Chapter 28

3046 Words
Violet POV “What am I if not your family John? You’re closer to me than my own brother, my blood. I cried for you, prayed and begged that you’d be safe. We tried finding out where you were, but they wouldn’t tell us anything” I argue “Because you’re not family” he says and I grip his face leaning in “If you say that one more time, I’ll kick your ass” I threaten and he chuckles “Like to see you try” “Don’t push me Gigantor. The bigger they are, the harder they fall” “Oh yeah, you and who?” “Us” Dean, Duncan and Killian says in unison and John stand abruptly, wiping his face. Dean switches on the light and he looks at John, determination on his face “You heard that?” John asks straightening up, squaring his shoulders “We heard enough. And she’s right, you are family” Duncan says stepping in next to Dean “I always wanted a brother, sisters are boring” Killian says and my heart is bursting with pride and joy “We’re all orphans John” Dean says and he nods toward Duncan “Lots his whole family in a Vampire attack” he points at his chest “My mom died when I was a kid, my dad followed a few years later” he nods to Killian and I “You know their story. But we have each other” he says “My sister is a hunter too. What we do is dangerous, same as you. I know Violet never says anything but I see the fear in her eyes when I tell her I got a job. The thing is John, you weren’t there to see her when she read the note” he states “I’ve never seen her so broken and scared like she was that day I handed her the note” Killian says and John looks back at me, his expression giving away his feelings. Pain and regret “Family is not always blood, its love and compassion. Understanding and tolerance for your bullshit. It’s when s**t like this happens, the people who stay and get up at ungodly hours of the night to sit with you, help you and support you, that’s family. Your unit is your family, but so are we” Dean says and John nods “That woman right there, she’s our glue. She’s the one that keeps us all in check and together. Have I seen her fall apart before, sure, but who doesn’t? We all have our demons John, we deal in our own way. But don’t you ever hurt her like that again” Dean’s voice now low “I didn’t mean to” he says kneeling down in front of me “I know donkey brain” “Dragons breath” “Shoe fly” “Swamp gator” “Okay that’s enough. You get it?” Killian asks John and he nods, but looks down like he’s embarrassed “Yes sir” he says and they turn to leave “Good night big guy, rest up we have a lot to do tomorrow” Killian says and leaves “Hey man, if you ever wanna talk, I’m here” Duncan says before leaving out the door “I’ll be right in love” Dean says and I nod giving John a hug and leaving quietly without a word. Should I leave them alone, I don’t know, maybe this is a bad idea maybe not. I’m horrified with what he told me, but relieved at the same time. He got it off his chest, I just hope he is getting professional help. I wonder if they will force you to get help? Jess will know. I think crawling in bed   John POV “Contact!” I hear the commanding officer yell in my ears and then there’s chaos. Dust and explosions going off all around us while bullets whoosh past our heads. I duck for cover trying to figure out where the enemy fire is coming from. I spot one of the rescued POW’s lying face down in the sand and I grab him behind his collar and drag his limp body to cover. A movement draws my attention and I point my rifle pulling the trigger, killing him. The ringing in my ears drowns out the anarchy around me. My heartbeat is racing, my breathing is heavy, my hands are sweating making the rifle slip but I grip it tighter. The sweat and dust burning my eyes but I don’t stop. I point my rifle at another attacker and fire. Click. I look at the rifle slamming my palm hard against the magazine. Click. s**t! I look up and the attacker’s gun is pointed at my face. BANG! “No!” I scream sitting up, soaked in sweat breathing hard “Just a dream hon” Jess’s steady soft voice speaks up and I glance to the side. She’s sitting with a pregnancy magazine open on her lap looking calm “Jess, what are you doing here?” I ask rubbing my face “Making sure you’re doing alright darlin’” she says with a soft smile “Thanks, I’m fine” I say and she hums “Uh-huh. Listen sugar, y’all might wanna take the corps