Chapter 16

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Hades POV “Hades, long time” they chime as we enter and I bow “Ladies, a pleasure as always. You are more radiant than ever” I say with a flirtatious grin and they giggle. They’re not ugly or old, like depicted. Oh no these are very beautiful women, with dark hearts. “Charmer as always” Lachesis says and I nod smiling “May I introduce General Dimitri Amell Dogaru and his wife Counselor Mila Dogaru” I say and they step forward bowing “My, my general haven’t seen a royal vampire in ages, and such a handsome one too” Clotho says making no secret about what she’s thinking “Doesn’t he look delectable in that suit dear sisters?” Atropos asks and they all nod, undressing him with their eyes. He smiles, wraps his arm around Mila and nods his head “I am flattered by your kind words” he says formally and they all giggle. Good boy “You have a request Hades?” they say and I push Mila forward. She glances at me, looking a bit confused but I gesture to them. “If I may speak to the Moirai?” she says and I’m taken aback that she knows that name “You may” they say in a bored tone, glancing between Dimitri and I. Not going to lie, we had some fun a few hundred years back. “Prince Leopold Neo Reyes from the Lycan realm has gone missing, we were informed that the only deities able to assist us are the Moirai” she says and they look at her “What is your request girl?” Atropos says and I see Mila put one hand behind her back making a fist but her voice is calm “If it pleases the Moirai we request that you locate him” she says and they sit there for a long time just looking at her, assessing her from top to bottom, like she’s a prize bull up for sale. “We will make our decision before tomorrow morning” Lachesis says and we bow “Thank you ladies, good night” I say but before we leave they just have to get the last word in “If you gentlemen ever tire of your wives, which you probably will, you know where to find us” Clotho says and they giggle again. Mila is shaking with anger and Dimitri bows smiling “Thank you, good night” he says and we turn around and leave. When we enter the palace she explodes, it was to be expected “I wanted to rip their eyes out! Oh wait I’ll rip their lips off and kiss my ass with it!” Mila yells and Dimitri wraps her up in his arms “Calm down my love, they’re flirting and anyway we’ll never fall for a cheap thrill when we have the most precious gift of them all at our sides” he says and she seems to calm down a bit “Still want to stick their heads up their asses” she mumbles and I can’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing “Something funny Hades?” Mila asks and I nod my head “Sorry it’s just you’re giving me ideas to use on Adrik that’s all, I meant no disrespect” I say wiping my tears of laughter and I see her smile “Well get me pissed and I’ll gladly fill a book for you” she says and I laugh again “Oh general, this one is a gem” I say patting Dimitri on the shoulder “That she is, just do that when the kids and I aren’t around” he says and I see fear flash in his eyes. I know this fear, never in my life have I feared anyone or anything until Abby came. She’s not a fighter like her siblings, she has other ways of putting me in my place, creative ways, sexy creative ways. Okay stop, you have company and she’s not here, down boy. “You earned their respect Mila, you called them by their ancient name. And the way you kept your composure is to be commended my dear” I say as we sit down at the dinner table “Thanks, I had a little help” she says and glances at Atrides, he smiles and nods. You sneaky bugger, he knows me too well. They retire after dinner and I phone Abby again, she might give birth any day now and I’m nervous I won’t be there. We chat for more than an hour before she ends the call and I’m left sitting in my office with nothing to do. I get up and make my way to the dungeons, I might as well visit our old friend Adrik “Hello grotesque creature” I say as I step up to him. To say he looks terrible would be an understatement, he is probably wishing for death by now “Hades, a pleasure” he rasps out and I smile “I thought it well to come and visit our special guest this evening” I say as I take off my jacket and shirt “Your slut not in the mood” he spits out and I laugh “Yes, insulting my wife. It is to be expected from a lesser being” I say as I select the tool I want to use “My father was one of you, did you think him a lesser being?” “Well