Chapter 6

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Leo POV “Oh this is going to be epic Uncle Leo” Kit whispers as we make ourselves comfortable high up in a tree “Your dad is going to flip!” I chuckle glancing around making sure we weren’t seen “My mom is going to have a fit” he says chuckling. The light goes on and I tap him on the shoulder directing his attention to the window “Okay, now check it out” I say with a sly smile, we sit there and wait. Oh this is my best one yet. After about 20 minutes we hear it, Amala screams in horror and so does my niece. Oh even better, we got them both “CAYDEN!” she yells and we sit there laughing as we watch the scene unfold through the massive windows “DIMITRI! Find him now!” my brother commands and Dimitri disappears from view “Okay Kit, see ya later buddy” I say and he nods jumping down. He sneaks back into the castle while I make my way to the cottage; I fall on the couch switching on the TV acting real normal. KNOCK-KNOCK “Coming” I say lazily getting off the couch, low and behold there’s the general looking all formal and stoic as always “Your highness” he says bowing “His highness king Cayden requests your presence” he says formally. I yawn stepping out the door “It’s late, is something wrong?” I ask stretching as we walk to the castle. When the door opens I can hear him yelling. Dimitri stops at the door of the office opening it for me, I nod smiling and step inside. Oh he’s pissed “Staple your ass down” he commands taking his seat behind the desk. I plop down in the chair looking bored “Hey bro, what’s up?” I ask, boredom lacing my voice “Leo, you went too far this time” he says, vibrating with anger “Whatever are you referring to?” I ask casually “He’s going to lose it this time” Ryker says sounding a bit scared “Oh relax, he’ll get over it” I chime back “Don’t act coy with me, we know it was you” Cayden says sternly I just sit there smiling “No I don’t” I say then his eyes flash bright gold and he jumps up “I can’t take it anymore, enough is enough!” he yells slamming his hand on the desk “Chill man, you’ll have a heart attack” I joke “What were you thinking?!” he yells and I must say he’s intimidating, not as much as grandma but close “Hey harmless fun man” I chant getting up “Leo come back here!” he yells making me chuckle “Aww is the big bad wolf angry?” I say mockingly “Leo stop” Ryker warns “Butt out fur ball” I bite back “Leo, they’re blue! Dammit!” he hollers making the windows shake. I can’t hold in the laughter anymore “Leo… stoooop” Ryker pleads again but I’m bent over laughing “Genius” I whisper catching my breath “My wife and daughter look like goddamn smurfs! What were you thinking?!” he yells again but I just laugh harder “Smurfs! Good one!” I squeal leaning against the wall. He stands there silently waiting for me to finish laughing, which takes a while “Okay I’m good” I say taking a deep breath wiping at the tears in the corner of my eyes “Amala is furious, Zia is crying hysterically, and I’m dealing with a f*****g man child!” he bellows again “Aww come on man, it’ll wash off… eventually” I state shrugging. With narrowed eyes he steps closer, he’s a little taller than me but I’m not scared of him “Amala has to cancel her meeting the day after tomorrow, and Zia has a ballet recital next week. How do you suppose they will look showing up looking as if they are turning into Avatar from the neck down?” he hisses through clenched teeth “Don’t laugh Leo, I beg you” Ryker says but I can’t help it “It’s just dye, and anyway she said she didn’t want to go to that stupid meeting. If you think of it, I did her a favor” I say nonchalantly “No brother, no more. It’s time you grew up” he states “Fine I’ll say I’m sorry, buy them whatever and we’re good” I say turning to the door “No Leo, not this time” he says and I turn back “Oh come on Cay, it was a bloody joke” I argue but he just steps back shaking his head “Now you did it” Ryker says making me frown “We’ve decided it would be best if you went to Abby’s for a while. Hades might be able to make you, I don’t know, grow up or something” he says “Fine, whatever. It’s boring here anyway” I state shrugging “This is not a game Leo, it was funny, years ago but now, playing with people’s livelihoods. Too far man” he says running his hands through his hair “Oh come on, don’t be such a drama queen. I don’t hurt anyone” I say facing him “Really? What about what you did at the ball a few months back?” he asks. I just