1392 Words

Mia's Pov Mia's mouth fell open at she heard what he said. " A ball? are you fuc-" but she went quiet when Leonardo shot her a glare. " Leonardo why has it have to be a ball, just warning you from earlier I can't dance" she deadpanned. He chuckled " Me either, lets make fool of our selfs together," he said. Mia soon sat back with a sigh that soon turned into a gasp as she looked at the massive mansion. With balconies and white wood. It stood at least seven stories high, with armed men patrolling the Area. Men and women dressed in formal attire, long ball gowns, and tuxes all of them wearing masks. Their car came to a stop, and Leonardo got out of the car and opened the door for Mia. Leonardo held out his hand towards her and she took it as he helped her out of the car. Mia was nervous

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