The morning after alcohol

1351 Words
Lily's eyes fluttered open, squinting against the bright rays of the morning sun streaming through the panoramic windows. She gasped, taking in her surroundings... this was most definitely not the budget hotel room she had rented. She tried to recall how she ended up there. She felt a headache as she tried to think straight. The beautiful colours on the walls, the plush king-sized bed, the vaulted ceilings, the pristine modern furnishings, everything screamed opulent wealth and riches. Then something caught her eyes, it was the glittering diamond ring on her left hand that made Lily's heart stop. She held her hand upwards, staring at it in shock. "What the hell did I do last night? Where am I ?" she croaked out, looking around, cradling her pounding head as flashes came back in fragmented memories. There was much drinking to erase bthe pain of catching Ryan with another woman. Then the unexplainable urge to get back at him, the thought of killing him or putting a ring on her own finger out of anger. And then, the mystery man in the brinoi vanguish she had accosted and all but forced to marry her. "You're finally awake, I see." Lily turned her head toward the deep voice. She felt a sharp pain in her head. There stood the man from last night, leaning against the doorframe in an expensive-looking robe. Her eyes widened as she saw him. "Don't worry, sweetheart, I can have the staff bring you some water and painkillers and probably tea to keep you still " James said in a low, smooth rumble. "The tea will help you with your hangover." "'re...we're..." Lily's eyes widened in panic as it all came crashing back, she bit her lower lips. James chuckled dryly. "Indeed we are dear. I believe the Rev congratulated us as 'Mr. and Mrs. James Watson' last night." he chuckled again. "What the hell!," Lily groaned, burying her face in her hands. This can't happen right, it's a dream. Sure, her last memories involved her drunkenly demanding this total stranger marry her on the spot. But she never imagined he'd actually go through with it, she never imagined it was even real! "I know this is...unorthodox," James started, moving to take a seat on the edge of the bed. "But we're both adults here. We'll figure this out." " Figure this out!... why did you agree with a drunk woman?" she started narrowing her eyes in disbelief. " I'm sorry... I... just..." he took a deep breath. "But sorry to disappoint you, there is actually nothing we can do now" he said. Lily peeked at him warily through her fingers, realization hitting her once more at how insanely wealthy and powerful her new "husband" seemed to be. Just who had she gotten herself tangled up with? "Well, I guess we should start with introductions," James went on, holding out his hand. "While I know you already drunkenly proposed and married me all in one go...perhaps we could do this properly?" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She reluctantly took his hand, giving it a weak shake. "Lily. Lily Walker." " You can call me James" he smiled. "Charmed, Lily," he gave her hand a lingering squeeze before releasing it. "Though I imagine you're hardly feeling that way currently," he laughed. "You think?" Lily snickered, falling back against the pillows. "I basically just wrecked my entire life Damn!". "Don't be so hard on yourself. You were a nonstandard bride, sure, but I did agree to take those vows with you, whether you forced my hand or not". James smirked. Lily felt herself getting flustered under his intense hazel-eyed gaze. The man certainly cut an intimidatingly attractive figure, even rumpled from sleep and wearing that sinfully luxurious robe. He was definitely charming and good with words. Sensing her discomfort, James adjusted to a more businesslike tone. "Look, I don't make a habit of drunk weddings to strangers. Believe me, I have a strict personality, and I'm not the one to play around. But you were in a compromised state and I felt it was best to remove you from that situation. I'm not always like that." "And marrying me off to you was somehow the solution?" Lily replied in disbelief. James shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm a billionaire, Lily. With endless resources. If this temporary arrangement can provide you with a soft landing while you get back on your feet, I'm happy to help. In return, you will be my woman." Lily opened her mouth to protest, but James raised his hand to stop her. "At the very least, let me have my butler bring you some proper clothes and breakfast before you decide if you'd prefer to leave." His expression softened. "No matter what, you're safe here. " Something about the tender glint in his eye made Lily's defenses lower slightly, she felt submissive to this stranger. As if he truly wanted to care for her, despite this madness. Before she could respond, there was a light knock at the door. "Pardon me, sir. But Miss Adams has arrived and is quite...insistent on speaking with you." Lily's brow furrowed in confusion as James pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling impatiently. "Very well then, let her wait for me in the parlor, I will be down shortly. This... is about to become even more complicated..." " Let's go" he urged her. Before she could say a word, he was already at the door. Lily trailed hesitantly behind James down the winding marble staircase, tugging self-consciously at the fancy silk robe he'd loaned her. Even among the mansion's opulent splendor, an impeccably dressed blonde stood out like a sore thumb. She whipped around as they descended the last step, eyes blazing with fury when she spotted the rumpled Lily. "James Watson, what in God's name is the meaning of this?" the woman spat out angrily. James sighed heavily. "Yes, beautiful morning to you too Chloe. Do come in please." He guided Lily swiftly past the seething blonde and into what appeared to be the living room. "I believe some introductions are needed," he began in a soothingly crisp tone. "Lily, this is Chloe Adams. Chloe, this is my wife, Lily Watson."he smiled. Lily felt her stomach drop at those last two words. Wife. She was this billionaire's actual, legally-wedded wife now. Unbelievable. Chloe sputtered in outraged disbelief. "Wife? James, I misheard you right. Because there is no way this..." her eyes raked over Lily's rumpled appearance with scorn, "...waif of a woman could possibly be your wife, James!" "Oh, sorry, hello, well I am". Lily surprised herself by piping up with a weird smile. Something about this Chloe's snide, superior attitude struck a nerve. "We got married last night," she said, flattering her ring. Chloe opened her mouth, then closed it abruptly as the realization hit her. She turned back slowly to James, who simply gave a curt nod of confirmation. "So after all the years our families cultivated this went and married a complete stranger?" Chloe's voice dripped with icy venom. "Good God, James, how could you be so reckless and impulsive?" she said, trying to hold back her tears. "Sorry" Lily whispered. "I appreciate the dire situation this puts you in, Chloe," James' tone remained measured. "But I'm afraid my hands were tied last night. You can either accept the circumstances, or-" "You arrogant ass!," Chloe cut him off, jabbing a perfectly manicured fingernail into his chest. "If you think I'll stand idly while you disrespect me like this...then you have to think again James." With that, she spun on her heel and stormed toward the entrance. "This isn't over, James Watson!" she called out over her shoulder furiously. "And as for you..." Her eyes narrowed to slits as they landed on Lily. "I'll make you regret the day you ever dared to cross me b***h!." Then she was gone, leaving an unsettled silence in the atmosphere. Lily looked over at James, suddenly very aware of what she'd gotten herself into. "Damn!" she said.
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