Chapter 33

1575 Words

Gabe   Raith was always quiet on this drive, but he was strangely more quiet since storming back to the truck at Diamond Sky. Raith was white knuckling the handle of the door. Gabe attempted to ask him, but Raith just sneered and glared at the road ahead.   Whatever. Hormonal prick.   Cal said she left. She went back home.   Home.   All the messages from Nora or his brother—hell, even James—no one told him she was going home.   Whatever, he deserved it. The disappointment.   “Just so you know,” the prick of a fae beside him decided to speak up after hours of uncomfortable silence. “Your apology sucks ass and that girl won’t forgive you for it.”   “I’m not a word guy, so it’s the best I’ve got.”   “Then do something for her, idiot.”   What the f**k would he know? He’s ne

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