Chapter 25

1091 Words

Gabe   He dropped another demon’s body onto the ground in the streets of this weird ass place they were using as though it wasn’t meant for angels too. They made it into their own little oasis.   He wiped the blood on his hands onto his jeans.    “Where the f**k is Manic at?” he growled. Raith was beside him, helping him as best he could. They had gone by that building in the center, but there was nothing going on there. They were setting up for some ceremony, and Gabe wanted to find Manic before then. He didn’t want to search for him through a crowd.   There was a scuffling sound down one of the alleys close to the one they were at. Raith and Gabe hurried quietly over to where the sound was. Honestly, it sounded similar to a mugging. When Gabe peered around the corner, he could se

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