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The large tent seemed completely empty when Souna stepped inside and began distractedly rummaging around. Her eyes landing on the fluffy pad with messily scrambled bedding that occupied a third of the improvised room. Lured by the surprisingly inviting and comfortable appearance of it, she had inadvertently sauntered towards it, and her fingers were almost grazing the heavy pile of blankets when Histya´s seductive voice made her stop and instinctively retreat. -Looking for me? – The Xoltunian mockingly whispered in her ear, and Souna mouthed a curse when she slowly turned around and found her standing buck naked in the middle of the dimly lit place. -Yeah, I was – Souna embarrassedly responded. Awkwardly clearing her throat as she gestured at the woman´s perky breasts on display – Would you mind…? -Oh, I would – The other monarch amusedly sniffled. Pointedly parading her athletic body before Souna´s eyes while she turned away from her and poured a little more wine in her glass – Listen, you are the visitor here, honey… So, you don’t get a say in the state of my ass. Now, what do you want? -I wanted to see if you had any idea of where our children could have truly gone – Souna resignedly sighed, restlessly pacing around the tent –Perhaps your daughter left a clue in that note she wrote for you. -Girl, are you having a stroke? – The Xoltunian scoffed. Feigning concern and raising an eyebrow at her – We´ve been on the road for weeks, marching behind those stupid Sigerdeen towards their freezing land because that´s where they went! -No, we just assumed that they did – Souna vehemently retorted – But I´ve started to doubt that they are anywhere near Muhonos or Vihant. -And may I ask why? – Histya skeptically inquired, taking a cautious sip from her drink before lazily plopping on a velvety cushion and leaning her head on her arm. -I don´t know, I just... feel it! – She replied. Her voice rising into a mildly exasperated yell – The more I think about it, the less sense it makes! -Are you f*****g serious? – The Xoltunian barked at her – Do you want us to change course based on a simple hunch? -Well… For your information, my hunches tend to be right – Souna casually informed her – And yes! I believe they´re heading somewhere else, and that your daughter has everything to do with that. -My daughter? – Histya offendedly sneered – My daughter is nothing but a hostage in all this situation that your children had dragged her into! Besides, her note also said that they were heading north. -But the north is a vast place, isn’t it? – Souna fervently insisted – So, why did we just end up assuming they had gone to the boondocks when we had no proof of that? -Didn´t your own sister admit that she was the one who told your son about the Ruhavkians and incidentally pointed him in that direction herself? – The other monarch remarked. -Yes, but only after Phomeryka recounted him some crazy ancient tales – The Lowlander sharply commented – No one knew about those Sapphinx people before your daughter planted those ideas into my boy’s brain, and I´m convinced that she must have said something that somehow made him change his mind and head somewhere else! -There it is again! The delusion! – The Xoltunian cackled – You keep blaming my daughter when your son is a grown man himself. And it is more than clear that he has used his charms to seduce my girl and take her to the Gods know where! -Oh, that girl is no innocent baby either – Souna caustically responded, waving an accusing finger at her – And I don´t know why you seem to disapprove of their mutual attraction so strongly now when you were so eager to match them together a few weeks back! "Let us see what the Goddess brings", didn´t you say that? -I was talking about the Ceremony, you i***t! – Histya furiously cried out, reclining a little bit forward and making her nude breasts violently bounce – You kid is more than welcome to visit anytime, but I never said that I wanted to see Phomeryka settling for only him when she could have plenty of other men! -Says the one who has refused to take any other partner except for that Cahenean lover for a long, long time! You´re such a hypocrite and you know it! – Souna shouted, taking a determined step forward and giving her a sarcastic glance – So, let the poor girl decide! That last sentence would linger between them for a long, ringing second as Histya´s mouth opened in realization as she stared at her with sudden awareness and equal regret in her eyes. -It seems like she already has – She quietly murmured, nodding at her – I think I know where they are. -No! – Najanka exclaimed in complete rage while turning towards her brother and searching for support in his confused face – No, no, no! No way! You are not abandoning us in the middle of our way there! -Nobody is abandoning you – Ussiariah calmly explained. Raising his right arm in the air and boredly rolling his eyes – You´ll still have the entire Yahurian army at your disposal, as well as Xoltun´s archers… Trust me, you´ll be fine. -You promised us that he would be there to lead, Guider – Pithan said, placing a gentle hand on his sister´s shoulder and turning his attention to the masked woman standing aside – Now he´s got this sudden urge to go chasing some spoiled teens and leave us on our own! Why? -On your own? – The Mavaerian King chuckled lightheartedly, staring at the twin with scorn – I can tell you don´t even know what that phrase means! You´ve got Xibu, you´ve got Sehira-Xe, you´ve got my wife and me! And still, somehow you keep whining like we are not enough… You and your twin are truly the only spoiled kids here! -It´s nothing personal, Ishtun – The young queen of Muhonos emotionlessly stated, waving her hand dismissively at him – It´s just we would feel a lot safer if he was there as well, personally handling the strategy for our defense. -Relax! – Souna tiredly sighed, giving her a forced smile – That menace hasn´t even arrived and you´re already freaking out! Furthermore, you´re not even sure if it will ever come at all… So, please, do yourselves a favor and keep calm. We´ll be back before you know it, anyway. -And in the meantime, I am sure the Yahurian army alone is perfectly capable of protecting your shores and keeping them safe until we return– The warrior serenely reminded the Sigerdeen siblings with a reassuring nod – You´ve got much more than that as it is… Don´t you worry about us three. -Oh, those two can leave and stay gone for all I care – Najanka disdainfully muttered, gesturing at the Xoltunian and the Lowlander queens – It is you who we need, Commander! Please stay! -I´m sorry but I can´t –Ussiariah murmured, emphatically shaking his head – I need to see this through first. -Yes, you can! –The woman madly shrieked – Of course you can! Just listen to me, you goddamn Yahun, and f*****g stay! We need you! This isn´t fair! -Well, Your Grace – Ussiariah impassively breathed out. Throwing an arm around his wife and beginning to walk away from the rising tantrum – Too bad sometimes you´ve got to learn how to make the most of the hand you´ve been dealt… And honestly, I would expect that by the time we get to the boondocks, you´ve also learned how to behave.
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