shrug giving him a smug smile “That was brilliant, even if I should say so myself” I state proudly “You nearly cost us three alliances, not to mention almost burning down the ballroom” he says with a death glare “We didn’t lose them and the place had minor damage which I fixed” I say but he sighs “You never take responsibility” he says “I beg your pardon, that princess had it coming. She was nothing but insulting the whole time” I argue “She is a pain in the ass, we know her to be like that” he says rubbing his temples “She complained about everything, but when she insulted Amala, in your presence, I stepped up. It wasn’t as if you were going to do anything” I argue “I don’t have anything to do with her, and her father apologized. He’s been one of our oldest allies, do you have any idea what it took to fix your mess?” he asks but I just shrug “She deserved it” I state making him sigh “You see, this is what I’m talking about. It’s done Leo, hopefully you’ll learn something over there” he says sitting down. He looks tired, stressed and very over worked. See this is why I abdicated; no one needs this level of stress in their life “Fine I’ll go to that stupid princess and apologize personally for pouring lighter fluid on her baked Alaska flambé” I say but he looks up, he seems to be sad “No. You’ll go to Abby’s” he says “Cayden no man, this’ll blow over. Look we can-“ he cuts me off “It’s not negotiable Leo” he states “Fine screw you then” I huff storming out of the office toward my cottage. To my surprise there’s a carriage with black horses, well dead horses with blue flames for hair, waiting in the driveway. “Goodbye your highness, send our love to the queen” Dimitri says bowing and walks away “Dimitri” I say and he turns around “Can you tell Kit I said goodbye?” I ask and he nods “Yes your highness. Good evening” he says and disappears into the night “Let’s go” the coachman says “I just want to get my stuff” I say but he stops me “It’s loaded, get in” he says climbing in front. I glance back and there are four suitcases strapped to the back “We’re screwed” Ryker whines as I climb into the carriage “No, it’s a new adventure” I say smirking as the carriage takes off into the night   Violet POV “So this friend of yours, you known each other long?” I ask as we drive to a cottage in the mountains where this friend of Dean’s will meet us. “A few years yeah. He’s a good kid” he says as we pull up to a quaint cottage, hidden between the massive pine trees. The air is crisp and fresh, the leaves crack below our feet as we walk toward the door. The door swings open and a young man, who seems to be my age stands there with a huge pearly white smile on his face “Hey man!” he says giving Dean a quick brotherly hug then turns his deep brown eyes to me. He’s around 6’4”, dark skinned with neatly cut hair. He’s built like a quarterback, and he has this very sexy smile. Bet he’ll break some hearts “Hi I’m Duncan, nice to meet you” he says his voice like Tennessee whiskey, extending his hand. His hands, like his eyes and demeanour is warm and inviting, strong and captivating. “Hi Duncan, Violet pleased to meet you” I say blushing slightly. Damn, this man is so sexy “Come in, make yourself at home” he says stepping aside. I gasp stepping inside, it seems much smaller from the outside. A lavish living room is shared with and open plan dining room and kitchen, to the right there’s a room and a staircase. I glance around, my eyes not missing the immaculate decorating, although modest, that went into this place. “Oh it’s beautiful Duncan” I say in awe “Thanks, my fiancé put her touch in it a while back” he says proudly and I smile. Should’ve known he was taken “Oh I thought you came alone” I say and he nods “I did, Jess is back home” he says, the love he has for her in his eyes “Oh, well maybe I’ll get to meet her one day” I say smiling “I hope so miss Violet” he says gesturing for us to take a seat. Handing me a beer, he takes a seat “So we need to go to the house” Dean says “We’ll go tomorrow, I’ve got the reports” he says again taking the folders out of his backpack “You mind staying here Violet?” Duncan asks “Oh no, I’m fine at the lodge. I will-“ Dean cut me off “I’d rather you stay here love, it’s warded and safe” he says and I nod slowly “Okay, as long as I have internet access” I say “I will set you up Violet” Duncan says smiling “Thanks Duncan, so what’s the plan?” I ask and we get to work, by nigh fall I’m following Dean up the