1514 Words

CHAPTER SIX As the tape rolled, Drake sat at the banquet table, enjoying the medieval feast with members of the crew and a few extras hired from the nearby village. The smell of the gourmet cuisine—spices, meat, fresh-baked bread—wafted in the air. Smiles, lighthearted conversation, and laughter surrounded him. The dinner was his favorite kind of shoot. No lines or staging to memorize. Milt’s only direction had been to act like a knight home from war. Drake was happy to do that. All he needed was a willing damsel to ravish. One damsel in particular. He glanced at the opposite end of the table. Not that he planned on ravishing Chaney. The guilt from last night remained. He’d acted like an invader ready to carry her off like a spoil of war instead of a man proposing a pleasant and conse

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