Chapter 14

1005 Words

Katelyn   “I know it’s a shitty situation, but I’m happy to see you,” Kai said, sitting beside Katelyn on their terrace overlooking everything.    Cal did a good job picking out this spot to have their home built. It overlooked all of Diamond Sky as well as Emerald Mountain on the other side.   Katelyn didn’t even want to think about the weird magical water thing in that cave just around the other side.   Kai put her hand on Katelyn’s arm. “I’m just happy to see you home.”   But that’s the thing. It wasn’t home anymore. It used to be.   Her home was wherever he was. Nora and Alex had it right. Home was never the place, it’s always the person.   And Gabe, her home, her person, her whatever the hell he was, didn’t even call her. Didn’t try to come get her.   Nothing.   He j

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