up on their offer for help” she says and I pale “Who told you?” “No-one, I grew up in a military family hon. I know how y’all think” she says sitting back “It’s fine, I’ll be okay” “I can’t tell ya what to do. But think about it, this won’t get better. Seen it happen a million times” she says and I frown “I work in a military hospital” rises to her feet and gives me a salute, I jump to attention “Major Jessica Reed Wilson” she says in a very familiar tone I salute “Lance Corporal John Anderson at your service Major” I answer, robotic and coordinated like I’ve been taught “At ease Lance Corporal Anderson” she says tucking her hand behind her back and I stand at ease “You sure did look good in that uniform John” she says with a sly smile “Thank you ma’am” I say looking straight ahead “John relax, we were friends before this hon” she says and I exhale “As you wish” I say, she walks around me rubbing her baby bump “You were injured there” she says and I nod “Shot?” “Yes and…” I trail off and she stops in front of me “And?” “Some shrapnel from the exploding HMMWV” I say and she nods, gesturing for me to show her “Turn Anderson” she instructs “Now Lance Corporal” her voice full of authority. I can’t deny a higher ranking officer, although she’s not a marine. I turn around and lift my shirt, she pulls my shorts down a little to get a better view and hums “Blowed up?” “Yes ma’am” “You were out for?” “Four weeks” “Just four?” I turn back to her confused face “Yes, I’m a fast healer” “You passed the physical?” “Yes ma’am” “And the others?” “Yes ma’am” “Good man. Now dealing with PTSD is not easy. I’m not a psychologist by any means, but you pick up some in my line of work. I would advise you to take up the program” she says and I nod “I’ll be fine” I say and she scoffs “Sit down” she says and I do, plopping down on the bed “Tell me about a typical day since you came back” she says and I sigh “Get up, train, eat, train, eat, sleep” I say “And here?” “Sleep mostly” “Yeah, thought so. You feel alone even when you’re with us?” I nod “You think none of us will understand, not being Marines?” I nod again “You feel better knowing I’m enlisted?” “Yes ma’am” “I did my first tour 4 years ago. Thank God I never experienced contact, but I treated those who did. John, you aren’t alone. No-one will think you weak if you get help, you’ve experienced a bunch of trauma, you still have not regained your memories?” “No ma’am” “You see, this will be good. I won’t force or bug ya again about it. As a friend, just think about it” she says in her caring voice and I nod “Okay. But please don’t say anything” “Oh sugar, they know more than you give them credit for. Vi researched everything she could about the Marines, my uncle told her the pro’s and con’s of the military. She prepared for this, she loves ya to the moon and back hon” she says and my heart swells with pride and love “Yeah, I love her too” I say and Jess smiles “Dean also had a heart to heart with me last night” “I heard, are you okay with him giving you advice?” “Yeah I guess. He’s an okay guy, and he makes her happy. She is happy?” “I reckon she’s happier than ol' Blue layin' on the porch chewin' on a big ol' catfish head” she says smiling and I chuckle “That’s really happy I guess” “Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! He understands proper language!” she says laughing and we stand up “Thanks Jess, we have a Texan in our unit. He taught me some Southern lingo” I say smiling and she steps closer “Give me some sugar” she says and I hug her, not too tightly the baby is still small “Now let’s get y’all fed. You’re skinnier than a stray possum” she says and I laugh following her out the door. “Hey y’all! Look at what I found!” she announces to the others as we walk inside the house, they all turn smiling at me. I see the pity, I hate it “I’m fixin’ John som’thin’ to eat. Y’all good?” and they all nod “C’mon Tank, let’s get ya fed” I spin around as she gives me an innocent smile “Tank?” Violet speaks up sitting down next to me “Yeah, didn’t he tell you? They call ‘em Tank” Jess says while making the biggest sandwich I’ve ever seen “How did you know that?” “It’s literally on you silly” she says and I nod “Where? Let me see” Violet says looking at me expectantly “Thanks Major” I say sarcastically and Jess laughs continuing with her task. I