winding road to the cottage in my car. She wasn’t built for roads like this but my little Prius can hold her own. The next morning I’m awakened by a kiss on the cheek “Morning love, sleep well?” he asks sitting down. I yawn, rub my sleepy eyes and smile sitting up “Yup, like a log. Oh you dressed already?” I glance up and down his body. He stands and my mouth goes dry. This man fills out a suit perfectly. “We’re heading out in a bit. There’s food, beer and coffee, help yourself. Don’t go outside please, it’s not safe” he says and I nod “I’ll be fine. I have some work to do anyway, be safe” I say. He smiles, bends down giving me a sweet kiss “Always, see ya later” he says and walks out the door. I finish up, make some toast and sit down starting my work. You would think as an interior designer I have so much free time, but alas I don’t. It’s nearly dark when they return, one carrying some beer and the other take out. “Hey guys!” I greet them merrily as they walk in the door. Dean places the take out down scooping me up in a bear hug “Hey love” he whispers hugging me close “Hey handsome, have a nice day?” I ask but Duncan chuckles handing us a beer “That old lady, Mrs McCarthy sure is a handful” he chuckles making me laugh “Oh I warned you about her, nosy old woman” I chime and they chuckle “That she is. s**t she knows everything about everyone” Dean says taking out the food handing it out “So you got what you needed?” I ask as we each take a seat “Yup, kinda” he says but he looks away. I don’t think I should probe now. We eat in silence, enjoying the company and the stories they tell me after dinner. “It’s getting late, good night” Duncan says standing “Good night Duncan” I say cheerfully as he heads up the stairs “You tired?” Dean asks. I shake my head snuggling into his side “No, not really” I reply smiling “So did you go into the house?” I ask but he stays silent. I look up at him, his head laid back, eyes closed “Oh honey, come on handsome, time for bed” I say standing but he grabs my hand “You can’t go back there until we’ve got this thing Violet” his voice low “But Dean I can’t just sit here and do nothing. Let me help” I plead and he slowly opens his eyes. Tired, bloodshot eyes scan me up and down “Fine, you can do some research for us, I just want you safe” he says rubbing his face with his hands, sitting on his lap I run my fingers through his hair “I am safe, you’re keeping me safe” I whisper before kissing him, sweetly at first, then he deepens the kiss. He grunts, making me moan as I straddle his lap “Vi” he breathes out “Yes” I answer biting his lower lip, pulling it back before slowly sucking it in my mouth “f**k” he groans flipping me on my back, pinning me under his huge frame. Our breaths are mixed, breathing heavy as we kiss, grope and move our bodies. The itch growing with each kiss, moan and bite “Dean” I gasp as he grinds against my heated core, sending an electric current through me “Vi I want you, so badly” he says grinding his hips again making me moan softly “Then have me” I whisper but he stops, suddenly sitting up “No, not like this” he says looking at the front door “Dean it’s okay, please” I beg sitting up but he stands, grabs his jacket and leaves slamming the door behind him. Staring at the door in disbelief, left alone in the room I feel as if a bucket of ice water was poured over me. What the hell is his problem? Eventually I get up when I realize he’s not coming back, making my way to my room. Usually I’m a very rational person, I’m not quick to anger and I can’t give two shits what people think of me, but now in this moment I’m angry as hell. How dare he reject me? Frustrated I take a shower, brush my teeth so hard my gums start to bleed and get in bed. i***t! I scold myself switching off the light. Lying there, simmering in my fury I realize the more I think of it, I’m not really angry. I’m hurt, deeply actually, this thing we have or had is not normal. He makes me feel things deeply and honestly. Things I never felt, the things people feel in movies or fairy tales, not real life. Falling in love is something that takes time, develops and grows, it’s not just chemistry and attraction. This doesn’t take two weeks, it takes much longer, doesn’t it? I fall asleep at some point and when I wake up, with him sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to me as the sky starts lighting up with the first rays of sun I turn to face him.
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