Chapter 9 (Part 2)

1826 Words
Siena Davies POV After completing my work, I immediately checked the time on my phone and quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for my fake date. I walked to my walk-in closet, My eyes were roaming for the perfect dress. Finally, I got the one. I wore a black lace skater dress with black high heels, jewelry, sprayed some Dior poison cologne, headed to the mirror, and stood in front of it and applied some mascara and black eyeliner making my eyes look smokey. I applied red lipstick and pouted it in the mirror. One last touch-up and looked into the mirror and said myself beautiful and walked towards my nightstand to get my purse, phone, and car keys. I walked downstairs towards the main door where out of nowhere my father stopped me and asked, "Siena, where are you going?" "I'm going out for dinner with Lisa, dad," I replied. "In this attire, you're going." "Yes, dad. why? Is the dress bad?" "No, honey, you look lovely. It seems like you're going on date." Suddenly I coughed, "No, If I'm dating. I will let you know dad." "Okay, enjoy and be at home by 11 pm," Dad said. "Yes, boss," I replied while saluting him. Quickly I walked out the main door and hopped in my car and put the key on the ignition and hit the main road. After 12mins, I reached Lisa's place and called her to come outside. I don't know how I managed to reach her place so fast? She walked out of the main door and hopped in the passenger seat while buckling her seatbelt and we drove to the restaurant. After 45 mins, we reached our destination. Before hopping out, I told Lisa to come after a few minutes. She replied, "Siena, I still think that you should not do it." I replied, "I don't want a further discussion on this. Just do as you're told, girl." Lisa said, "Okay, but be careful and ping me if you're in danger." "Sure," I said and hugged her one last time and hopped out. She also hopped out and leaned against the car as I walked inside the restaurant. The restaurant interiors are breathtaking. The chandeliers are fascinating. The ambiance of the restaurant is silent like an ocean wave. As I entered everyone was staring at me, as if I'm some victoria's secret model. But I was wrong, they were staring at something or someone behind me. As I turned around to look at something or someone, I was frozen in the spot. Czar. He is looking different this time, every time I see him, his possessiveness, anger, dominance shows in front of me. He was a breathtakingly hot, handsome, Russian god. His emerald green eyes are always intimidating. His chiseled jaw, His piercing nose, and his pink lips look tempting. He wore a black Armani suit with black shoes. His familiar Calvin Klein cologne hits my nostrils like a d**g. Wait, what am I even thinking? Siena, focus on the plan. Just focus. Focus, Siena. Siena, Siena, Babe, I snapped from my thoughts. "Huh," I said while looking into his emerald green eyes. "Hello babe, you look stunning," He said and hugged me from the side. "Hello, and thank you, Czar. You look hot." What did I just say? After realizing what I said just now. I closed my mouth immediately with my right hand. "Babe, I heard you, thanks." He replied and chuckled. What has happened to me? Why am I behaving like a lost puppy? This guy will definitely change me and I will fall in love with him. I need to distance myself from him and focus on my plan. Siena, you can do this, Just concentrate. "Shall we go?" I asked him. "Yes, After you." He replied. Suddenly, Czar wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, and whispered in my left ear, "You look ravishing and gorgeous. I want to F**K, no, make love to you right here and now. but it can wait." I was blushing red like a tomato. We both walked and stood in front of the reception desk. "Hello sir and ma'am, How may I help you?" The girl asked. "Reservation under Mr. Pattinson," Czar replied. "Yes, sir, please follow me." How rude of him? He didn't even acknowledge the reception guy. Pathetic and moron Czar. I mumbled myself in my head. We followed the waiter and sat in a private booth in the corner. After we settled down, The waiter came and asked, "Sir and ma'am, what would like to have?" Czar replied, "get me a glass of whiskey on rocks." "Ma'am, What about you?" I replied, "Get me a glass of orange juice." The waiter scribbled it in his notepad and said, "Your order will be here shortly." and walked away. Suddenly, my phone chimed inside my purse. I immediately took out my phone from the use and checked my phone to see Lisa's text appearing on the screen. The text said I entered the restaurant and sitting in the diagonal direction of our booth. I turned around and saw her. I smiled at her and turned away. What a relief. I said myself in my head. "Babe, what are you thinking?" "Nothing much just work stress." I lied while rubbing my hands. I asked, "Let's play 20 questions?" "Babe, teenagers play those kinds of games. by the way, I know everything about you." Czar