyes softened slightly. “Let's just say no one wished to be my enemy,” he said, and I smiled in relief. I watched him stand to his feet and turn to take his leave, but as if he forgot something, he turned and held my gaze. “I have fulfilled my part of the deal, and tomorrow night you will fulfill your part of the deal," he said while I gulped. I had totally forgotten.
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