Chapter 15

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Violet POV “Hey Vi, can you dance?” he whispers in my ear and I nod smiling “Yes, not a professional but I can hold my own” I say and his smile is brighter than I’ve ever seen it. He nods to Carl and then bows holding out his hand “Would the lady do me the honor?” he asks and I blush placing my hand in his “Of course sir” I say and then Rolling in the deep starts to play, great reminds me of Dean. But this man is so light on his feet, he makes me forget the moment we start dancing. Goodness, he’s almost perfect. He twirls me out, dips me but every time he holds me in such a manner, I feel safe, wanted and secure. He dances like he walks, so sure of himself, even though he doesn’t know who that is. His eyes seem to have a sparkle to them, he’s obviously danced before, he can’t remember with who or when but here in his arms looking at him I see the recognition. This makes me happy, really happy, these past few weeks have been awesome and terrible all at once. When I’m with him I’m happy, but when I’m alone that’s when my heartache takes over “Hey you okay?” he asks as the song winds down and I give him my best smile “You sir are a very good dancer, and I’m peachy” I say and he nods “You’re a great dancer too, thank you my lady” he says bowing and glances up “You should curtsy and say thank you” he whispers and I do giggling like a school girl “Thank you that was fun, I owe you” he says as we walk to my car later that night “You owe me nothing, I needed this just as much” I say and open my door “Good night miss Violet, one day I’ll take you out on a real night out. As for today it was perfect. Thank you” he says and kiss my knuckles “It was my pleasure sir” I say and nod my head making him chuckle before I get in the car and drive home. What’s happening with us? Is there something happening?   Hades POV “Hello dad” I say happily, he just groans “Hello Hades, you don’t have to call me dad, you can call me Belmont” he says and I chuckle “Oh dear father, why would I call you by your first name? You are my father-in-law” I joke and he sighs “Yes, yes. To what do I owe this pleasure” “Well, I have good news and some rather not so good news” I clear my throat “The good news is that Cayden and his family have finally taken the vacation they desperately needed” “Oh that’s great news, that boy was working himself to death. Now what’s the other news?” “Well it seems Leo is missing” I say and his breathing stops “Where’s Adrik?” he growls but I chuckle “Oh no, don’t worry he’s still enjoying the hot tub in my realm” I chuckle “A hot tub is your idea of punishment?” “Well it is filled with lava, might be a little warmer than comfortable” “Hades, you have a strange sense of humor son” “Why thank you dad” “Okay cut the crap, what do you mean Leo is missing?” “Exactly what I said, we can’t find him” “He’s probably off on some party cruise or something” “Yes, we thought so too. The thing is he hasn’t used his bank account in months” “Hades, when and where was he last seen?” “Well I would say about four weeks ago in my realm. He was out on a mission with my general and they had a disagreement. He walked off and we never saw him again. We assumed he got home somehow, but last night we realized he is indeed missing” “He does this sometimes, or rather he has done it before. He keeps cash in his room, lots of it so the fact that his bank account is untouched isn’t that strange. He’ll be back or call when the money runs out” “So you’re saying that we must stop looking?” “I’m saying that as much as I love my son, he has a terrible habit of disappearing for long periods of time, usually a month or two” “Good thing I have my eyes on one of your kids, seems your sons have a nasty habit of leaving without a trace” this makes him growl “Yes it would seem they do. Hades, I appreciate everything you do for this family, please just look after Abby and my grand-kids. As for Leo, let’s not panic yet” “As you wish your highness, and thank you for everything you do for us. Our love to mom, good day” “Goodbye son” he says and ends the call. Dimitri gestures for me to tell him what was said and I do, he slumps down in the chair running his hands through his hair “I have a bad feeling about this Hades, this is different than the previous times. I don’t want to go against the king, but something is not right” he says and I sit back “I agree general, I’m sure you would’ve noticed him returning home, even if just for the briefest of moments” I say smirking and he lets out a grunt “The little delinquent has evaded us before, but there is something bugging me about this. He has one weakness” he says and I lean forward “Oh really? What’s that?” “His first club, there is a certain Fae girl that frequents it and he usually like to visit with