Chapter 20

2957 Words
Violet POV “Violet!” they yell and I sit up groaning, but my eyes fall on John. With lightning fast movements he grabs a guy twisting his arm behind his back, ramming him into the wall. Now all hell breaks loose, because twiggy has friends, lots of them. “Duncan! Help him!” I yell out as Jess helps me up. Duncan turns and floors the first guy he sees. It’s a mosh pit of bodies, fists flailing around, screaming and thudding sounds as we stand there frozen in place. Duncan has disappeared in the crowd but I still have eyes on John. His movements are fluid and timed, his whole body in tune with what’s happening in the chaos. More bouncers appear from inside the club and start disabling the guys from the outside, working their way toward John. I see a glint of something and yell “John watch out!” I scream but its too late, the knife lodges in his back and we scream in horror “Oh god!” I yell, he turns to the guy that stabbed him, looks him dead in the eye and head butts him, hard and the guy disappears. He keeps on fighting, disabling the attackers one by one. Then I hear it, sirens. Oh crap police, this is not going to end well. The whole street lights up with blue and red flashes as the sirens drown out the sounds of the fight. The next moment I’m pulled backward as a cop grips my shoulders and push us behind a squad car, Jess is holding on to my hand so tightly she’s cutting off my blood supply to my fingers “Oh s**t, oh s**t, oh s**t” she whispers as we stand there watching the police arrest everyone except the bouncers. “Violet!” I hear my name over the noise and make eye contact with John. Oh crap he’s scared “Violet!” he yells again and my feet start moving, weaving through the chaos I grab his arm as the police struggle to get him on his feet. He’s heavy boys, put your backs into it “I’m here, I’m here. Stay calm, don’t fight them” I say soothingly and he nods with wide eyes “Oh crap, officer he needs medical attention” I say seeing the knife in his back. “Ma’am please step back” the officer orders me and I reluctantly let go of John’s arm “I’m here! John look at me!” I yell, his eyes not leaving me “I’m here” I mouth and he nods. He takes a few deep breaths, his eyes not leaving mine and then he gets up “Stay down” the cop orders but John doesn’t “I said get down!” he screams and I beg him with my eyes to comply, he frowns and gets back down on his knees. Lovely his new clothes are ruined. The bouncers and other witnesses give their statements, as do we. The paramedics tend to my wounds, since my face broke my fall, this might leave a mark. “Please help my friend, he has a knife in his back” I say and the medic stifles a laugh “Hey I’m serious, the big guy with the blue shirt, please” I beg and he looks back, nods and goes to John. His eyes go wide when he sees the knife, speaks to the officer and they bring him to the ambulance “Violet” he says in a soft voice and I place my hand on his shoulder “Relax big guy, I’m here” I say soothingly but his face is marred with regret “I’m sorry, I didn’t see him” he says but I just squeeze his shoulder “It’s okay, bad s**t happens to good people” I say and he nods “Ma’am?” the officer speaks and I look up “Yes” he gestures for me to follow him and I do “Ma’am, we must escort him to the hospital” he says and I nod “It’s fine, I’ll go with him” I say and he nods “Is he your boyfriend?” “No, just a good friend” “Alright ma’am, we will keep him handcuffed” “No officer please, he was only defending me. He did nothing wrong” I protest “Ma’am, he assaulted 8 people” he states “Yes in self-defence, please I beg you. He’s scared, look at him” I say pleadingly gesturing to John “It’s protocol ma’am” “Fine but I’m his guardian, I need to inform the necessary people” I say “He’s a grown man” the officer states “Yes, with dissociative amnesia. I am required by law to stay with him” I state and he nods “Noted, thank you ma’am” he says and walks back to the ambulance. A guy in a suit is talking to John as I step up “Give me a call Johnny, good luck” the guy says and places his business card in John’s hand, which is still cuffed. He turns to me, eyes me up and down and smiles “We have cameras, don’t worry he’ll be out by midnight” he says and leaves “John, who was that?” I ask taking the business card “He’s the owner of the club, he offered me a job” he says and I nod reading the name “Alexis De Luca, sounds like a gangster” I say and John chuckles “I know, but I have a job” he says as the police uncuff him, they help him to the gurney and cuff him to it, so unnecessary. I look up and see Jess and Duncan in another ambulance, geez Duncan looks bad, I think his nose is broken. “I’ll be right back, don’t leave without me” I instruct the paramedic and he nods “Jess, will he be okay?” I ask her walking up “Yeah, and John?” “We’re going to the hospital, see you there” I say and she nods. I rush back to the ambulance, get in and we’re off. It’s a tight fit since the paramedic, the officer and I have to cram in there but we manage. At the hospital he’s wheeled into a cubicle and I’m taken to another one. Two hours later Jess and I get coffee and wait with John to be discharged. Duncan indeed has a broken nose and he fractured his one finger, he’ll be sleeping over tonight “Miss Kendrick” a familiar voice calls out and I see doctor Woodrow approaching, his signature kind smile on his face “What happened?” he asks turning my face from side to side “We unintentionally got into a fight at a club. I’m fine but John got stabbed” I say and he frowns a bit “He remembered?” he asks “No, we found out who he is. But his memories, well that’s still gone. He’s in there if you like to see him” I say pointing to John’s cubicle “I would, oh and just apply some tissue oil, it’ll heal nicely” he says and I smile nodding “That’s a nice doctor” Jess says as we sit back down “Yeah, he was the neurologist that treated John when we first brought him in. Very good doctor” I say and she nods “I like ‘em friendly. Most of the people where I work are real friendly” she says and I smile “Miss Kendrick” another voice speaks up and I stand facing the ER doctor “Yes?” “We can discharge Mr Anderson, he will need to be back in 5 days. Here is the prescription, please make sure he takes this, lucky for him he’s muscular so it was a clean wound. Now do not remove the sutures, keep the wound closed at all times” she says and I nod “Don’t worry doctor, I’m a registered nurse, we’ll take good care of him” Jess says in a professional tone. The rest of the conversation is lost on me, don’t understand medical jargon. The doctor leaves and then Doctor Woodrow comes back “Seems our patient is being discharged. He looks like a different man miss Kendrick” he says looking pleased “Yes he does” I say “You are a good influence my dear, keep it up” he says and nods in greeting before leaving. Two hours later I finally crawl into bed, my face hurts, my body hurts and I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. Jess decided to stay with Duncan, John is fast asleep, his painkillers are lethal apparently. I fall asleep quickly, a deep dreamless slumber.   