Chapter3 protest

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3rd POV Initially willing to let the court select his son's new mate without protest, Aries grew impatient as complications arose during the process. However, he understood the potential consequences if he compelled his son to defy the court's decision. As the alpha, their rightful leader, the traditional father-son dynamics no longer applied, and both were well aware of it. Any attempt to interfere, especially in a public manner, could provoke a furious response from his son. Furthermore, the Royal Elder's decision held significant authority in their werewolf society, governing right and wrong, meting out punishment, and holding considerable control over the packs' wealth. Disregarding the court's decision could lead to severe repercussions, from crippling embargoes to imprisonment. Aries contemplated that there would be fewer repercussions if the rejection of this substitute mate stemmed from his son's genuine will, if only that will could be influenced. Observing his son, Aries marveled at Dean's ability to maintain an impassive demeanor. This adept trait likely contributed to his son's effectiveness as a leader. Dean's ability to conceal his thoughts from both adversaries and allies provided a strategic advantage. Since the passing of his mate Chelsea, Dean's capacity to project an emotionless facade had surpassed all expectations, even those of his father—or anyone else, for that matter. Aries found himself surprisingly devoid of sympathy towards his son's circumstances, a fleeting sentiment that soon dissipated. From a young age, Dean had recognized his destined path, viewing Aries not as a nurturing parent but as a tough instructor and guide. In Aries' eyes, the more rigorous his treatment of Dean, the greater his son's achievements and prestige as the alpha. However, Dean perceived the situation differently. He understood that he possessed an innate fiery determination to embody the legendary alpha figure, sculpted by his intrinsic essence rather than conforming to any preconceived notions held by his father or others. To Dean, Aries appeared feeble in his attempts to appropriate credit for Dean's resilience, sagacity, and triumphs. Dean, devoid of vanity, merely acknowledged this reality. Amidst Dean's unflinching stance, the silence shattered not by him but by Aries. Wondering why his father interjected when only Dean should respond, Dean maintained his aloof demeanor, refraining from casting a glance at the young woman slated to be his new mate. "It is my son's prerogative to accept or reject this substitute mate," declared Aries. "My esteemed son, what is your decision?" As all gazes fixated on the composed Dean, Bloom began to discern a few murmurs from the onlookers and a selection of the Royal elders. Initially sensing a rush of heat to her cheeks, Bloom adeptly controlled her emotions, mirroring Dean's emotional concealment. Some audience members transitioned from jeers to cheers, articulating sentiments like, "She is unworthy, a mere stand-in for another!" Conversely, others expressed empathy towards the striking young woman standing before them. Admirations of "What beauty!" and "She exudes allure, the perfect match!" resonated from more sympathetic bystanders. Unperturbed, Bloom remained outwardly unaffected, refusing to grant satisfaction to those seeking a reaction to their words. Meanwhile, Why is he silent? The situation is already dire, and now the spectators feel compelled to share their opinions. Unless Gener lets go of her arm, Bloom is determined to extricate herself. The likelihood of bruises marring her skin is high. It seemed like just this morning when Dean and she were in the bedroom they once shared. Dread crept over her as the moment loomed, unfolding in a more unsettling manner than she had anticipated. Some might view her decisions as imprudent, leaving her home and family behind to venture into the unknown, as though she had a choice in the matter. Gener stands out as one of the most controlling individuals she has encountered. Reflecting on the morning scene, the room appeared as the least inviting space in his lavish home. While furnished with a bed and a modest wardrobe, the rest of the residence exuded opulence and grandeur - a deliberate display of Gener's presumed wealth and status. The recollection of the day Merlyn and she arrived at Gener's residence remains vivid. Bereft and disoriented, their uncle's summons provided a glimmer of hope amidst their desolation. Their interactions with Gener had been scarce. The mystery of his absence during their upbringing lingered. Relegated to the family's black sheep by their father, it is unclear if he and Father shared a common upbringing; their half-sibling relationship is the only surety. The absence of their aunt remains an enigma. Disappearing, possibly even before her birth, the motives behind her departure became clearer with experience under Gener's roof. Speculations within the family about her fate varied - some suggested her demise, while others hinted at an elopement with a werewolf from a distant pack, perpetuating the family's narrative of flight. The unsettling hush persists! Merlyn stands before her, his sculpted features and enthralling light blue eyes ensnaring her gaze. Uncommon in their lineage, blue eyes were deemed by some elders to signify a prophetic calling; a notion that has enveloped her since childhood. Aries' ascendancy as a natural leader was rooted in this belief, reinforced by tales of his resolute bravery and prowess on the battlefield, effortlessly confronting multiple foes simultaneously. Bloom kept pondering all these thoughts - about how esteemed a leader Dean was - while in her room this morning, before Uncle arrived to knock urgently on her door, urging her to leave the house. Perhaps she was not deserving of being the alpha's chosen mate? Why her? She never dwelled on it much when she learned that her sister was the selected one. Her focus was on how devastated Merlyn would be. Merlyn already had a werewolf companion who had imprinted on her, cementing their bond, making any separation short-lived. She used to assist Merlyn in sneaking out of their bedroom window to meet him. Gener remained oblivious - always under the illusion of control over everyone and everything around him. She was content helping her sneak out; she could see the depth of her love. Their parents had forged a successful marriage despite marrying outside their packs' norms until the tragic day they were taken from them. However, their demise had no connection to their inter-pack union. She wished for her sister to uncover the same joy their parents had found in each other. She was still young when they passed, yet vivid memories of her early years, especially with her father, lingered. He perceived something special in her, a quality she was yet to recognize. Enduring life under their uncle's roof felt bleak; perhaps she began living vicariously through her sister's romantic escapades. It was Merlyn who enlightened her about romance, werewolves, and worldly matters after their mother's passing. How she acquired such knowledge remained a mystery, one she didn't probe. Merlyn's guidance was unwavering; she was deemed the more sensible one between them. Family members had always lauded her level-headedness, a trait they traced back to their childhood. She wasn't perturbed by the notion of being labeled less sensible; however, she missed Merlyn dearly. Merlyn also divulged details of their uncle's tumultuous romance in his youth, attributing his demeanor to that experience. She displayed more leniency towards his controlling and reprehensible conduct than Bloom ever did. While he wasn't spurned by his love interest, a rupture occurred when the she-werewolf's father adamantly rejected him, severing all ties. It was his inaugural experience with love. It's challenging to picture their uncle in love, let alone fathom how a tainted romance could cast a shadow over his entire life. No wonder their aunt departed; she likely sensed his lack of genuine affection. He probably treated her as aloofly as he did them. Bloom harbored concerns that his icy facade might one day erupt into unchecked fury, akin to a boiling tea kettle ready to burst.
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