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The unforgiving sunlight reflected brightly on the million grains of white sand that surrounded them and mercilessly stabbed their eyes as they difficultly advanced though the desert dunes with swollen feet and thirsty throats, leaving an ephemeral trail of peculiar footsteps behind. -Hey Axe, are you sure that you don´t want to reconsider your claim that Rhoan is here simply because it suits him the most? – Skhana urged her brother in a sardonic tone – I mean, this has to be, hands down, the worst place in the world, and he is still following us! The blue-haired youngster stole a furtive glance towards the large feline that cautiously meandered a short distance away from him, with thick pieces of leather sheltering its paws from the searing heat, and repressed the nostalgic smirk that threatened to creep up his cheeks. -Not really – He sighed. Vigorously shaking his head and promptly casting away the hopeful idea planted by his sister in his brain – I´ve told you. He is not going to go anywhere as long as you keep feeding him scraps… So, maybe don´t do it next time? -Oh, for the Gods´ sake! You said it yourself… I´ve been feeding mere crumbs to a gigantic cat! – The girl exasperatedly exclaimed – It is not like we´ve had a lot of those to spare lately, and I doubt that they were ever enough to make him stay around, let alone to be the reason that has kept him walking through this living hell for so long. So, why is it so hard for you to accept the fact that he´s been following you from the start? -It is not – Axe grunted – I know he has. But the point here is that he is a wild animal, Sis, he is free to leave whenever he is ready, and he will… Eventually. So, I don´t want you to get too attached. -Me? Ha! What about you, uh? – Skhana scoffed with incredulity, nodding intently at the feline´s covered paws – You were the one who put Rhoan in those adorable makeshift boots, not me! -Ugh! – Akoh groaned, visibly annoyed despite the mask – You are both a pair of helpless softies, and thanks to you, we are now stuck in the middle of this forsaken place with no supplies and a hungry beast! So, I don´t know which is worse, slowly dehydrating to death or being eaten by that thing, but I´d gladly choose any of those demises over listening to your incessant bickering! -Shut up! All of you! – The Xoltunian princess shouted. Stomping her way past them and leaving the three of them standing among the cloud of fine dust she had raised – Nobody is dying yet… Unfortunately. Don´t you see it? We´re already there! -Already where? – Skhana mumbled, squinting her eyes and staring at the arid landscape surrounding them in bewilderment. -Cahen! – Phomeryka cheerfully announced as she climbed the peak of a large dune and excitedly pointed a finger below with a prideful smile. Feeling slightly unconvinced but deeply intrigued by that statement, the rest of the group would then gingerly drag their feet to her standing point, and they would all gasp in simultaneous awe when they reached the place, and all of a sudden, a huge, prolific city appeared before their astonished eyes indeed. The atmosphere was beyond tense as the disheveled quartet and their animal companion silently stood in front of the equally speechless Cahenean captain, whose broad eyes kept scanning them back and forth in utter shock for what seemed like hours before he finally spoke. -Phomeryka, sweetie? – He hoarsely murmured with a strangely fearful voice – What the hell are you doing here, kid? Where´s your mother? Did you come to Cahen on your own? -Of course not, Father – The Princess condescendingly sneered, rolling her eyes and pointing at her fellow travelers – Have you gone blind? I´ve got plenty of company! -I see – Phomtek audibly gulped down, nodding at the blue-haired man with evident suspicion – Is that…? -My lover! – Phomeryka nonchalantly blurted out, playfully smirking at the soldier while patting Axe on the back. But then she busted out laughing when she saw the petrified expressions of the two baffled men. – Oh Gods! You should look at your faces, guys! – The girl animatedly cackled, grabbing the side of her stomach and tearily staring at them alternately – Nah, obviously I´m just kidding, dad! He is not… She heartily chuckled. Winking at her progenitor and slowly catching her breath – At least not yet… So, keep that saber sheathed for now, would you, please? -You´re absolutely insane – Axe mumbled at her, stealing a worried glance towards the massive Uplander – I didn´t know you hated me so much that you wanted me dead! Inhaling a long breath, he took a small step forward and respectfully bowed his head. -Good day, Sir, my name is Axe – He greeted the Cahenean officer with a gentle smile – I don´t know if you remember me, but I… -I know exactly who you are, Axe – Phomtek sharply interrupted him, dismissively waving a hand – What still eludes me completely is what the hell are you all doing so far away from home? Do your parents know? He paused, directing his attention to his daughter, and raising an inquisitive eyebrow – Does your mom? -Not really – Phomeryka carelessly shrugged off – But if she wasn´t going to let you visit for my birthday this year, then I figured I should come. I didn´t want to spend this day without you, dad… So, this is all her fault for being so unreasonable and headstrong. -Says you! – The Uplander caustically pointed out with a knowing look and a loud laugh, his eyes immediately softening as he rapidly made his way towards her and pulled her into a tight hug – Oh, baby girl, your mother didn´t stop me from coming to see you at all, it was me who told her I couldn´t make it this year! -B-But w-why? – The princess stuttered, blinking in confusion as she clinged to his broad body. -Because the king would be gone. So, someone needed to stay and keep watch just in case, and that´s my job – The bearded man calmly explained – But I was planning to visit Xoltun as soon as he came back from the south. -Then why didn´t she just say that? – She angrily groaned, pushing him slightly away and crossing her arms over her chest. -Well… Hasn´t it occurred to you that maybe she didn´t want to ruin the surprise? – Phomtek suggested. His demeanor changing as his attentions shifted to the two other younglings and the masked man – Now, you haven´t answered my other question yet, why did you drag all these people with you up to this desertic land? -Because, apparently, they think that you can show them the way to Alesh – The Yahurian stated, boredly inspecting his nails for a whole minute before finally tilting his masked face towards the frowning Cahenean man –Hey, don´t look at me like that, Captain! I´m just here to make sure that they stay alive. -So, does your presence mean that Ussi is fine with his children being here then? – The Uplander asked in a tentatively hopeful tone. -Oh, I didn´t say that – The masked warrior simply replied, solemnly shaking his head from side to side. -That´s not good – The Cahenean sighed with palpable concern, letting a long, pensive whistle out. -Don´t worry dad – Phomeryka brightly said, encouragingly rubbing his shoulder up and down – It is not like they know where we are. But her optimistic words would only get a bitter laugh in response from her father as he began escorting the group through a large hall. -Oh, baby girl – He painfully grimaced – They will figure it out, my child! That if they already haven´t by now.
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