Chapter 7

1385 Words

Chapter 7 Concordia had no opportunity to speak with Mr. Wynderhane after dinner that evening, as the gentlemen, David included, retired to the billiard room with their cigars and brandy snifters. After an hour or so of cards and coffee with the ladies, Concordia pleaded fatigue and made her way back to their cabin. She stirred briefly when David, still smelling faintly of tobacco, returned and snuggled beside her. She smiled in the dark. After breakfast, David returned to his textbooks. Concordia and Charlotte packed a small basket of sweets for Susie—honey sticks, lemon drops, and macaroons that Concordia had bought in town—and set out for the Ambrose place. “We may be too early,” Charlotte warned. “Gwen often goes out with her equipment to catch the morning light.” Concordia glanced

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