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Souna was distractedly inhaling her husband’s scent as she spun mindlessly around with closed eyes and her chin gently propped on his broad shoulder when the loud sound of Xibu´s voice resonated over the music. -A word, brother? – She heard him say, and she opened her eyes to find him standing by them, with his finger tapping Ussiariah´s arm. -Can it wait? – The warrior asked with a slightly annoyed tone as he held a little tighter to Souna´s waist. -I’m afraid not – The masked man sternly answered, nodding invitingly at the entrance – So, if you could follow me to a more private place, I promise I won’t take long. -Just go, Commander – A lighthearted voice advised after a careless chuckle, and Souna discovered the Argantean King smiling behind them with an extended hand at her – I was just about to ask the Queen for a dance anyway if you would allow it… I promise I will take good care of her in your absence. -You better do – Ussiariah huffed as his sole response. Placing a small kiss on Souna´s temple before reluctantly delivering her hand into Ghroghl´s open palm – I will be right back. Biting her lip, Souna watched as the masked man and her husband walked away and swiftly disappeared into the crowd. Her attention soon shifting to the Argantean´s pale face while she leaned her hand on his shoulder and let him lead her gracefully around the place. -He hates leaving your side, I can tell – The Argantean ruler opined in his heavy foreign accent, while he eyed her blatantly up and down – And who can blame him? I bet it must be quite worth it having you as a weakness… You are exquisite, Your Grace, if you don’t mind me saying that. -I do mind – She frostily answered, grimacing at him – And I’m not his weakness, I am his strength… Our family is. -Where are your kids anyway? – The monarch curiously asked after a silent moment, his palm pressing deliberately against the small of her back as they both danced. -Oh, they must have just gotten bored and bailed out – She simply replied, shaking her head heedlessly from side to side – You know how young people these days are, there are only so many formalities they can withstand. -Well, I would say all formalities went down the drain pretty quick tonight – Ghroghl observed with a raised eyebrow and a forced smirk – Maybe they should have stuck around for a little longer, don’t you think? It’s a pity… They just missed one hell of a show! I bet Axe would have loved that. -I doubt it – She dryly disagreed, staring blankly ahead of him – I don’t believe he would have enjoyed seeing people turn into apes on his special day. -Ah, please! That was nothing but a little turmoil, Your Grace – The blond man said, clicking his tongue dismissively at her – Besides, it’s not even a real party until someone unsheathes a blade… I found it quite… Insightful and entertaining myself. -I’m sorry to hear that you find this land’s conflicts amusing, King Ghroghl – Souna commented, glaring at him. -On the contrary, Your Majesty – The young regent retorted, his green eyes staring piercingly back at her – That is exactly what I came here to say… Because I am terribly concerned. -You are now? – She sneered at him, rolling her eyes and intending to walk away from him only to find her wrist trapped forcefully inside his relentless grip. -You see, I am a sailor – The golden-haired man calmly explained, slowly leaning towards her ear and whispering into it – And as much as I enjoy a good old school match, I can also tell when a storm is about to strike. He paused, closing in on her face even further. So close that she could smell the liquor impregnated in his warm breath. -As you know, there is a lot we have invested in this land throughout the years – He continued saying in a low, purposeful tone –My entire realm’s survival depends on its well-being. So, naturally, I am the first who wants to see it thrive! Because the soil in dispute renders little to no fruit, Queen Souna, and you can surely understand how that would be a very powerful reason for my distress. You have a tempest brewing up here, keep it in check! -Why don’t you get your hands off my wife first? – Ussiariah´s thunderous voice requested as he appeared beside them seemingly from nowhere. -Glad you made it back so soon, Commander! – Ghroghl welcomed him unfazed. Letting Souna´s arm go and tilting his head towards him – I was just telling our beautiful Queen here about how much I value our current alliance, and how upset it would make me if something were to jeopardize the convention we have. -You have nothing to worry about – The warrior proclaimed, gently pulling Souna towards his side and placing an arm protectively around her waist – There is no reason for our contract to come to an end. -Listen, I am not the stupid boy you met in the dungeons all those years ago – The golden-haired man stated. Puffing his chest out and looking decidedly into Ussiariah´s blue eyes – I am no longer that impressionable, nor am I so starstruck by your talents... You can’t just trick me into believing everything you say anymore! -Trick you? – Ussi snickered in disbelief, glowering back at him – I offered you a quite reasonable solution at the time, which I thought that you just said had left you very satisfied… So, why would you recriminate me about that? -You know? When I got back home with a depleted army and my uncle’s mangled corpse, my mother was devastated – Groghl recounted with a lost look and a pained expression – It didn’t matter how many times I assured her that it had not all been for nothing, and that we would finally have a way to survive… Nothing would make her cease her ranting that this was an evil pact. He halted, tiredly massaging the spot between his golden eyebrows and looking upwards with clouded eyes. -In the end, it was too much for her to bear, and I should have known it – He continued saying in a monotone voice – She had already lost a husband, a son and a brother, all because of the thirst that these wicked lands inspired… They found her a week after my return, she’d tied some stones to her clothes and walked right into the ocean. Her body had been washed up by the waves overnight back to the shore. -I’m so sorry- Souna muttered in a remorseful tone, her hand reaching tentatively for his shoulder, but stopping as soon as he violently recoiled from her touch. -Don’t be – He sniffled, his sight darkening as he stared firmly at them both – Just make sure you keep your part of the deal… Knowing that I did the right thing for my people has been the only solace I’ve had all these years, I would hate losing it. -You won’t – Ussiariah assured him – We have all mutually benefited from this relationship so far... It is in our best interest that it remains unaltered, and I will see to that. -I can help – The Argantean offered, his demeanor lightening a bit – I am not my brother, nor am I my uncle… And I don’t share their taste for unnecessary bloodshed. But I come from a nation of raiders, and I see no harm in a bit of intimidation every now and then… Say the word, and I’ll send a troop of my finest men and more guns. These people seem to need a little reminder of what happens when their beloved peace is disturbed. -It is a generous offer – The Commander admitted – And I will take it into consideration. But for now, let me do my job and leave those worries aside. It was almost early morning when Ussi walked into their room to find Souna in her night robe with a severe expression and her arms crossed over her chest. -He is right, you know? – She said, walking up to where he stood and slowly beginning to undo his braid, her fingers running aimlessly through the soft strands of hair – All these petty disagreements could easily snowball into something worse. - And I’m afraid that is not all – Ussi sighed uneasily, grabbing her hand tightly into his and exhaling out a loud breath – We might also have another war looming up north.
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