Chapter 15

2030 Words

Gabe   She hung up.    And then refused to answer again.   Eventually, her phone shut off.   Or, well, maybe.   Nora was able to talk to her, apparently.   The house was strangely quiet without the kids. Alex and Nora spent the day packing. If Anya and Jack could handle the twins, it would make this whole thing that much easier. No snack stops every hour. No bathroom breaks every ten.   “Jack says everything is good so far. Wants to know about keeping them overnight.” Alex put his phone down. “I’m okay with it, if you are. Really, I’m just waiting to get the call that they’re upset and crying for us.”   Nora pursed her lips. “I don’t like this. I feel like I’m putting my responsibility on them.”   Gabe watched them go back and forth over the whole thing. Alex was willing

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