Chapter 7

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Dean POVWhat have I done? I shouldn’t have just left like that. But what was I supposed to do? Her life is in danger, in two weeks’ time she was thrust into this weird world. She’s confused, frustrated, sad and maybe even scared. I just couldn’t take advantage of her in this state, she’s not like the others. She’s not just a one night stand or fling, she’s a forever woman. The type of woman you introduce to your family and friends, the one where you secretly plan a proposal and watch as her eyes light up when you get down on one knee. She’s the one I’d give everything up for, I’ll do whatever I have to, to get out of this life. I’ll even work a desk job just to be with her. The birds start chirping and I realize I have been walking around all night, so I walk back to the cottage, go up the stairs and step inside her room. In the dim morning light she looks like an angel sleeping. I want that to be the first thing I see when I wake up, every day for the rest of my life. I think sitting down on the bed with my back to her. I hurt her, I know I did. “You’re back” her soft voice speaks up behind me, good god it’s like a melody playing “I’m sorry” I say and feel her move “Good” she says and I turn around. She is angry, but her eyes give away her true feelings. Those beautiful orbs makes me think of the ocean “I didn’t mean to hurt you” I say looking away but to my surprise she wraps her arms around my neck hiving me a hug from behind, her chin resting on my shoulder “I know” she whispers making my heart clench. How can she be this good? “You need some sleep, come on” she says pulling away. I stand and take a shower before crawling in next to her wrapping my arm around her waist pulling her to me “We’re going to talk about this later, if you want to be with me we’re doing it right” she says running her fingers through my hair “Okay” I whisper and fall asleep just as the first rays of sunlight beams through the trees. I wake up later, feeling much better but her side of the bed is empty. I check the time and stretch out. 2pm, I can’t remember the last time I slept this late. I sit up and then I hear it, her laughter echoing through the place making me smile. I finish up and head down stairs, they’re sitting in the living room watching a movie, some kind of western thing and she’s screeching with laughter “Oh hi handsome!” she says smiling so brightly standing up “Hey guys” I say watching her as she moves to the kitchen. s**t that ass is so sexy “Coffee or a beer hon?” she calls from the kitchen “Both” I answer sitting down “Here you go” she says handing me the drinks. I sip my coffee watching the movie chuckling as the guys struggles to shoot at bottles. She sits down next to me, places my arm around her like it’s been done thousands of times before. I love it, the way she’s so comfortable around me “You okay?” she whispers drawing my attention to her, those eyes drinking me in “Perfect” I smile giving her a sweet kiss looking back at the TV. I dread the conversation we’re going to have, but like I said I’ll do anything to make her happy. Later that night, after the dreaded conversation which wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, we’re planning on how we’re going to get the son-of-a- b***h that killed her parents “So it says here that vengeful spirits must be summoned” she says reading off her laptop screen “Cool, know anyone that has beef with them or you?” I ask but she shakes her head “No, my parents always helped the community, my mother was big on helping the homeless and my dad’s company donated substantial amounts of money to different charities” she says “It doesn’t mean they’re clean” Duncan says under his breath and I slap him against the head “Sorry, just saying” he says and she sighs “Well, my dad did have that thing with his previous partner. It was a long time ago, but I remember it being a messy dispute” she says and I nod “Name” I say and she gives me his name “Okay, I’ll see if I can find anything on him tomorrow, Duncan you should go and find out everything you can about them” I say but when I look up I see her looking at her hands silent tears rolling down her face “Sorry Vi, this is why we never include the family” I say but she nods wiping at her tears “No I get it” she says and I move over to her taking her hands in mine “Hey I’m sure they’re clean, I mean it could’ve been a disgruntled employee or something” I soothe and she nods again giving me a weak smile “Yeah, I hope you’re right” she says and I kiss her cheek “Atta girl” I say sitting back down. We research all we can, and after a few hours I realize she’s fallen asleep next to the laptop “Well, I guess we’re calling it a night” I say to Duncan nodding my head in her direction “Okay, sleep well” he says as I pick her up bridal style “Good night” I say before walking to the room. I place her down, gently take off her shoes and pull the covers over her before finishing up and getting into bed. I really hope they’re as clean as they’re made out to be, it’ll break her if they aren’t. By the next afternoon my doubts were debunked, they really were good people, the former partner has been dead for several years so we’re back to square one. “Okay plan C” Duncan says and she leans