2879 Words

CHAPTER FIVE Chaney stood on the castle’s manicured lawn, her boots sinking into the sodden grass. A touch of foreboding in the air made it easy to forget the crew running around as they prepared for this morning’s first scene. She stared at the castle wall, rising to meet the overcast sky. The ancient stones, battered by weather and war, had remained impenetrable, inviolate, over the centuries. Shivering, she clutched her cup of Earl Grey. She’d forgotten how chilly English mornings could be. Chaney had never been strong like the castle’s wall. She’d crumbled in the past, allowing people to break through her weak defenses and take what had been hers—-a fiancé, a promised job, the dream of a happily ever after. Afterward, she never said a word. Always the quiet one, forever the peaceke

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