Chapter 27

1036 Words

Nora   She had never been to Heaven before.   To be honest, she thought she might burst in to some sort of abomination-style flames if she ever set foot in the place.   Apparently not.   Alex wasn’t letting her go, and she was starting to feel like the damsel she wasn’t.   In a twisted sort of way, it was really Alex. He needed the comfort right now, and frankly, she did too. So, she let him carry her about for a bit. Cupid showed them around his home. His family home.    Where he grew up.   With his brother.   Costs.   Also known as her father.   Alex was still shaken up about what happened in the District, he wasn’t even paying attention. Cupid didn’t say too much about the home, just pointed out things. It was quite modest, really. There was nothing grand about the h

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