her. We have paid her a visit earlier, he is not there and she hasn’t seen him since a week before he left for your realm” he says and I frown “Yes that’s peculiar indeed. Well I have only one option now” “And that is?” he asks as we stand up “How would you like to take a trip? Bring your wife, she’ll enjoy a trip no?” I ask but he frowns “Where are we going?” “To my realm of course. I will inform my wife” I say and walk to the door “Why must I come with you?” he asks and I stop smiling at him “Well general, it’s time you see how we do things. If only your king had the sense to do it, now let’s go” I say and he nods. A little while later I enter our room, my lovely wife is sitting on the bed, her feet up and her sister lying next to her “Good afternoon ladies” I say and walk over to Abby “Hey my tall, dark and handsome husband. What have you been up to?” she asks and I feel the warmth spread in my chest. She is perfect isn’t she? I have no idea what I did to deserve her, but my sister must’ve heard my plea all those years ago when I told Cayden my deepest secret. I found a woman stronger than anyone I know, I smart, beautiful woman. A mother and a formidable queen, I love her so much it hurts. Our wedding song was Perfect by that red-haired fellow, it describes her so well. “Hey bro” Clarise says lazily “Hello Clarise” I say in my best dark voice and she shivers “Goddess stop that, it creeps me out every time, and I haven’t even seen the damn movie!” she complains making me chuckle. I kneel down, kiss my wife and then her belly “Hello gorgeous, daddy loves you” I whisper to my baby girl making Abby smile “Luna et stellae meum, I have to tend to business for a day or two. Will you be alright without me?” I ask and she sits up “What happened? Where’s my brother and his family?” she asks and I hear her heartbeat pick up “No, calm breaths my world, they’re fine. I sent them to their summer castle, he is tired and needs rest. As for his family, they need him” I say and she smiles, her motherly proud smile “Goddess, what have I done to deserve you mon soleil et ma lumière?” she asks and guide my lips to hers “You loved me before I loved myself” I whisper and she chuckles wiping at her tears “Okay, but hurry back. We’ll miss you” she says and I nod smiling “As fast as I can” I say and kiss her again “I love you” we whisper to each other and then I get up “Clarise, look after her please. I need her rested” I say and she gives me a mock salute “You got it bro” she says and I smile “Thank you dear sister” I leave and meet up with Dimitri and Mila at the car “Mila good to see you again my dear” I say kissing her knuckles “Hello Hades, always a pleasure. So we going or what?” she asks with a smile and I nod “I thought we could take a more convenient type of transportation” I say as they turn to head to the car “Oh?” she says inquisitively “Yes, now just hold on to my arm general, Mila if you’ll please hold your husband’s hand. Yes just like that, now hold on” I say and snap my fingers. We disappear in a puff of smoke and seconds later appear in my office back home. “General you look pale, I mean even more than normal” I say eyeing him up and down, Mila collapses to the floor holding her head “Let’s not do that again” she groans and I chuckle “Took my lovely wife a few times to get used to it. Just sit down for a few minutes” I say walking over to my desk. “My lord” Atrides speaks stepping out from the shadows “Ah Atrides, these are my good friends General Dimitri Amell Dogaru and his lovely wife Counsellor Mila Dogaru, this is Atrides my General” I say as they shake hands and he kisses Mila’s hand. For a brute he has a soft side when it comes to the ladies, I’ve never heard him even raise his voice to one of the female servants “Pleasure general” Dimitri says and the two men acknowledge each other then they nod their heads as a form of respect. Good work Dimitri, he doesn’t give respect this easily “Likewise general” Atrides says with a smirk “Counselor, your reputation precedes you” he says as he kisses Mila’s hand and she smiles “Oh, I’m at a disadvantage general. The pleasure is all mine” she says giving him a small curtsy. Now this is impressive, he usually don’t compliment people this quickly “Marvelous, now that we’re all acquainted let’s get you settled in. Rosy dear” I call and the girl appears next to Mila, who yelps and grab onto Dimitri’s arm “My lord” Rosy says and curtsy and them “Please show my guests to their room, we’ll confer in the lounge in 15 minutes” I say and she nods taking their suitcase “Oh no please, let me” Mila says but Rosy looks at me panicked “Mila my dear, it’s alright, Rosy is much stronger than she looks” I say but Mila seems displeased. Oh wait, they don’t like people doing this, okay well we do it here so she just have to fit