2813 Words

CHAPTER TWELVE What had he done? When Drake finished kissing Chaney, she’d stared up at him with hazel-green eyes full of such wonder and hope he couldn’t breathe. The way she touched his face so lovingly had squeezed his heart like a vise. The flash of hurt and confusion in her gaze now knifed him in the gut. He dragged his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Chaney.” “Sorry?” She pursed her swollen, thoroughly kissed lips. “You’re sorry you kissed me?” Yes. He’d kissed other beautiful women, but none had responded like her, making him feel as if she were the air he needed to breathe. She’d wanted more. Drake, too. Kissing Chaney had been like finding a hidden treasure, one he wanted to keep all to himself. Only the sound of her voice, a murmur of his name, had made him realize how

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