yes actually, I enjoyed seeing him die” “f**k you! You Greeks think you’re untouchable!” he spits out in anger “No actually we don’t, it’s you who had the audacity to come into our home and kill my sister” “She was a good screw, thank her for me would you?” “The only way you could ever get a woman, violate her” “They like it rough” “Me too, here let me show you” I say and swing my arm at him, burying the dagger deep in his heart. He gasps for air and I grab his throat ripping it out “I can do this all night” I say and watch him die. Seconds later he is revived again and I slaughter him over and over, each time enjoying it more than the last watching the light go out in his eyes. “The best you got?” he gasps and I smirk “Oh we’re just getting started” I say as I fetch the boiling oil, pouring it slowly over his body laughing as he screams for mercy, ha mercy not for him. A few hours later I’m breathing heavily, covered in his blood and I step back, then I remember Mila’s words. I grab his lips, rip them off and kiss my ass with it “You ever refer to my wife as a slut again, this will seem like a play date” I say and drop his lips on the floor. I grab my jacket and shirt and walk out “Throw him in the room of irrational thoughts, keep him there for as long as you like. Let’s see if he can survive longer than the prince” I say passing the guards. They nod and disappear through the door as I head back to my room. It’s almost dawn when I step inside the palace, as I walk to my room I hear a gasp and turn around to find Mila standing there, pale as a sheet. I glance down at my body and smile at her “Good morning Mila, going for a run?” I ask nonchalantly and she nods her eyes wide “Hades, what happened? Are you okay?” she asks her eyes darting up and down my blood soaked body “Oh yes I’m fine, just had a little visit with Adrik” I say and her eyes flash red “That’s his?” she hisses, her fangs extended, I nod smiling “Indeed, if you’ll excuse me, I need to clean up” I say and she nods before I turn and leave for my room. Now that was fun, I haven’t done that in years. I can’t show up looking like this when Abby and Xavier are here, they’ll freak out. They’ve never seen my dark side, and they never will. After breakfast we receive word that the Fates want to speak to us so we get dressed and soon we’re standing in the temple “We have news regarding your prince Mila” Clotho says “Yes?” “He is alive, but he’s not in our world” she says and Mila pales “W-where is he?” she asks her voice shaky “He is not so much where, as he is when” Atropos says and I step forward “What does that mean?” I ask and they glance at each other “We don’t know, we only know that he’s alive, but not in our time” they say and I nod smiling “Thank you for your aid ladies, have a good day” I say and we leave “This is real bad” Mila says as we make our way back “The queen is going to go be enraged” Dimitri says and I nod “Not to mention Theseis” I say and they nod “Well we might as well enjoy our last few hours of peace before everything goes up in flames” Mila says and we hum in agreement. They pack their things and I snap us back to their realm. Abby is fast asleep when I walk in the door but awakens when I crawl in next to her “Oh hi my love, did you find anything?” she asks groggily, I just smile and kiss her head lying down “We’ll talk in the morning, rest my queen” I say as she snuggles up to me. I place my arm around her resting my hand on her belly and the baby kicks letting me know she missed me too and I smile, falling asleep.   John POV It’s now been 4 months since I came to this place, they have done all they can, but my memories are gone. They might return or they might not, but I don’t want to stay here anymore, it’s costing Violet a fortune. I can’t work because I need a thing called a social security card, no idea what it is but that’s what I need. Violet has been so busy lately I don’t want to bother her, so I do what I always do, keep to myself and work out. I hate being so useless. I think lying in bed looking at the dark ceiling. This is not right, I must be able to do something, but what? I lay there thinking until the sun rises and I start my routine, by late afternoon Violet pulls up and I feel better, she just lights up your life. When she greets me I can see her eyes look a bit puffy and has dark circles under them, she tried her best to hide it with make-up, women wear it to look more beautiful apparently, but she failed “Hey are you okay?” I