in. When in Rome, as they say “Atrides” I say and he turns to me as they leave “My lord” “The young prince has indeed disappeared old friend. He is not in his realm or ours” I say and I swear the old man paled a bit “My lord I… This is my doing, I will find him I swear on my life” he says and I grin “No need, we’ll need a higher power for this. I have yet to inform his grandmother” I say and at the mention of Theseis I see his eyes light up, he’s been in love with her for as long as I can remember. He never made any advances, so I believe she’s blissfully oblivious. Besides, who is going to lose their general? My sister and I both, he can’t live there and I doubt she’ll leave her post to live here. She didn’t even do it for her daughter, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. “You want to go and see them my lord?” “Yes, we have little other options left. Can you arrange a meeting with them?” “As you wish my lord, I’ll go at once” he says and steps into the shadows disappearing. Now if they can’t find him I don’t know who can. I make my way to the lounge at take a seat, a few minutes later Dimitri and Mila join me “So what’s the plan?” he asks sitting down “I’m just waiting for Atrides to give me feedback, in the meantime let’s have something to drink, shall we?” I say and again Rosy appears and I see Mila grab her chest, I never get tired of seeing people’s reactions to this “Tea all around my lord?” she asks and I nod, seconds later she’s pouring the tea and we sit waiting for Atrides to return “This place is something else Hades” Mila says breaking the silence “Thank you, its Abby’s doing. I changed everything for her” I say smiling, the place was much more like a bachelor pad when she came here. She gave it life, as she did me. “It’s something you have in common, or what sexy man?” she says grinning and Dimitri smiles “It would seem you’re right rakaani” he says and kiss her head. Oh this warms my heart, this whole family has brought something into my life I didn’t realize I was missing. My family is a bit more complicated, we rarely speak, we help when needed of course but the connection they have is something else and I love every bit of it. “My lord” Atrides says in his dark voice and I motion for him to enter “They will see us at dusk” he says and leaves “Good, now we need to make a good impression” I say standing “Who are they?” Dimitri asks and I smile “The Fates of course” and Mila’s jaw almost hits the floor “Oh wow, so should we wear something formal?” Mila asks and I chuckle “Well my dear, if you happen to have brought a suit then would be appropriate, general you wouldn’t happen to have a suit would you?” I ask and they look at each other “Well, should’ve told you back home, no need to panic we will have you dressed in no time” I say and walk to their room, I open the door and there are people waiting already “Geez, we could use this kind of magic at home” Mila whispers and I laugh “Well my dear, it comes with the title I’m afraid, now let them take your measurements and I’ll meet you in the foyer in two hours” I say “Two hours? Will they be able to do it that quickly?” Mila asks and I turn around smiling “Oh yes, if they value their lives” I say with an evil grin and she pales. I won’t kill them, I’m not a monster, I know they can do it with time to spare. I leave them to it and go to our room to change. The Fates have moods, it’s best not to upset them upon entry. I change into my royal blue suit, black shirt and grey tie. They like blue and grey, so let’s please them. I check my hair and make my way to the office, after I’ve talked to Abby I glance at the time and walk to the foyer. “Ah don’t you two look amazing” I say as they descend the staircase. They have matching dark grey suits, light blue shirts and Dimitri is wearing a charcoal colored tie. The pencil skirt fits Mila perfectly “Thanks Hades, I don’t think I’ve ever worn anything this luxurious” she says running her hand over the material “Oh think nothing of it, only the best for my friends” I say and open the door “Shall we?” I say and gesture for them to exit. As we walk toward the temple, I give them a run-down of how to conduct themselves when addressing the Fates. “Mila, they might look down on you, they don’t take kindly to powerful woman, except goddesses” I say and I see her stiffen but she stays quiet “They might also flirt with the general, it’s a pain really but we need to stay calm. They’re the only ones that can assist us in finding Leo” I say and they nod. I’m not worried about Dimitri, it’s her I’m worried about. Why bring her along you ask, well you’ll see. We enter the temple and hear their melodic voices echo through the temple as we walk inside. Atrides is waiting at the door and he opens it for us
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