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Victoria's POV As I stood before the mirror, a whirlwind of thoughts consumed my mind, and tension gripped my entire body. It was 5 pm, and the meeting in the pack house would commence in less than two hours. Fear, anxiety, and dread coursed through me as I anticipated the final verdict of the alphas. I knew they despised me and would seize this opportunity to exact their revenge, especially Alpha Simeon, whom I had burned. The scars of that encounter still lingered, and unfortunately, he was one of the judges. "Why don't you just burn them all?" Beatrice groaned, but I knew that wasn't a viable option. With a deep sigh, I touched the pendant on my neck, a gift given to me by Derick. I stared at my reflection in the mirror as tears clouded my eyes. I never imagined he would be taken away from me. Everything still felt like a nightmare from which I wished to wake up. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in," I called out, and a female maid entered. "My queen, Lord Bernard, is here," she informed me. "Bernard is here!" I exclaimed in relief, and she nodded. "Thank you, please tell him I will be with him shortly," I requested, and the maid bowed before leaving. Taking a deep breath, I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, attempting to gather myself. "You can do this," Beatrice encouraged me, and I nodded before leaving the room. As I walked through the hallway, an unsettling knot tightened in my stomach. I couldn't help but feel curious and worried about whether Bernard truly wanted to help me. We had a complicated past, and I was unsure if he still harbored grudges in his heart. "If he does, then he wouldn't be here," Beatrice comforted me, and I nodded, taking a long breath to compose myself. Approaching the sitting room, I spotted Bernard standing near the fireplace, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. He turned as he heard my footsteps, his eyes meeting mine. For a moment, we locked eyes, and neither of us could look away. It felt as though an irresistible force held us together, and as I walked closer to him, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from his until I stood just a few steps away. "What are you doing?" Beatrice snapped at me, bringing me out of his alluring charm. With a deep breath, I composed myself. "Greetings, Lord Bernard," I greeted him formally, and he didn't respond, his gaze still fixed on me and unhidden. I noticed a lustful gaze in his eyes before he gulped and looked away. He fell silent for a moment before speaking. "Victoria," he greeted, his voice soft but filled with underlying intensity. "Lord Bernard," I responded awkwardly. "Stop acting formal with me," he groaned, taking a seat. I followed suit, crossing my legs. A moment of silence enveloped the room as I waited for him to speak, which he did after a moment. "Tony reached out to me for my help," Bernard announced. "That bastard," I groaned, clenching my fists. "He has promised to give me fifty plots of land once he becomes alpha," Bernard revealed, and I sighed, wondering what he must have promised the other alphas. "You see, Victoria, I'm going to help, but just like Tony has offered me something, you will also have to give me something in return," he explained. I nodded, fully understanding that this was a business arrangement and nothing more. He does not see me as a friend anymore because the Bernard I know would do this without asking for anything. "You see, Tony has more than half of the alphas to himself, but if you accept my request, I will turn them all to your side with just a word. No alpha would want to be my enemy," he said and I nodded and pondered in thought. I don't know what Bernard will request, perhaps plots of land or other benefits from the pack. However, I also knew that desperate times called for desperate measures. If striking a deal with Bernard meant securing my son’s position as the alpha, I was willing to consider it. "What is it that you want in return, Lord Bernard?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil in my mind. Bernard leaned forward, his eyes fixed on mine once again. "I want you," he said, with no hint of mischief in his voice. "What...?" I stammered, unable to believe what he just said. "You heard me right, Vicky. I want you," he responded, his voice firm. My wolf growled disapprovingly at his words, while I remained numb, unable to believe what he had just said to me. From my findings, I realized Bernard has a mate and a wife, so why would he want me? A married widow. "What are you saying, Bernard?" I asked and received a soft chuckle from him. "I believe you heard me right, Victoria. Accept to be mine, and I will protect you and the throne of your son," he declared, offering an offer I couldn't reject. "But... I'm a married woman..." "You are no longer married, Victoria. Your mate and husband is dead. You, of all people, should know that," he cut in, while I gulped as tears welled in my eyes. "My offer won't stay for long. Remember, you have just an hour to accept before the meeting is held against your underage son," he said, reminding me of my fear. "Tell him to f**k off," Beatrice growled, but I couldn't. Losing Bernard's help automatically means Tony has won, and that automatically means my son's throne is gone, and Derick's legacy will be wiped off. Tears welled up in my eyes as I held Bernard's cold and expressionless gaze. He stared back at me with no emotions in his eyes. As I stared into Bernard's eyes, a mix of emotions overwhelmed me. Part of me wanted to reject his offer outright, to stand my ground and find another way to secure my son's position as the alpha. But the reality of the situation weighed heavily on me. Time was running out, and Tony had already gained the favor of most of the alphas. If I didn't act quickly, my son's future would be in jeopardy. With a trembling voice, I finally spoke up, my words laced with hesitation. "If I agree to this... arrangement, will you truly ensure my son's safety and the preservation of his throne?" Bernard's face remained impassive, but a hint of triumph flickered in his eyes. "I give you my word, Victoria. As long as you accept my offer, I will do everything in my power to protect your son and uphold his position as the alpha." I took a deep breath, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. It was a difficult decision, one that went against everything I believed in. But my duty as a mother came first, and if being a s*x mate to Bernard was the only way to secure my son's future, then I had to consider it. "I accept," I whispered, feeling my heart clench with pain. "I accept to be yours," I whispered and tightly shut my eyes. "Swear on it," he said, forcing my eyes open. I stared at Bernard and wondered what he was up to. Why was he doing all this? Did he hate me this much? Was this all revenge for him? "Swear on your son's life. That way, I will know you won't go back on your words," he demanded. I gulped and looked away as my heart shattered into pieces. "Don't do it," Beatrice demanded, but I paid no heed to her words. With a deep breath, I met Bernard's intense gaze once again. "I swear on the life of my son that I will be yours," I said, my voice wavering slightly.
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