Chapter 32

1255 Words

Raith POV   Gabe was the biggest asshole I’ve ever met. He’s quiet, grumpy, and exactly like his asshole father who I have had the displeasure of meeting a time or four. Seriously, f**k him.   Before Gabe was even born I was thrust into this position to protect my own. For whatever the f**k reason, maybe it’s a curse. I don’t know but I f*****g hate it. The goddess supposedly chose me to be their damn caretaker. Not an Alpha or leader, but just the one to watch over them.   In return, I’ve had this ridiculously long, unnatural youth.   I enjoyed myself at first, even if it was technically not a gift. After a while, this s**t gets old and I’m ready for someone else to take my damn place. My family all loved and died. Friends come and go. Eventually they stop hanging around once they

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