replied. "But, I want to know everything about you." "Fine, ask." He said while sighing. "What's your favorite color?" "Black." "What's your favorite sport?" "Soccer and Volleyball." Suddenly, The waiter interrupted our talks and placed our drinks, and walked away. "Whose your favorite person?" "My Parents." "How many siblings you have?" "Three older siblings. I'm the youngest." "Best Friend?" "Ron." "First girlfriend?" "You." "What? Are you f**king serious?" "You're my first forever girlfriend. Babe, I don't date, not into relationships. an only one-night stand." "So, you think I'm al..." He cuts me off and replies, "Don't you dare think like that, babe?" "You're different from other women. The women I've slept with are a piece of trash. they want attention, money, and *** from me." "Babe, you're special and MINE." After hearing those words from him, I felt very sad, a bit happy, and my heartbeat erupting like a volcano explosion but, something a part of me is not accepting his words. He thinks women are a piece of trash. All women are not like that. He is totally wrong. He should change his perspective of women. I will make him change. What am I even thinking? I will be leaving him. He and I are different, and poles apart. He shows his innocent side to those who care and love him a lot. but his actions show anger, possessiveness, and protectiveness that scares me. Why doesn't he show his innocent side? Why is he closing all the walls? Here I came to insult him, no, I will not insult him, I will give my explanation and break his heart. "Babe." "Babe." "Siena," I snapped out of my thoughts, "Huh!" I replied. "I got for you something?" He said while taking out a small black velvet box from his jacket pocket and placed it on the table and opened it. OMFG! A diamond ring. The waiter interrupted again and placed a Belgian Chocolate Cake on the table and walked away. I was shocked. "Czar, What's all this?" He knelt down and took out the ring from the box and said, "Siena, the day I saw you in the ice cream parlor, my heartbeat was very fast. Your touch, your soul, your body always craves me. Your kisses are like a d**g to me. When I'm near you, I look different and happy. You're the sunshine to my darkness, You're an angel. Your smile, your laughs are songs to my ears. When you're angry, you look like a very cute kitten. there is much more to tell about you. But I will keep it for our marriage. I promise you that, I will protect you, love you to death, and will be the world's best boyfriend for you. Will you be my girlfriend?" What is happening here? I'm astonished. I don't have words to speak. Siena, Siena, I snapped from my thoughts. "Yes?" I asked. "Siena, Will you be my girlfriend?" "No," I replied. "What did you say, babe?" I said, "NO," "Czar, look I can't be your girlfriend. Because I have my reasons." "What are those reasons, Can I know?" "You and I are from different worlds. You're are the most dangerous mafia leader, and controls most of the parts of Russia and Europe. You kill and scare people. Other side cops are searching for you. You have so many enemies in the city. I can't be with someone who is a murderer. You're bipolar. sometimes, no, all the time, you show your anger towards me, and If I talk to a guy, you show your over possessiveness towards me, and I can't tolerate your arrogance." "I can't be with you who acts like this all the time." "I'm not some submissive, stupid, w***e, mistress, or s**t who can satisfy your needs." "I'm equal to you and a human being." "I want someone who can understand me, love me, care for me, and respect me." "I'm extremely sorry Czar to hurt your feelings, look for someone who can make you happy." "I'm not the right girl for you." "Bye, and don't disturb me and never come back into my life," I said and took my purse and walked away. While heading out I texted Lisa to come near the telephone booth. "Siena, wait, don't leave me." He said pleadingly. "I want you, babe." "Siena babe, please don't leave me." SIENA He yelled my name. I turned around and looked at him one last time who is standing near the cars which are parked in a straight line side path. His hurting face and rage in his red-emerald green eyes made me feel guilty, pain and hurt. I looked away and ran towards my car, hopped in, and drove off to the telephone booth. I was trying to control my tears falling down from my cheeks. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I did all this because I'm scared of loving and losing someone in my life. After I saw my dad living alone and staring at mom's pictures, my heart broke into pieces. That day I decided I will never fall in love, never be in a relationship, and never get married. I stopped at the telephone booth, Lisa, hopped in and drove off to the downtown streets of London. Lisa said, "I saw everything happened in the restaurant between you too." I didn't respond yet. "How are you feeling?" "Hurt," "Why?" "I love him, Lisa."
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