take off my shirt and turn my torso to Violet “Semper Fidelis” she reads tracing the words “M1A2? What’s that?” “It’s the M1A2 Abrams, our best tank” I say and she smiles “So Tank, you feeling better?” “Yup” “Why do they call you Tank?” she asks as I pull my shirt back on “I was the best in our training squad” “That’s awesome John” “It wasn’t that hard” Jess scoffs “It’s torture. Don’t downplay your achievements” she says placing the massive sandwich in front of me “Thanks Major” I say and she scowls “Stop calling me Major. We’re not at work” she says leaving to join Duncan on the couch “Are they bad?” Violet asks in a quiet voice, her ocean blue eyes searching mine “Yes” “I know the feeling. Just get some help okay?” “Okay” “And tell us what we can do to help. We’re here for you” she says placing her hand on my arm “Thank you” I say and she leaves me to eat in peace. I will find out how it works when I get to base, I can’t live like this but I’m starting OCS when I get back. She’ll be happy to know I’m going for Officer ranks, they don’t get deployed as much. An hour later we’re sitting in the backyard building Blaire a dollhouse “Oooh daddy it looks so pretty!” she says clapping her little hands jumping up and down “We’re not done yet princess” I say and she gives me a hug “I know uncle John, but it’s so pretty!” we laugh at her excitement as we continue gluing the pieces together. This is nice, spending time with good friends, doing something for the little angel “You got him wrapped around your finger Blaire” Violet says handing us a beer, I place mine down and continue working “Not thirsty?” “Not yet” “Liar” “I’m not” “Liar” “Nagger” “Urgh, pain the ass” she says walking away and Killian laughs “I haven’t seen her this happy in months. You better now?” he asks as the kids join the rest for refreshments “I don’t know. I just don’t want to think about it” “Cool. In your own time” he says and continues with his work. I feel like I’m being coddled but at the same time I appreciate the fact that they all care so much. Jess threw me for a loop, never knew she was in the army. “I’m going to OCS when I get back to base” I say and he looks up “OCS, that’s good right?” I chuckle and nod “Officer Candidate School, yeah it’s good” “Wow, that’s amazing man. I’m proud of you John” he says and for some strange reason that simple statement makes me feel elated. Like I’ve always wanted someone to be proud of me, of what I did. I smile carrying on with the task at hand. A few hours later we place the dollhouse in the garage for the paint to dry “There all done” Killian says stepping back and inspecting our work “Thanks man, we make a good team” he says and I nod “Yup” then Josh calls out “Dad!” he calls sounding a little panicked. We quickly make our way to where he’s standing and pointing to a hedge “What son?” “A snake, it went under there” he says still pointing and I crouch down. I see it slithering and reach my hand out to grab it “No! What if it’s poisonous?” Josh says and I chuckle looking up at him “We’ll see if it’s venomous in a moment” I say winking at him and quickly grab the snake. It strikes but as I pull my hand back, the little snake coils around my hand biting fiercely at my finger “Whoa! Dad did you see that? John is real fast” he says and I inspect the little snake “Yeah, don’t you get any ideas” Killian says in a strict voice “Corn snake, totally harmless” I say playing with the snake in my hands “Just get rid of it” Killian says and shivers “Okay, come on Josh” I say and we walk toward the open field “Josh don’t touch it!” Killian calls out and Josh rolls his eyes “Whatever dad!” he says over his shoulder and I chuckle. I glance back at Killian, then my eyes fall on a shiny black muscle car parked in front of the garage and I have the most excellent idea “Hey you wanna pull a prank on Dean?” I whisper and he nods smiling “Hell yeah” Josh smirks and I bend down as we reach the edge of the field “Okay so here’s what we do” I give him a run down on the plan and he nods before bolting back to the house. Killian enters behind him and I casually make my way back. I place the little snake in the car and hide behind the wall waiting for my partner to come back “No Dean really, come look” I hear his voice and smile. Wait for it
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