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A bluish light was barely beginning to seep through the heavy foliage of the coastal trees when Axe scurried out of the fortress and stealthily paced towards the green vegetation surrounding it. He had managed to avoid the myriad of guards posted at the back of the city and climb up the high walls all while wearing his grandfather’s armor and without being detected by any of them. Sighing with determination, he threw the sack containing his few belongings over his shoulder and interned himself deeper into the rain forest while he distractedly went through the next phases of his plan inside his head. -I knew it! – A feminine voice made him jolt in surprise as Skhana´s slender figure suddenly landed before him with a muffled thud from a tall palm tree and a crossbow aimed at his chest – I knew you would try to sneak away the moment I heard those two morons mention that forsaken place! -Skhana… I need to go – Axe bargained in a hushed tone as he tried to calm her down – Please, this is the only way! I need to know where I come from! -So, you are leaving – His sister hissed at him in a reprimanding whisper – You are giving up on everyone and everything you have accomplished here just to go on a farfetched quest to the ends of earth! -I am sorry, I just need to know who I am – Axe sadly mumbled, walking past her and disregarding the weapon pointed at him – I feel like I can't be anything they expect me to be if I don’t figure out that first. -Who you are... You are mom and dad’s son, for the Gods´ sake! – Skhana snarled at him –That’s what you are! What is wrong with you now? -I know, but you don’t understand – He gloomily responded – It is easy for you to say that when you are their true child. You know exactly how and when you came to existence, while I’ve never had that! And there is this constant voice inside my head telling me that I need to find out. -Firstly, that is just gross, Axe – She scolded him, wincing in disgust – Why would you put that image inside my head? Agh! And secondly, tell that stupid voice of yours to shut the f**k up! -I can’t – He resignedly uttered and simply resumed his march, leaving her a few feet behind. -Oh dammit, Axe… This is so going to break their hearts! – Skhana mumbled under her breath as she put her weapon down and started following him with firm steps. -What are you doing? – The blue-haired boy complained, pausing momentarily and turning to face her with irritation – I never said you could come, you need to go back! -If I stay, you will leave me no option than to go and tell dad – She stubbornly responded, closing the distance between them and passing by him – You will have the entire Crimson Army at your tail by dawn… At least this will give us a head start. Now, come on, it’s a long way to Bhertang´s strait. -I am coming with you too, if you don’t mind – Another voice suddenly announced, and the siblings turned to find the Xoltunian princess standing there, fully dressed in her archer attire. -What? No! – Axe protested, his face igniting in a deep shade of red – I am going on a very important mission, and I don’t have the time to babysit two little girls! -I am not a little girl! – The Xoltunian fiercely defended herself – And you could surely use my skills. I followed both of you for a whole mile and neither of you noticed. -What are you even doing here, Phomeryka? -He asked, ignoring her statement - I thought you said you couldn’t help me at all. -I told you, I like going for walks – She shrugged off – And I was wrong... When you said you wanted to go to the palace’s library and investigate, that got me thinking… No offense, but I don’t think something so archaic can be found in any book or scroll that you have lying around here, but it might be in the great Aleshian Library, so what do you think? -Isn’t that just an old myth? – Skhana sneered at her – A secret book collection hidden in the middle of the desert, and guarded by an immortal sorceress sounds like a mere child’s tale to me. -Not according to my father – Phomeryka answered, staring smugly in her direction – He is the most well-grounded person I know, and he swears it is out there. -And who the hell is your father? – Axe skeptically inquired – How would he know anything about an ancient Sand Valley legend anyway? -Because he is an Uplander himself – The Princess casually said – Perhaps you’ve heard of him, he is the Captain of the Cahenean army, and he fought his fair share of battles beside your dad back in the day. -Phomtek? – The blue-haired youngster deduced, twirling his braid pensively – So that makes Teranha your… -Aunt – Phomeryka finished saying – I just met her for the first time today, and she is just as badass as father says! I was hoping to see dad here too, but he didn’t come with King Hethan´s party. I’ve already checked. -Oh! So, that is why you are trying to convince us to head to Sand Valley in the first place – Skhana scoffed – It is not because you believe we might find some answers up there, you just want to see your dad! -I do – The Xoltunian plainly admitted – But I also think that he can point Axe in the right direction. And since you’re already heading north, a minor detour won’t hurt. If Alesh truly exists, maybe this could be his only chance to learn the whole story before he goes diving headfirst into Bhertang´s strait. -I wasn’t planning on diving, I… - Axe started saying, his words getting stuck in his throat when Phomeryka´s warm hand touched his arm, and he forgot what he was about to say next. -Whatever, pretty boy – She mocked him, patting his limb condescendingly a couple of times – You really don’t know how to pick up on sarcasm, do you? So, what’s it gonna be... Are you in? -What about your mother? – Skhana questioned her accusingly – Wouldn’t she be upset if you just got up and left? -Livid! – The Xoltunian nonchalantly responded, brushing a strand of hair away from her face – But it is all her own fault in the end, since she is the one who said I couldn’t see dad for my birthday this year. -When´s that? – The boy demanded to know, his voice intending to sound casual, but still croaking a little bit and betraying his real interest. -When´s what? – Phomeryka said, giving him a purposefully confused look while distractedly picking at her nails. -Your birthday, you silly – Axe sighed impatiently while awkwardly fidgeting with his weirdly damp hands - When's that? -Soon – She cryptically answered, automatically averting her sight – If I hurry, I may even make it to Cahen on time. So, are you coming or what? -You weren’t really out for a walk, were you? – He concluded, gesturing suspiciously at the Princess's clothes and gear, then giving her a knowing nod – You were just trying to march to Cahen all by yourself, is that right? -Maybe – The Princess hesitantly conceded, uncomfortably twisting her wrists – But then I saw you, and I figured that I could use some company, and that you could use my help in exchange. -Is that so? – Axe muttered, intentionally dragging the words and narrowing his eyes, scanning her up and down – How kind. -It is- She defensively puffed out while nervously scratching her arm, then looking up and nodding at him – So, do you want it or not? -All right! – He animatedly exclaimed after giving her a long final stare. Grabbing a woolen cap from his belongings and concealing his blue hair with it while making sure to pull the fabric all the way down to cover his slightly darker eyebrows as well – Off we go then. -Great! – Phomeryka cheered with exaggerated enthusiasm, starting to march after him – We are all officially a bunch of runaways now! -No, I’m not! - Skhana grumpily grunted, rolling her eyes and following them closely behind – I'm just making sure you two don’t get into more trouble than you already are!
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