Chapter2 substitute

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Bloom POV I shivered slightly as my uncle, Gener, tightened his grip on my arm and pushed me forward to stand at the center of the Royal Werewolf Court. I could feel the steely-eyed gaze of the court's high leadership piercing me, but I dared not look up. There was no way I was going to let them see how frightened and alone I felt. I was there as a substitute for my sister Merlyn, who had escaped the grip of our uncle before landing in the very position Bloom now found myself in. Even when I had helped my sister to get away, I never expected that I would be the one selected as the mate for the alpha. It was Merlyn whom our royal family had offered to the courts as a substitute mate for the newly widowed Dean, the alpha leader of North-West America's largest werewolf race. I had never actually laid my eyes on him before, but I had heard plenty about him. He was said to be one of the strongest leaders ever known, a fierce warrior who ascended to his position as alpha at a very young age. But that wasn't all I had heard about him. I was also aware of what the women werewolves said about Dean—that when taking werewolf form, he had legs as strong as tree trunks but moved with the agility of an antelope and quickness of a cheetah. He was extremely handsome in either form, and it is said that his beastly scent can make females want him instantly. I was not sure how much of that was true, but as I stole a sideways glimpse in Dean's direction, I had to admit, the mere sight of him stirred something deep within me. Dean stood nonchalantly on the sidelines, with his father by his side. He appeared disconnected from the events around him, his face displaying pure indifference. Not once did he glance in my direction. If he had, he would have seen a beautiful, young she-werewolf with stunning green eyes, naturally full lips, and a mane of long, dark brown hair with golden strands that shimmered like fire in the sunlight. I visibly jumped, startled from my thoughts by the commanding voice of my uncle, Gener, formally introducing me to the court. He declared, "Your honors, I present to you my niece Bloom, a worthy young she-werewolf of noble blood. She is here in place of her sister, who is now a fugitive from the authority of the esteemed Royal Court. Our royal pack offers the beautiful and enchanting Bloom as a gift to the noblest alpha leader of our race, as a token of our gratitude for the many gifts and favors bestowed upon our pack." I couldn't help but roll my eyes, causing my uncle to tighten his grip on my arm and give it a shake, as though to "keep me in line." I knew my reaction was not deemed appropriate behavior. However, Gener's claim that I was being presented as a token of appreciation was absurd. He was fortunate I did not burst into laughter. Everyone, from my uncle to the alpha to the leaders of the court, understood Gener's motives for offering his niece—first Merlyn, and now me—to Dean: he sought power, prestige, and wealth. That was all. Despite my noble blood, Gener had never quite established himself among the elite of our race. I had heard fragments of his past—his affection for a she-werewolf from another pack in his youth, rejected by her father as unworthy. I knew little more and cared even less. All that truly mattered was that I stood before the court and faced my soon-to-be mate. I felt like a lamb led to s*******r, all eyes fixated on me, seemingly in anticipation. But what were they expecting? Should I appear humble, grateful, happy? Or did disdain lurk in their gazes? Was I to bear the brunt of their anger over my sister's abrupt defiance? Perhaps they awaited some physical manifestation of my true noble lineage. At times, I forgot my royal heritage. My sister and I had lived under our uncle's dictatorial rule since childhood, after our parents' untimely passing. Instead of offering solace to two bereaved children adrift in grief, Gener provided only cold indifference. It starkly contrasted with the warmth of our parents' loving home. Gener had made it evident that his motives were solely to inherit our parents' wealth. He stripped us of our rightful possessions and seized our riches, all under the guise of recompense for providing shelter. But even that was not enough, and Gener seemed perpetually consumed by the quest for greater stature and wealth, as if trying to fill an insatiable void that nothing could satisfy. His every waking moment was dedicated to the relentless pursuit of money and power. I had long lost track of his numerous schemes and endeavors to amass more riches, property, and status. He stood as a stark contrast to my beloved late father, a he-werewolf who epitomized kindness and unconditional love for his daughters. The mere thought of my parents brought tears to my eyes. Sensing his grip loosening, Gener tightened his hold on my arm once more, as if fearing I would vanish, like my sister, if he let go. His fingertips dug into my flesh, heightening my discomfort. I remained steadfast in my determination not to reveal a single tear on my cheek—to the court, to my uncle, and certainly not to Dean or his father. Emotions churned within me, threatening to overwhelm. For a moment, I feared I might succumb to sickness or faint. Yet, in moments of vulnerability and weakness, I had always been able to tap into an inner strength, guiding me through the toughest of times. I have made the necessary adjustments in the text. Here is the revised version: With that inner strength, I resolved not to display any sign of weakness outwardly. My focus shifted to the one glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil—I was on the brink of leaving my uncle's oppressive household and escaping my cruel family. I had vowed to seize any opportunity to break free from my uncle's grasp once I reached adulthood. This was my chance. While I was uncertain about what the future held, few scenarios seemed worse than the life I had endured under my uncle's tyrannical rule. Suddenly, I became aware of someone speaking. It was the head of the Royal Elders acknowledging my uncle, much to Gener's delight. The senior elder formally proposed to the court to vote on accepting me as the substitute mate for Dean. Following a formal voting process that seemed excessively elaborate, their recommendation received unanimous approval. Now, it awaited Dean's confirmation to accept the court's decision for me to be his mate. The Royal Elders deemed this to be a mere formality once their choice was made. No one dared challenge the Royal Elders. Instead of affirming the decision, Dean remained silent. Awkward murmurs spread among the elders as seconds—and then minutes—passed by. Aries stood silently, mirroring his son's expressionless demeanor, observing Gener's grand presentation and the Royal Elder's verdict. He now questioned his son's prolonged silence.
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