ask and she smiles “Peachy and you?” she asks, by now I know that when she uses the word ‘peachy’ she’s anything but okay. “I’m good, how was your day?” I ask taking the bag from her “Oh you know, busy” she says and I nod. Should I press for answers or do I let it be? Would I like it? No, if she wants to tell me she will, right? “That’s good” I say as we enter my room and she slams the door “Good. Yes that’s good” she says and I frown. Okay, this is very unlike her, so I need to defuse this but how? Should I ask what’s wrong? No I did that, maybe it’s something I said. But I only asked about her day, so that can’t be it. Should I engage at all? “You know this is what gets to me” she says and I stand there, hundreds of options running through my head “You have it so easy, sit around and do whatever you like” she says unpacking the food angrily “I have to deal with assholes all f*****g day and then I get here and this what I get” she says slamming the juice on the countertop. Okay obviously she’s angry, at what I don’t know, at who well me I guess. “And you just stand there looking at me” she says pointing a finger at me “Violet I-“ “Don’t interrupt me” she commands “You do everything you can to help people and what do you get, nothing!” she yells and I back away “Well aren’t you going to say something?” she asks and I stand there contemplating whether or not this is a trap. This feels like a trap, but I want to say something “I’m sorry I-“ “Sorry, that’s all you can say is you’re sorry! Typical!” she yells again. Now I’m confused as f**k, no really what should I do? “What do you want me-“ “Nothing okay, just don’t say anything!” she yells, and pushes passed me sitting down at the table stabbing the food. She stabs it so hard the fork goes through the container and lodges in the table “Dammit! Can this stupid day just end!” she yells but then she starts to cry. Oh s**t, oh s**t, oh s**t what do I do? Should I hug her? Should I leave her alone? For f**k’s sake! “I hate this! All of this!” she says slamming her hands on the table, then she grabs the fork and stabs the table again “Violet” I breathe out but she doesn’t even look up “Violet stop” I plead again but she keeps on slamming her hands on the table mumbling incoherently, she tries to dislodge the fork but her grip keeps slipping “f**k!” she yells and before she can hurt herself I wrap her up in my arms from behind, this was a bad idea. Because now she’s screaming and struggling like a crazy person “Violet please calm down” I plead, she kicks the table and I stumble backward falling on the sofa with her still in my arms. She’s crying and yelling and struggling but I keep my grip, pleading with her to calm down. She slips out of my arms, not sure how and turns her rage on me “I hate you!” she yells and I stand up, my anger now igniting “You don’t mean that” I say and she starts hitting my chest, it doesn’t hurt but I don’t understand why she’s so angry “I hate all of you!” she yells over and over. I grab her wrists, in a swift motion I turn her around her hands firmly in my grip and I lower my head to her ear “Deep breaths babe” I chant in her ear, the sobs take over and her legs give out from under her, I fall back onto the couch with her still in my arms as she cries. This crying, I’ve seen this before but where? “I hate this” she says through the sobs, she turns in my arms and I let go of her hands. She grips my shirt, curl into a ball and bury her face in my chest, sobbing. I just hold her, what else should I do? “I’m sorry John” she sobs out and I hold her tighter “It’s okay, it’s okay” I whisper rocking her back and forth. Goddess this feels so familiar, I’ve done this before “I’m so sorry” she sobs but I hold her, this feels good. I can finally do something for her “You don’t need this craziness, I’m not good for you” she says attempting to sit up but I hold on “Don’t say that, you’ve done more for me than anyone else. What kind of person would help a complete stranger like you did?” I ask but that seems to make it worse, now she’s crying so hard she can’t even speak. Eventually her crying dies down, her sobs subside and I realize she’s asleep. Now this is a problem, she can’t stay here it’s against the rules. I get up and gently lay her down in my bed, take off her shoes before pulling the covers over her and leave. I walk to the staff lounge and knock, Carl opens the door but his smile fades when he sees my face
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