
1034 Words
Lily couldn't believe it, that the man she had been dating for six years was going to break her heart on their wedding day She was on her way to their venue, when she got a call that her fiancé had been seen in a hotel with another woman. At first, she didn't want to believe it, she wanted to shake the feeling off, but she just couldn't. She decided to go see things for herself. He had called earlier that he would be late because he had important business work to do, but he never said it was going to be in a hotel with another woman. She was stunned when she opened the room and saw her supposed groom on top of another woman. " Ryan!" she called out. "Lily... I can... I can explain" he said, adjusting himself while the other woman tried to cover her face. She stood there shaking and speechless for a minute. " How could you, Ryan, I loved you and this is what I get in return". Tears flowed from her eyes. He tries to reach her, but she hurriedly left the hotel with tears in her eyes. She wanted to be left alone, so she took a cab and went straight to the Standard hotel.She thought about all the things they had been through together, and she just couldn't figure out where she had gone wrong. She took the bottle of champagne that was supposed to be their celebratory drink for her wedding day and now turned her coping mechanism. She stared numbly at the champagne glass in her trembling hand. "How could he do this to me?" she mumbled , tears spilling down her flushed cheeks. Lily downed the last of the bubbling liquor for courage before stumbling out of the hotel room. She staggered into the lobby, her long ivory gown dragging behind her. Lily had no destination in mind, she just needed to get as far away as possible. Her mind was blank, full of hatred and regrets. That's when she spotted the Brioni Vanquish Ii Suit through her fuzzy eyes. It was a sharply dressed, handsome man in the lobby. In her drunken state, Lily had no idea this was James Watson, the city's youngest multi-billionaire real estate mogul. "You!" she pointed an accusatory finger at the dapper stranger. "You're going to marry me right now!" she said with so much audacity. James regarded the drunken, desperate woman with mild confusion. He was supposed to be meeting his bride here, the one his grandmother and parents picked out through their elite matches. "I'm afraid, you have the wrong person madam," James stated plainly, trying to rescue himself from whatever drama this was. "Oh yeah I did right?!" Lily went on, jabbing him in the chest with her finger. "My scumbag fiancé just cheated on me, and you're going to do it right, so you're going to do as I say, OK?!" James realized this was simply a case of mistaken identity for the rumpled, jilted drunk bride-to-be. He ought to politely remove himself before things escalated further. But before he could, Lily grabbed his arm with surprising strength for someone so inebriated. "This is your chance to be a decent human being! You're marrying me tonight, mister! I promise you, you will never regret it!" " Louis! Do something" he called to his best friend and secretary, who just stood there watching and laughing at the whole scene. "What am I supposed to do?" he gave a questioning look. "Ma'am, you're in no condition for this sort of thing," James pulled back, but Lily's grip was vise-like. "It doesn't matter what condition I'm in! Let's go, we're doing this!" She started dragging the flabbergasted billionaire toward the ornate wedding hall nearby while his secretary followed behind in amusement. As they entered the lavish hall, a grey-haired man in ceremonial garb rushed overlooking them concerned. "Mr. Watson, your grandmother explicitly hired me to handle your wedding ceremony this evening. Is...everything all right?" he said, looking at Lily. Before James could protest or extract himself, Lily swayed in front of the minister. "Hi there! We're here to get married - me and this handsome guy!" She threw her arms around James, who sighed in frustration. This woman was completely delusional, a drunken force of nature. But also...strangely enthralling in her audacity. The minister blinked in surprise. "You're... Ms. Adams then, I presume? The bride that was arranged for Mr. Watson?" "Never heard of her!" Lily giggled, barely able to keep upright. "Just call me the new Mrs...?" She looked up at James expectantly. Part of him knew he should put a stop to this nonsense immediately. But another part was morbidly curious about this wild creature of a woman. A break from the gilded, overly regimented life mapped out for him. "Watson. James Watson," he replied with a rakish smile. "And why not? Let's get married, my unexpected bride." " Hold on... you ain't doing this right? " Louis asked and James, enigmatic. "What do you think?" he turned to the man. "Let's do this." "I ain't going to stop you either" Louis raised his hand in surrender while stepping backwards. Lily squealed in delight, throwing her arms around his neck as the minister gestured for them to take their places. As ridiculous as this all was, James had to admit he was intrigued by this firecracker. In the whirlwind of the next hour, there were makeshift vows, signatures on a marriage certificate, and the sealing kiss between the drunken bride and her billionaire groom. Just like that, their outrageous stunt was official. " Louis, take care of Miss Chloe Adams when she comes... I wonder who will come late for their wedding. Meanwhile, I'm going home with my wife" he smiled. "You got it boss!" he said, throwing him a salute. As the newlyweds stumbled out, James pulled Lily close with his firm grip around her waist. "Get ready for the wildest ride of your life, Mrs. Watson," he murmured, wondering just how this rash decision would change everything, and they got into the car and drove to one of his villas.
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