forward “And that is?” she asks but I interrupt him “No” I state “Oh come on, we’ve done all we could” he argues “I said no, I won’t do it” I spit out “What are we talking about” she asks but we pay her no mind “Dean, this is the only way” he says standing up “No! I won’t do it!” I yell standing up “Boys calm down” she says calmly “We have no other choice” he says and I step closer, fuming with anger “It’s not happening” I growl out “Guys, please just calm down” she pleads again “She’ll be fine” he says but I grab his shirt pulling him to me “Shut up” I warn him “Dean calm down” she says again but I can’t “She’ll be fine, we can keep her safe” he says calmly “I will not let anyone put her in danger!” I yell punching him in the nose “Dean!” she yells “Let him go!” she demands but I don’t “You can punch me all you want, you know this is the only way” he says and I scream in anger ramming him into the wall, hard. But before I can do anything else I hear the front door slam and I look back “Oh for f… Violet!” I yell out letting him go running after her. I frantically look around and then I spot her stomping toward her car “Violet wait!” I yell out and she spins around “Leave me alone!” she yells. My steps are twice as long as I race toward her “It’s not safe out here” I say grabbing her arm “Neither is it in there! I’d take my chances with the spirit. Let me go” she struggles to get away but I grab her other arm “I’m sorry okay, just come back inside. Please Vi” I plead but this little woman has some tricks up her sleeve. The next moment a crippling pain shoots up through my groin up my spine making me gasp “Let. Me. Go” she demands, my grip loosens as I struggle to stand. She rips her arms from my grasp “Please don’t go” I rasp out as she opens her door “As opposed to what? Staying with two brutes?” she bites back her words like knives “N-no, I mean yes, I mean f**k! I just… you can’t… please just don’t go” I ramble trying to find anything to say to make her stay “So what is it then?” she says crossing her arms. I slowly get up using the car for support “I just lost my temper. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. It was stupid, just come back” I plead and I see her face soften, only a little “Stop acting like kids. And tell me what plan C is” she says slamming the car door before turning back to the cottage “Fine” I groan following her inside. I step inside closing the door and turn to Duncan “Sorry” I say and he nods “You hit like a b***h” he says smiling, so I flip him off, sitting down, slowly. “What’s the plan?” she asks Duncan and he tells her, everything. I hate this plan, like a lot. “Okay so we’re going on Friday?” she asks and he nods “Yup, you okay? You look a bit pale Vi” he says but she nods “Oh peachy, wonderful in fact” she says with shaky hands “Hey you’ll be safe, I promise” I comfort her and she smiles nervously “Yeah, what can go wrong? I’m with the two best guys in the business, right?” she asks looking between Duncan and I “Oh no doubt about that ma’am” Duncan says, very confident in himself “That you are love” I say pulling her into a hug “Good. That’s good. Everything is good” she says again “Okay, enough of this. Now we play” I say and she looks up “Play?” she asks her brows furrowed “Yup, you know quarters?” I ask placing the bottle on the table before setting a shot glass down for each of us “Yes, unfortunately I do” she says “Great, let’s play” I say sitting down pouring each of us a shot. You know when you have an awesome idea, but like epically awesome and you get all excited about it, feeling like jumping up and down. Yeah this was not one of those   Leo POV “Hey sis!” I chant happily jumping off the coach, stretching out “Hello Leo” she says coldly “Awe aren’t you happy to see your little brother?” I joke “Yes, of course I am” she looks at me, seemingly taken aback by my question “Then give us a hug” I say opening my arms. She steps closer slowly wrapping her arms around me giving me a hug, well more like a quick squeeze before stepping away “Come on, let’s go” she says with half a smile. Okay weird, Abby and I were always so close “Where’s Hades?” I ask as we enter the lavish palace. He changed everything just for her, whatever she wanted he did. Love sick puppy “He’ll be up shortly” she says over her shoulder “Cool. So how are things down under?” I ask doing my best accent, to my surprise she just turns around sighing “We’re not ‘down under’ Leo. It’s a realm, just like the Lycan realm. It’s called the underworld, but it’s… urgh I don’t have time to explain. Wait here” she says opening a door to a big room. It looks like a living room, mixed with a library “I’ll tell Hades you’re waiting in the drawing room” she says before closing the door. I look around the drawing room, fancy name, and eventually take a seat. A long while later a guy wearing a uniform enters, walks right passed me taking a few books and leaves. “Rude people” I chime but Ryker doesn’t respond “Hey Ry” I call but he’s silent “Fine” I groan but I’m startled when the doors swing open again “Little monster! How are you doing?” Hades’s friendly voice booms as he walks in. He looks immaculate as always, his tailored dark grey suit a perfect fit, the light blue dress shirt a stark contrast to his charcoal colored