John POV The next morning I wake up with a dull pain in my back. My muscles are stiff but I’m fine. I get up and put on my training clothes and go for my run, when I return the house is still quiet. I walk up to her room, opening the door peeking inside. Oh wow you snore. I walk up to the bed and wince at her face. The deep red scuff marks cover her left side of her face, a bluish hew is now visible. Damn Vi, I’m so sorry. He charged for her, the little asshole. I managed to restrain him before he did too much damage, how did I know how to do that? It seems Alexis came through, the police let me go before I was discharged, I’m taking the job. It’s better than sitting around doing nothing. I leave her room to take a shower. You know when you lose your memories, you don’t dream. Your sleep is like your brain looking for memories, blank. I get dressed, make breakfast and take hers to her room “Good morning” I say as I walk in and she stirs. When she sits up her face is swollen “Hey” she says in a groggy voice I place the tray on her lap and she gives me a lopsided smile “Oh wow, weren’t you stabbed last night?” she asks and sips her coffee “Yeah, but I’m fine. How are you?” I ask and she shrugs “A bit sore, but I’ll survive. You sleep okay?” she asks and I nod “Yup, you?” “Like a log” “More like a logger, you snore babe” I joke and she throws me with a piece of toast “You creep, you watch people when they sleep?” she jokes and I laugh “Just you. I checked up on you earlier after my run” “Take it easy, what about that instruction did you not get?” she scowls “I was stabbed in the back, literally, not in my legs” “Urgh, what am I going to do with you?” she says rolling her eyes “Oh I don’t know, love me” I says wiggling my eyebrows and she bursts out laughing “You dumbass” she says and I chuckle “Hey I’m going to take that job” I say and she nods “You sure? It’s dangerous” “Nah, that was an isolated incident” I say and she looks at me squinting “How do you know?” “Because if that place was like that, you wouldn’t go there” I say and she nods “Okay, touché sir” she sighs “But please be safe” “I will, I’m a big boy now” she bursts out laughing, I start to laugh with her falling on the bed “You are a big boy. But listen, just watch out for the women” she says looking serious suddenly “Awww, you scared another woman will take your place?” I joke pouting, but she doesn’t laugh, hell she’s not even smiling “I’m serious John. People will take advantage of you, especially soul suckers as I like to call them” she says and I recognize the term soul sucker. Where did I hear that? “They use and abuse good men, easy to bed, hard to get rid of. You get what I’m saying?” she asks and I nod “I think so” “Okay listen, guys will tell you different, but take it from me. Women who get all dressed up, go to a club alone, flirt with everything that has the potential to screw her are not your type of women. I’m not saying you can’t meet a decent lady in a club, I’m just saying that players aren’t only reserved for the male s*x” she says and I nod again “How will I know?” “Oh honey you’ll know. Last night there were a few of them hovering around you like flies on dog poop” “Did you just compare me to dog poop?” “No, it’s a saying” “No, you think I’m dog poop” “Oh for god sake, forget the poop! Do you remember them?” she asks frustrated “Yes I remember them” I say chuckling “Those types of women steer clear okay. I don’t want you to get hurt” she says looking at her empty cup. I take it from her, scoot in next to her placing my arm around her shoulders “Thanks for looking out for me” I say and she chuckles “Just returning the favour” “I’m sorry I wasn’t quick enough. That guy came out of nowhere, it was like he aimed for you” I say and she glances up. Her swollen face looking worse by the minute “I didn’t see his face, but I’m glad you were there” she says and lays her head on my arm “I did, next time he won’t get away with it” I say but she chuckles “Relax, we’re all fine, well most of us. Duncan has a broken nose and you a few stitches” she says “And you need to take your meds” I say getting up and handing her the meds and a glass of water “We’ll go fetch them later, Jess said she’d call” she says and I nod “I’m going to clean up down there, rest now” I say taking the tray and she smiles “You’re going to make that special lady very happy one day John” she says with a soft, crooked smile “If she passes the Violet test, I believe so” I say and she chuckles getting back under the covers. I close the door quietly and leave to clean up the kitchen. Monday morning comes and the plans have changed. Jess is accompanying me to the SSA office. This was not as bad as I thought, we filled out the forms, handed it in, and about two hours later we’re driving back home “Well in two weeks you’ll be all sorted” Jess says and I nod “Yeah, thanks Jess. That lady was friendly huh?” I say and she laughs “Sugar, with a man that looks like you any woman would be more than helpful” she says making me blush a bit “Oh I won’t know” I say shyly. She parks the truck and turns to me “Not a vain hair on your head” she states “Sorry if I don’t always reply, you’re a bit hard to understand” I say honestly, she bursts out laughing “Bless your heart! Darlin’ you’re sweeter than a chocolate drop!” she says and I smile “Ya learn to understand. Don’t you worry your precious little head, now let’s get those lazy dogs workin’” I frown “It means let’s get those two up, they’ll die of oversleepin’” she says and I nod. Oh wait I get it, I think, they use sayings to express their feelings. I’ll get it.
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