Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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Siena Davies POV "Not over there, the disco ball should be fixed in the middle," I said. "Sure ma'am," The hotel guy staff replied. I'm arranging my best friends Lisa and Jake's surprise birthday bash. My besties always wished for a disco-themed birthday bash. So, here I'm arranging & instructing the hotel staff. Aunt Laila and my brothers are helping me with the arrangements & inviting guests. I'm just doing my part of the arrangements for the party because after one week I have a performance to do at the neon theatre. For the past two weeks, I'm busy with my rehearsals, work, and arranging the twin's party. I've no time to rest. Just sleeping for three hours, not eating healthy food, I became pale. I have become a busy bee. Czar keeps calling or texting me but I don't respond to it. I'm really pissed at him. He is blackmailing me that he will kill my loved ones If I didn't become his. He is forcing me to be his. Which I don't like at all. I like guys who come and speak to me normally. and try to understand me, be funny, kind, and helpful to others, and many more...but Czar, he is totally different from other guys. He is mysterious and possessive. He doesn't show concern or talk much to people. Always shows a cold facade towards people, His emerald green eyes intimidate me and His touches overpowers my senses. Wait, What am I thinking? Stop thinking Siena, Stop it. You don't deserve him. RING RING My brother Hardin's number appearing on my phone screen. I answered immediately, "Hello Brother," I said. "Hello Sis, how are the arrangements going?" He asked. "Arrangements are going well," I replied. "What about you and Christian?" I asked. "Great. We spoke to one of our close friends who is a popular DJ, he performed in clubs and parties. He and his team will come tomorrow to the venue." Hardin replied. "Sounds, good," I replied. "How are your rehearsals going?" "The rehearsals are going fab," I replied. "Wow, Can't wait to see your performance." He said from the other side of the line. "Hmmm, After ages, I'm going to perform, I'm really happy. This is all because of dad. Without him, you and Christian I don't know what I would do." "Sis, enough with the emotional drama." "Okay, got to meet a friend. I will see you at home." Hardin said. "Okay, bye," I replied and hung the call. I kept my phone in my handbag, stood up, and headed towards the door. The Manager of the 7-star hotel walked in my direction and said, "The decorations will be completed by Saturday. Food and wine tasting will be held tomorrow." "Okay," I said and walked away. I called Aunt Laila, After two rings she answered my call and said, "Hello, dear." "Hello aunt, I called to inform you that tomorrow is food and wine tasting." "Okay, dear, I will be there at tomorrow 1 pm. Thank you for informing and helping me." "Aunt, I should thank you instead." "We are family aunt Laila. so, no formalities between us." "See you, tomorrow aunt." "Bye, dear." Call ended. I was heading to the cafe inside the hotel. When I entered, I saw Czar and a few men seated and discussing something serious. I couldn't hear them because I was sitting in the left corner far away. He didn't even notice me. Thank god. Is he following me? No, why would he follow me? Maybe a coincidence. Impossible, It can't be a coincidence. He followed me. Last time he said to me that he knows all my whereabouts. Excuse me, ma'am. Ma'am, Ma'am, I snapped from my thoughts. Yes, I looked up and saw a waiter standing in front of me. He asked, "What would you like to have?" "I will have a white mocha and hot fudge brownie with vanilla ice cream," I replied while looking into the menu card. "Anything else, ma'am?" "No, that's all. Thank you." The waiter scribbled on his notepad and said, "Your drink and dessert will be here shortly." and walked away. Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I saw Lisa's number appearing on the screen. I answered the call immediately. "Hey girl, what's up?" "On my way home." She replied. "What about you?" "At a cafe." "Oh, Can I join?" OMG! What should I tell her? I can't tell her to come and join me. She cannot come here. I have to come up with some excuse. Huh! Got an idea. "Girl, I'm waiting for my mocha after that I will leave." "OhOk, No problem. See you later." She said in a sad tone and ended the call. What the fudge? She didn't even hear my next sentence. Just ended the call. I called her again, but she didn't answer my call. I know she is angry and sad. I'll make it up to her. Suddenly, I felt someone gaze at me. I turned and saw Czar staring at me. He was wearing casual clothing. Black t-shirt, Dark jeans, and converse. He winked, But I turned and started checking emails on my phone. Ahem Ahem Ahem Someone cleared their throat to get my attention. I looked up and saw those familiar emerald green eyes staring at me. I again looked down and stared at my phone and asked him, "What do you want?" "How are you beautiful? I missed you so much." "Why were you not answering my calls & texts?" "I was busy with work," I replied. "Oh, What work can I know?" "None of your business." "Siena, look at me when I'm talking to you." "No," I said. He tried to move towards me but the waiter came at the right moment. I high-fived myself. Czar groaned in frustration. The waiter placed my drink and dessert on the table and said, "enjoy your drink & dessert ma'am." "Thank you," I replied with a smile. He returned the smile and walked away. "Babe, Can you tell me now what work you had." "Sorry man, I don't speak to strangers." "You're disturbing my privacy." "Wow, babe, this is privacy. Not the other way." "God, you're a feisty little cat. and I'm loving it." He moved near me and whispered in my ear taking my breath away, "babe you're mine whether you like it or not." I controlled my senses and replied, "Okay, fine. you said I'm yours right. What will you do for me?" "Go on a date with me." "Then you will understand me and my love for you, babe." "Okay, text me the venue and time. I will meet you there." "No, babe. I will pick you up." "Czar, I will come. I promise." "Okay," he said while pecking on my lips and walked away. What just happened? Idiot, I mumbled and started drinking my mocha. ----------------------------- I wore my shorts and a black tank top and relaxed on my bed. Suddenly my phone chimed. I took it from my nightstand and saw Czar's text appearing on the phone screen. Hello babe, Meet me at Al Bistro Restaurant at 8 pm. Wear a sexy beautiful dress, sweetheart. Will be waiting for you. Your Lover, Czar. I read the text and texted him back replying, "Okay, Czar." I immediately called Lisa to apologize and tell her about the date with Czar and my plan on insulting him. After two rings, she answered my call, "Hello Lisa?" "Lisa, I'm so sorry. I was really tired and stressed from the rehearsal. I spoke very rudely. I shouldn't have said that to you." "I'm sincerely sorry, girl." "I have forgiven you, bestie," "So, what's up?" "I have to tell you something." "Yes, say it." "I'm going on a date." "What?" "With who?" "Czar." "What the fudge?" "Are you Serious?" "Yes, but from my side, it's not a date. It's revenge." "What have you planned?" "Insulting him." "Siena, don't do it." "What are you saying?" "He forced me to be his. he blackmailed me that he will kill my brother." "Please support me Lisa and come with me." "Okay, I will. But I will watch you from far." "Okay, I will pick you up by 7 pm and hung the call."
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