tie. “Hey Hades! Good to see a friendly face. Doing great man, thanks for having me” I say standing, he shakes my hand, but his black pupils seem to glisten in the light. He has a mischievous side, not as overwhelming as mine but he gets me “Marvelous. It’s a pleasure, now shall we?” he asks turning gesturing for me to follow him, so I do. We walk in silence to his office, two guards bow before opening the doors. We step inside, the office is much bigger than Cayden’s, but then again he is a god. “Please have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?” he asks smiling taking his seat “Yes thanks” I answer and out of nowhere a young girl appears next to me, making me jump “Damn girl, you got me” I say chuckling, her face remaining stoic. Tough crowd “Here you go your highness” she says placing a soda in front of me “How did you… I didn’t even…” I ask flabbergasted that she placed the exact drink I wanted in front of me “Cool trick huh?” Hades asks smiling “Oh yeah” I nod sitting back “So Leo, how’re things back home?” he asks and I shrug “Ah you know, everyone is busy doing whatever. Cayden is freaking out like usual. Mom and dad are off doing what they do. Same old, same old” I say sipping my drink “Ah I see. And you? What have you been up to?” he asks sipping his tea “Oh you know, keeping busy” I say and he sits forward a bit “Really? Do tell” he says and I can’t help but notice his eyes seem to sparkle more “Oh you know, bought another club a few weeks ago. They practically run themselves, so I have a lot of free time” I say feeling very satisfied with my choice in career. A club owner is a nice career, laid back, people do everything for you. So I just party basically, I have a choice of 12 clubs so it’s fun “Yes, so I’ve heard. Anything else happen?” he asks and I chuckle “I might have pushed my brother over the edge, but he’ll calm down. Just give it a week or two, so until then I guess I’ll be hanging out here” I say shrugging and he starts laughing “Oh I heard, brilliant idea with the lighter fluid, dangerous with your nieces, nephews and all the other kids in the same room, but brilliant none the less” he says and for the first time I feel a little guilty. Damn, I didn’t think of that. They could’ve got hurt. “No-one got hurt” I state and he nods “Oh I know, lucky for them. Anyway let’s get you settled in” he says standing and I gulp the last of the soda down “Cool, wouldn’t mind a nap” I say but he stops turning around “Oh, I’m sorry I forgot to mention. This is not a vacation little brother, you’ll be in the barracks” he says and I pale “What?!” I exclaim “Oh yes, you’ll get along famously with the other guards” he says, his black eyes flashing with amusement “But Hades I-“ he cut me off calling a guard “Atrides!” a gorilla like guy about 7’ tall steps out of the shadows. His armor is as black as night, his face hidden behind a helmet, the ones the Greeks used to wear like a million years ago, his sword dangling from his side. Okay, bit big, probably brainless “Yes my lord?” he says in a dark tone “Please take good care of my brother, he needs some… guidance” Hades says to gorilla “Yes my lord. Come on junior” he says but I stay put “It’s Leo, nice to meet you” I say with a cocky grin. He glances at my hand, then at Hades and back to me “Leo, come on” he states walking away “Not very friendly is he?” I whisper to Hades “Oh no, Atrides is just reserved. You’ll get along very well monster, now go on have fun” he says shooing me away. I shrug and mosey up to Atrides “In here” he says opening a door. It’s a small room, maybe 10 feet X 10 feet, so it’s small. My closet is bigger than this “Awesome. Nice broom closet” I say and he laughs, a deep raspy laugh “Not a broom closet junior, your room” he says and I look back at the room “You’re kidding aren’t you?” I say punching his shoulder playfully, but he’s not “Enjoy. Lights out at 10pm. See you at 4am” he says and leaves. I slowly turn my head back to the ‘broom closet’ and step inside. There’s a single bed, I think it’s a single bed I’ve never seen one, a steel cupboard, bedside table with a lamp, a basin with a mirror above it and a small window. That’s it, nothing else. “I’m too big for this cot” I grumble sitting down “Ryker?” I ask but again he’s silent. Great everyone is pissed at me because of a stupid joke. I lay down, take out my phone and frown. No signal? What the hell? What am I supposed to do now? I get up and quietly open the door, immediately I’m stared down by four guards in the hallway “Good night your highness” the one says sarcastically “Good night” I say retreating back into the ‘broom closet’. I huff plopping down on the bed eyeing my luggage “Might as well unpack since there’s nothing else to do” I mumble getting up. I open the closet and is surprised to find uniforms hanging neatly in the closet. I take it out and inspect it. It’s similar to the one Atrides was wearing, except it has a patch on the right arm “Trainee” I read aloud and huff. I trained with the royal guard and did some exercises with the Pauci Electi, but I’ll show them. I’m not a weak little brat. I think smirking as I stuff my clothes in the closet. It’s an adventure right, a strange adventure but it’s something new
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